问:epoll 或者 kqueue 的原理是什么?为什么 epoll 和 kqueue 可以用基于事件的方式,单线程的实现并发?我没看过 linux 内核,对这方面一直有疑问……


首先我们来定义流的概念,一个流可以是文件,socket,pipe 等等可以进行I/O操作的内核对象。不管是文件,还是套接字,还是管道,我们都可以把他们看作流。

之后我们来讨论I/O的操作,通过read,我们可以从流中读入数据;通过write,我们可以往流写入数据。现在假定一个情形,我们需要从流中读数据,但是流中还没有数据,(典型的例子为,客户端要从 socket 读入数据,但是服务器还没有把数据传回来),这时候该怎么办?

  • 阻塞。阻塞是个什么概念呢?比如某个时候你在等快递,但是你不知道快递什么时候过来,而且你没有别的事可以干(或者说接下来的事要等快递来了才能做);那么你可以去睡觉了,因为你知道快递把货送来时一定会给你打个电话(假定一定能叫醒你)。
  • 非阻塞轮询。接着上面等快递的例子,如果用忙轮询的方法,那么你需要知道快递员的手机号,然后每分钟给他挂个电话:“你到了没?”




  1. 假设一开始内核缓冲区是空的,B作为读出方,被阻塞着。然后首先A往管道写入,这时候内核缓冲区由空的状态变到非空状态,内核就会产生一个事件告诉B该醒来了,这个事件姑且称之为“缓冲区非空”。
  2. 但是“缓冲区非空”事件通知B后,B却还没有读出数据;且内核许诺了不能把写入管道中的数据丢掉这个时候,A写入的数据会滞留在内核缓冲区中,如果内核也缓冲区满了,B仍未开始读数据,最终内核缓冲区会被填满,这个时候会产生一个I/O事件,告诉进程A,你该等等(阻塞)了,我们把这个事件定义为“缓冲区满”。
  3. 假设后来B终于开始读数据了,于是内核的缓冲区空了出来,这时候内核会告诉A,内核缓冲区有空位了,你可以从长眠中醒来了,继续写数据了,我们把这个事件叫做“缓冲区非满”
  4. 也许事件Y1已经通知了A,但是A也没有数据写入了,而B继续读出数据,知道内核缓冲区空了。这个时候内核就告诉B,你需要阻塞了!,我们把这个时间定为“缓冲区空”。




while true {
for i in stream[]; {
if i has data
read until unavailable

我们只要不停的把所有流从头到尾问一遍,又从头开始。这样就可以处理多个流了,但这样的做法显然不好,因为如果所有的流都没有数据,那么只会白白浪费CPU。这里要补充一点,阻塞模式下,内核对于I/O事件的处理是阻塞或者唤醒,而非阻塞模式下则把I/O事件交给其他对象(后文介绍的 select 以及 epoll)处理甚至直接忽略。


while true {
for i in streams[] {
if i has data
read until unavailable




epoll 可以理解为event poll,不同于忙轮询和无差别轮询,epoll之会把哪个流发生了怎样的I/O事件通知我们。此时我们对这些流的操作都是有意义的。(复杂度降低到了O(k),k为产生I/O事件的流的个数,也有认为O(1)的[原文为O(1),但实际上O(k)更为准确])


  • epoll_create 创建一个epoll对象,一般epollfd = epoll_create()
  • epoll_ctl (epoll_add/epoll_del的合体),往epoll对象中增加/删除某一个流的某一个事件。比如 epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, socket, EPOLLIN);//有缓冲区内有数据时epoll_wait返回,epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, socket, EPOLLOUT);//缓冲区可写入时epoll_wait返回
  • epoll_wait(epollfd,...)等待直到注册的事件发生



while true {
active_stream[] = epoll_wait(epollfd)
for i in active_stream[] {
read or write till unavailable

限于篇幅,我只说这么多,以揭示原理性的东西,至于epoll的使用细节,请参考man和google,实现细节,请参阅linux kernel source。


Epoll 是 Linux 内核在2.5.44版本引进的一个新特性,旨在替换之前系统中老的 select, poll 等系统请求。这是 Linux I/O 系统一次质的飞跃。关于 Epoll 的详细的介绍见 Wikipedia

Epoll 在绝大多数情况下性能都远超 select 或者 poll,但是除了速度之外,三者之间的 CPU 开销,内存消耗情况又怎么样呢?

