2014-04-25 19:42




 // 13.3 How does virtual function works in C++?
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; class A {
}; class B {
void f() {cout << "class B" << endl;};
}; class C {
}; class D {
virtual void f() {
cout << "class D" << endl;
}; class E: public D {
void f() {
cout << "class E" << endl;
}; int main()
D *ptr = new E();
D d;
E e;
unsigned ui; cout << sizeof(A) << endl;
cout << sizeof(B) << endl;
cout << sizeof(C) << endl;
cout << sizeof(D) << endl;
cout << sizeof(E) << endl;
// The result is 1 1 1 4 4 on Visual Studio 2012.
// class with no data member have to occupy 1 byte, so as to have an address.
// class with virtual functions need a pointer to the virtual function table.
printf("The address of d is %p.\n", &d);
printf("The address of e is %p.\n", &e);
printf("The address of d.f is %p.\n", (&D::f));
printf("The address of e.f is %p.\n", (&E::f)); memcpy(&ui, &d, );
printf("d = %X\n", ui);
memcpy(&ui, &e, );
printf("e = %X\n", ui);
memcpy(&ui, ptr, );
printf("*ptr = %X\n", ui); return ;


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