Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.


Recently I have spent a great number of time on reviewing some code from my colleague, I find some functions are very simple but work quite well if compared to my own functions, however, some functions are realized in very complex forms, I often have to debug several times to make clear how they work.

And I want to understand the whole project, and then make a through set of unit tests for the code, after that I refactor the code, make it as clear and simple as I can.

If I can realize the same function in a simple way, I think my coding skills will get some considerable improvements.

And suddenly a past interview in HW crossed into my mind, in that interview, a team leader asked me what the quantity of my code is, I failed to give him a precise answer, because I thought sometimes our work can't be measured in lines of program, however, now I think that may make sense, just because a skilled coder must have to write a large number of code.

When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is.


Money is indeed one of the most important things in our life.

In the past tens of years, I have missed several chances to make money, considerable amounts of money, and it seems this will last for the coming years.

Even though there are still things we can't afford, I want to earn more money, at least I want to extricate myself from current poor life.


  1. [转]webpack进阶构建项目(一)
  2. POJ2965
  3. MWeb 1.4 新功能介绍二:静态博客功能增强
  4. Docker-Dockerfile格式
  5. android加固系列—6.仿爱加密等第三方加固平台之动态加载dex防止apk被反编译
  6. CSS 选择器汇总
  7. JS 循环遍历JSON数据
  8. touch 命令
  9. CSS3实战之新增的选择器
  10. EBP的妙用[无法使用ESP定律时]
  11. HealthKit开发教程Swift版:起步
  12. 基于 HTML5 Canvas 的 3D 碰撞检测
  13. web项目启动流程探索
  14. 流API--缩减操作
  15. poj 3693 后缀数组 重复次数最多的连续重复子串
  16. EXTJS4.2 内存中操作表格数据时,删除表格数据,行号不连续解决
  17. dpkg: 处理软件包 xxx (--configure)时出错 解决办法
  18. 【python】数据库
  19. sparkStreaming 与fafka直接方式 进行消费者偏移量的保存如redis 里面 避免代码改变与节点重启后的数据丢失与序列化问题
  20. UE4中Timeline的使用


  1. python学习10-内置函数 迭代 二分法/面向对象初识(转载)
  2. fixed
  3. img,bg
  4. oracle 错误实例分析(ORA-01126)
  5. Maven---pom.xml 详解(转)
  6. mysql 显示树结构表的节点全路径
  7. Enjoy coding
  8. 泛型(Generic)委托
  9. 调用WCF错误-There was no endpoint listening
  10. 02.for循环