在linux(以UBUNTU, CENTOS为例)下安装完成magento时,在进入后台时, 有些童鞋可能会发现有如下的提示:

Your web server is configured incorrectly. As a result, configuration files with sensitive information are accessible from the outside. Please contact your hosting provider.

根据这种提示可以知道是由于服务器的配置文件有问题, 经过查看资料可以发现, 出现这种问题的原因如下:

<Files> sections are processed in the order they appear in the configuration file, after the <Directory> sections and .htaccess files are read, but before <Location> sections. Note that <Files> can be nested inside <Directory> sections to restrict the portion of the filesystem they apply to.

简单地说, <Files>的优先级排在<Directory>和.htaccess之后, 而在<Location>之前;


在centos下, 找到如下的路径: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf   //注: 此为编译安装模式下, 如果是一键安装版本的, 可以找到对应的配置文件然后修改

找到<Directory "/var/www/html">         //这个是网站对应的根目录.

修改AllowOverride None 为 AllowOverride All

保存, 然后重启apache服务器:

service httpd restart


在UBUNTU下, 找到如下的路径: /etc/apache2/sites-available/default,  也要注意检查更新 /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default确保相关内容更新

找到<Directory "/var/www/html">         //这个是网站对应的根目录.

修改AllowOverride None 为 AllowOverride All    ////这个是网站对应的根目录.

保存, 然后重启apache服务器:

service apache2 restart


Your web server is configured incorrectly. As a result, configuration files with sensitive information are accessible from the outside. Please contact your hosting provider.

这个问题解决. 该文章的解决方案借签这篇文章: http://blog.csdn.net/xinhaozheng/article/details/6311482

source: http://www.cnblogs.com/wwufengg/p/web-server-is-configured-incorrectly.html


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