本文的内容来自 Stackoverflow 上一次精彩的问答,除了比较 poll, select 和 epoll 在性能,系统资源消耗等方面的差异之外,还指出了epoll 在对普通文件支持方面相对于 select/poll 的不足之处(当然,这三者本身都不支持普通文件,只是作者认为 epoll 对这类问题的处理机制不好,这是个见仁见智的事情,不代表作者的观点是正确的)。希望对这个Topic感兴趣的同学能够看完这篇文章,相信能使你对epoll有个更深的了解。


Everything I’ve read and experienced ( Tornado based apps ) leads me to believe that ePoll is a natural replacement for Select and Poll based networking, especially with Twisted. Which makes me paranoid, its pretty rare for a better technique or methodology not to come with a price.

Reading a couple dozen comparisons between epoll and alternatives shows that epoll is clearly the champion for speed and scalability, specifically that it scales in a linear fashion which is fantastic. That said, what about processor and memory utilization, is epoll still the champ?


For very small numbers of sockets (varies depending on your hardware, of course, but we’re talking about something on the order of 10 or fewer), select can beat epoll in memory usage and runtime speed. Of course, for such small numbers of sockets, both mechanisms are so fast that you don’t really care about this difference in the vast majority of cases.

One clarification, though. Both select and epoll scale linearly. A big difference, though, is that the userspace-facing APIs have complexities that are based on different things. The cost of a select call goes roughly with the value of the highest numbered file descriptor you pass it. If you select on a single fd, 100, then that’s roughly twice as expensive as selecting on a single fd, 50. Adding more fds below the highest isn’t quite free, so it’s a little more complicated than this in practice, but this is a good first approximation for most implementations.

The cost of epoll is closer to the number of file descriptors that actually have events on them. If you’re monitoring 200 file descriptors, but only 100 of them have events on them, then you’re (very roughly) only paying for those 100 active file descriptors. This is where epoll tends to offer one of its major advantages over select. If you have a thousand clients that are mostly idle, then when you use select you’re still paying for all one thousand of them. However, with epoll, it’s like you’ve only got a few – you’re only paying for the ones that are active at any given time.

All this means that epoll will lead to less CPU usage for most workloads. As far as memory usage goes, it’s a bit of a toss up. select does manage to represent all the necessary information in a highly compact way (one bit per file descriptor). And the FD_SETSIZE (typically 1024) limitation on how many file descriptors you can use with select means that you’ll never spend more than 128 bytes for each of the three fd sets you can use with select (read, write, exception). Compared to those 384 bytes max, epoll is sort of a pig. Each file descriptor is represented by a multi-byte structure. However, in absolute terms, it’s still not going to use much memory. You can represent a huge number of file descriptors in a few dozen kilobytes (roughly 20k per 1000 file descriptors, I think). And you can also throw in the fact that you have to spend all 384 of those bytes with select if you only want to monitor one file descriptor but its value happens to be 1024, wheras with epoll you’d only spend 20 bytes. Still, all these numbers are pretty small, so it doesn’t make much difference.

And there’s also that other benefit of epoll, which perhaps you’re already aware of, that it is not limited to FD_SETSIZE file descriptors. You can use it to monitor as many file descriptors as you have. And if you only have one file descriptor, but its value is greater than FD_SETSIZE, epoll works with that too, but select does not.

Randomly, I’ve also recently discovered one slight drawback to epoll as compared to select or poll. While none of these three APIs supports normal files (ie, files on a file system), select and poll present this lack of support as reporting such descriptors as always readable and always writeable. This makes them unsuitable for any meaningful kind of non-blocking filesystem I/O, a program which uses select or poll and happens to encounter a file descriptor from the filesystem will at least continue to operate (or if it fails, it won’t be because of select or poll), albeit it perhaps not with the best performance.

On the other hand, epoll will fail fast with an error (EPERM, apparently) when asked to monitor such a file descriptor. Strictly speaking, this is hardly incorrect. It’s merely signalling its lack of support in an explicit way. Normally I would applaud explicit failure conditions, but this one is undocumented (as far as I can tell) and results in a completely broken application, rather than one which merely operates with potentially degraded performance.

In practice, the only place I’ve seen this come up is when interacting with stdio. A user might redirect stdin or stdout from/to a normal file. Whereas previously stdin and stdout would have been a pipe — supported by epoll just fine — it then becomes a normal file and epoll fails loudly, breaking the application


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