require 'rtsp/client'
require 'log_switch'
require 'socket' RTSP::Client.log? # => false
RTSP::Client.log = true
client = "rtsp://" client.server_uri # => #<URI::Generic:0x00000100ba4db0 URL:rtsp://>
client.session_state # => :init
client.cseq # => 1
client.connection.do_capture # => true
client.connection.interleave # => false
client.connection.timeout # => 30
client.capturer.ip_addressing_type # => :unicast
client.capturer.rtp_port # => 6970
client.capturer.capture_file # => #<File:/var/folders/tg/j9jxvvfs4qn9cg4vztzyy2gc0000gp/T/rtp_capture.raw-59901-1l8dgv2>
client.capturer.transport_protocol # => :UDP response = client.options
response.class # => RTSP::Response
response.code # => 200
response.message # => "OK"
client.cseq # => 2 response = client.describe
response.body.class # => SDP::Description
response.content_type # => "application/sdp"
#response.server # => "DSS/5.5 (Build/489.7; Platform/Linux; Release/Darwin; )"
client.aggregate_control_track # => "rtsp://"
client.media_control_tracks # => ["rtsp://"]
client.cseq # => 3 response = client.setup(client.media_control_tracks.first)
response.session[:session_id] # => 7098486223178290313
client.session[:session_id] # => 7098486223178290313
client.cseq # => 4
client.session_state # => :ready response =
response.range # => "npt=now="
response.rtp_info # => "url=rtsp://"
client.session_state # => :playing # Wait while the video streams
sleep 5
client.session_state # => :ready
# # Wait while the video is paused
sleep 2
client.session[:session_id] # => 0
client.session_state # => :init


[root@localhost script]# ruby rtsp.rb
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Sending OPTIONS to rtsp://
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] OPTIONS rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] CSeq: 1
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] User-Agent: RubyRTSP/0.4.5 (Ruby 2.0.0-p648)
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800]
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Received response:
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] RTSP/1.0 200 OK
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] CSeq: 1
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Date: Fri, Mar 31 2017 07:18:17 GMT
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800]
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Sending DESCRIBE to rtsp://
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] DESCRIBE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] CSeq: 2
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] User-Agent: RubyRTSP/0.4.5 (Ruby 2.0.0-p648)
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Accept: application/sdp
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800]
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Received response:
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] RTSP/1.0 200 OK
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] CSeq: 2
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Date: Fri, Mar 31 2017 07:18:17 GMT
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Content-Base: rtsp://
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Content-Type: application/sdp
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Content-Length: 615
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800]
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] v=0
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] o=- 1489133093616171 1 IN IP4
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] s=RTSP/RTP stream from IPNC
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] i=H264
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] t=0 0
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] a=tool:LIVE555 Streaming Media v2014.09.11
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] a=type:broadcast
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] a=control:*
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] a=range:npt=0-
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] a=x-qt-text-nam:RTSP/RTP stream from IPNC
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] a=x-qt-text-inf:H264
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] m=video 0 RTP/AVP 96
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] c=IN IP4
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] b=AS:12000
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] a=rtpmap:96 H264/90000
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] a=fmtp:96 packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=640032;sprop-parameter-sets=J2QAMq2EBUViuKxUcQgKisVxWKjiECSFITk8nyfk/k/J8nm5s00IEkKQnJ5Pk/J/J+T5PNzZphcqAeAIn5ZsgAAB9AAA6mBwAAAPQkAAAPQkBe91hAAAAAE=,KP4Brg==
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] a=control:track1
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 0
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] c=IN IP4
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] b=AS:64
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] a=control:track2
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Sending SETUP to rtsp://
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] CSeq: 3
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] User-Agent: RubyRTSP/0.4.5 (Ruby 2.0.0-p648)
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Transport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=6970-6971
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800]
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Received response:
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] RTSP/1.0 200 OK
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] CSeq: 3
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Date: Fri, Mar 31 2017 07:18:17 GMT
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Transport: RTP/AVP;unicast;destination=;source=;client_port=6970-6971;server_port=6970-6971
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Session: 2A4A2DAF;timeout=65
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800]
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Sending PLAY to rtsp://
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] PLAY rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] CSeq: 4
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] User-Agent: RubyRTSP/0.4.5 (Ruby 2.0.0-p648)
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Session: 2A4A2DAF
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Range: npt=0.000-
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800]
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Received response:
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] RTSP/1.0 200 OK
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] CSeq: 4
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Date: Fri, Mar 31 2017 07:18:17 GMT
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Range: npt=0.000-
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Session: 2A4A2DAF
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] RTP-Info: url=rtsp://;seq=5877;rtptime=3937889106,url=rtsp://;seq=0;rtptime=0
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800]
[2017-03-31 15:17:49 +0800] Capturing RTP data on port 6970
[2017-03-31 15:17:54 +0800] Sending PAUSE to rtsp://
[2017-03-31 15:17:54 +0800] PAUSE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
[2017-03-31 15:17:54 +0800] CSeq: 5
[2017-03-31 15:17:54 +0800] User-Agent: RubyRTSP/0.4.5 (Ruby 2.0.0-p648)
[2017-03-31 15:17:54 +0800] Session: 2A4A2DAF
[2017-03-31 15:17:54 +0800]
[2017-03-31 15:17:54 +0800] Received response:
[2017-03-31 15:17:54 +0800] RTSP/1.0 200 OK
[2017-03-31 15:17:54 +0800] CSeq: 5
[2017-03-31 15:17:54 +0800] Date: Fri, Mar 31 2017 07:18:22 GMT
[2017-03-31 15:17:54 +0800] Session: 2A4A2DAF
[2017-03-31 15:17:54 +0800]
[2017-03-31 15:17:56 +0800] Sending TEARDOWN to rtsp://
[2017-03-31 15:17:56 +0800] TEARDOWN rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
[2017-03-31 15:17:56 +0800] CSeq: 6
[2017-03-31 15:17:56 +0800] User-Agent: RubyRTSP/0.4.5 (Ruby 2.0.0-p648)
[2017-03-31 15:17:56 +0800] Session: 2A4A2DAF
[2017-03-31 15:17:56 +0800]
[2017-03-31 15:17:57 +0800] Received response:
[2017-03-31 15:17:57 +0800] RTSP/1.0 200 OK
[2017-03-31 15:17:57 +0800] CSeq: 6
[2017-03-31 15:17:57 +0800] Date: Fri, Mar 31 2017 07:18:25 GMT



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