"orderNo": "",
"time": "2016-09-09 12:23:33",
"orderStatus": "",
"freeShipping": true,
"fullCut": ,
"originalCost": ,
"actualPayment": ,
"goods": [
"UserId": "",
"GoodsId": "",
"Total": ,
"Number": ,
"ConCcoin": ,
"PayMode": "支付宝",
"Price": "20.00",
"goodsImg": "UpLoadImg/GoodsImage/546fda6d-8417-4b8f-bac6-3084dca420a9.jpg",
"shopname": "两颗牙",
"goodsTitle": "周村烧饼",
"manmoney": "",
"jianmoney": "",
"jianyoufei": ""
"UserId": "",
"GoodsId": "",
"Total": ,
"Number": ,
"ConCcoin": ,
"PayMode": "支付宝",
"Price": "60.00",
"goodsImg": "UpLoadImg/GoodsImage/931be419-e9d3-4dae-ae93-5af619c217d9.jpg",
"shopname": "两颗牙",
"goodsTitle": "山东特产山东大枣1000g",
"manmoney": "",
"jianmoney": "",
"jianyoufei": ""


 var json = "[{\"orderNo\": \"3213123123123\",\"time\": \"2016-09-09 12:23:33\",\"orderStatus\":\"1\", \"freeShipping\": true, \"fullCut\": 20,\"originalCost\": 340, \"actualPayment\": 320,\"goods\": [";
json += " {\"UserId\": \"5\",\"GoodsId\": \"8\", \"Total\": 40, \"Number\": 2, \"Price\": \"20.00\", \"shopname\": \"两颗牙\", \"manmoney\": \"200\", \"jianmoney\": \"0\",\"jianyoufei\": \"10\"},";
json += " {\"UserId\": \"5\",\"GoodsId\": \"7\", \"Total\": 60, \"Number\": 1, \"Price\": \"60.00\",\"shopname\": \"两颗牙\", \"manmoney\": \"200\", \"jianmoney\": \"0\",\"jianyoufei\": \"10\"},"; json += " ]} ]"; OrderDetails[] datas = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<OrderDetails[]>(json);
List<OrderDetailsInsert> insert = new List<OrderDetailsInsert>();
foreach (OrderDetails data in datas)
var shopname = string.Empty;//判断是否同一个商家
foreach (var item in data.goods)
OrderDetailsInsert getinfo = new OrderDetailsInsert();
getinfo.orderno = data.orderno;
getinfo.time = data.time;
getinfo.orderStatus = data.orderStatus;
getinfo.actualPayment = data.actualPayment;
getinfo.orderno = data.orderno;
if (data.freeShipping == true)
getinfo.Remark = "此商品符合包邮条件及满" + item.manmoney + "减" + data.fullCut + "条件:订单总金额:" + data.originalCost + "符合满减条件减去:" + data.fullCut + "实际付款金额:" + data.actualPayment;
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.fullCut.ToString()) && data.fullCut != )
getinfo.Remark = "此商品符合满" + item.manmoney + "减" + data.fullCut + "条件:订单总金额:" + data.originalCost + "符合满减条件减去:" + data.fullCut + "实际付款金额:" + data.actualPayment;
getinfo.Remark = "订单实际付款金额:" + data.actualPayment;
getinfo.GoodsId = item.GoodsId;
getinfo.Total = item.Total;
getinfo.Number = item.Number;
getinfo.Price = item.Price;


 public class OrderDetailsInsert
public string orderno { get; set; }
public DateTime time { get; set; }
public char orderStatus { get; set; } public Decimal actualPayment { get; set; } public int GoodsId { get; set; }
public string Total { get; set; }
public int Number { get; set; }
public string Price { get; set; }
public string Remark { get; set; }
} public class OrderDetails
public string orderno { get; set; }
public DateTime time { get; set; }
public char orderStatus { get; set; }
public bool freeShipping { get; set; }
public Decimal fullCut { get; set; }
public Decimal originalCost { get; set; }
public Decimal actualPayment { get; set; } public GoodsInfoList[] goods { get; set; } } public class GoodsInfoList
public int UserId { get; set; }
public int GoodsId { get; set; }
public string Total { get; set; }
public int Number { get; set; }
public string Price { get; set; }
public string shopname { get; set; }
public string manmoney { get; set; } }







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