1. Introduction.

1.1 Managed structures that contain strings are a
common sight. The trouble is that managed strings are non-blittable. This means
that they do not have a single common representation in the unmanaged world.
However, there are several standardized representations that are recognized by
the CLR.

1.2 A managed string is also a referenced type
which means that it cannot be a directly embedded as part of the memory
block of its containing structure. Contrast this with a value
type (e.g. integer) which can be directly part of a containing

1.3 As such, a managed structure which contains string
members cannot be directly passed to an unmanaged function. It needs to be
transformed into an unmanaged representation that can be used by unmanaged code.
This transformation is what makes a managed string accessible and consumable by
unmanaged code. It is also part of the interop marshaling process and is the
topic of this series of blogs.

2. Unmanaged
String Representations.

2.1 Unmanaged strings can be represented in many
different ways. Each unmanaged language can have its own internal

2.2 The C/C++ language has its own rather famous
NULL-terminated character array. A Pascal string intrinsically contains its
length as a prefix (similar to a BSTR). Other languages may have their
own internal representations. A string need not even be
internally organized as an array.

2.3 Because of the diversity of string representations
in the unmanaged world, the Interop Marshaler can only standardize on a few to
represent a string contained within an unmanaged structure. These are

  • A fixed length inline NULL-terminated character array
    (aka C-style string).
  • A pointer to a NULL-terminated character array (better
    known as LPCSTR in C/C++ lingo).
  • A BSTR.

2.4 The selected representation is indicated by using
the MarshalAsAttribute. In section 4 below, we shall discuss how to
represent a managed string (contained within a structure) as a fixed-length
character array inside an unmanaged structure. In section 5, we will explore how
to represent the string as a pointer to a NULL-terminated string. And finally in
section 6, we will explore BSTRs.

2.5 Throughout this part 1, we will focus only on
passing a structure from managed code to unmanaged code by value. In further
parts of this series, we will study how such a structure can be passed from
unmanaged code to managed code as “out” (return) parameters. In yet further
parts, we will discuss how such a structure may be passed two-ways (as “in” and
“out” parameters).

2.6 Throughout this series of blogs, the unmanaged code
shall be based on C++.

3. Sample Structure.

3.1 Throughout this part 1, we shall use the following
managed structure for illustrative purposes :

public struct TestStruct01
public string m_strString;

3.2 Now, in order that this structure be marshalable to
unmanaged code, a minimum amount of specification must be afforded to the
interop marshaler in the form of the StructLayoutAttribute. This attribute
indicates the general memory layout of the structure when represented in
unmanaged code. The following is a typical way this structure is put to use

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public struct TestStruct01
public string m_strString;

3.3 The “LayoutKind” enumeration controls the memory
layout of an object when exported to unmanaged code. The Sequential value
indicates that the members of the structure are laid out sequentially, in
the order in which they appear when exported to unmanaged memory.

3.4 The “Pack” argument indicates the byte packing
between the struct members. I have used a value of 1 for simplicity.

3.5 The “CharSet” argument indicates the character set
that the string member is to map to in unmanaged code. Here, we have
specified “Ansi” which means that the “m_strString” string member, when
marshaled to unmanaged code, will contain Ansi characters. Note that managed
strings always contain Unicode characters internally.

4. Representing a String as an Inline
NULL-Terminated Character Array.

4.1 A string member of a managed structure, when to be
marshaled across as an inline NULL-terminated character array, must be declared
with the following MarshalAsAttribute :

[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = <size of character array>)]

The “UnmanagedType.ByValTStr” argument indicates that
the string member will be marshaled as a “by value array” of characters the
size of which is indicated by the “SizeConst” argument. The “SizeConst” value
includes the terminating NULL-character for the string.

Note well the description “by value array” (contrast
this to “by reference array”). This means that the string will be marshaled as
an inline array of characters which are embedded within the containing structure

4.2 The following is an example structure :

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public struct TestStruct01
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 21)]
public string m_strString;

The “SizeConst” argument is set to a value of 21 as an
example. Hence the “m_strString” string member must contain at most 20
characters. The 21st character will be the
terminating NULL.

4.3 The corresponding C++ equivalent of such a structure
is :

#pragma pack (1)

struct TestStruct01
char m_szString[21];

4.4 An example C++-based unmanaged API that takes
such a structure as an “in” value parameter is listed below :

void __stdcall DisplayTestStruct01(/*[in]*/ TestStruct01 test_struct_01)
printf("test_struct_01.m_szString : [%s].\r\n", test_struct_01.m_szString);

The string contents of the “m_szString” member of
the C++-based TestStruct01 structure is displayed.

4.5 The following is how such an API is declared in C#

[DllImport("TestDLL01.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern void DisplayTestStruct01([In] TestStruct01 test_struct_01);

4.6 And a sample C# method of using the TestStruct01
structure with a call to the DisplayTestStruct01() API :

static void DisplayTestStruct01()
TestStruct01 test_struct_01; test_struct_01.m_strString = "Hello World"; DisplayTestStruct01(test_struct_01);

Of course, “test_struct_01.m_strString” must be set to a
string value that does not exceed 20 characters in length. If so the string will
be truncated for the sake of the final terminating NULL

4.7 Low-level wise, where does the unmanaged
“m_szString” struct member reside ? Now, since
the DisplayTestStruct01() API takes an “in” (read-only) TestStruct01
structure, the entire unmanaged structure (which includes the m_szString
inline character array) can simply be pushed onto the call

4.8 Hence the interop marshaler uses the stack space to
create the unmanaged TestStruct01 structure and copies the contents of the
“m_szString” member of the managed “test_struct_01” into the corresponding
member of the unmanaged struct on the stack.

4.9 The use of the stack to store the entire unmanaged
structure is most ideal in this situation because the structure is read-only
(hence the interop marshaler need not concern itself about changes) and because
when the API returns, the stack space is automatically recovered, saving the
interop marshaler the trouble of any memory release.

5. Representing a String as a Pointer to an Unmanaged
NULL-Terminated Character Array.

5.1 A string member of a managed structure, when to be
marshaled across as a pointer to an unmanaged NULL-terminated character
array, must be declared with the following MarshalAsAttribute :


This indicates that the string member is to be marshaled
across as a pointer to a NULL-terminated ANSI character array.

5.2 The following is an example structure :

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public struct TestStruct02
public string m_strString;

Notice that TestStruct02 is very similar to TestStruct01
except for the MarshalAsAttribute applied to the “m_strString”

5.3 The corresponding C++ equivalent of such a structure
is :

#pragma pack (1)

struct TestStruct02
LPCSTR m_pszString;

5.4 An example C++-based unmanaged API that takes such a
structure as an “in” value parameter is listed below :

void __stdcall DisplayTestStruct02(/*[in]*/ TestStruct02 test_struct_02)
printf("test_struct_02.m_pszString : [%s].\r\n", test_struct_02.m_pszString);

The string contents of the buffer pointed to by the
“m_pszString” member of the C++-based TestStruct02 structure is

5.5 The following is how such an API is declared in C#

[DllImport("TestDLL01.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern void DisplayTestStruct02([In] TestStruct02 test_struct_02);

5.6 And a sample C# method of using the TestStruct02
structure with a call to the DisplayTestStruct02() API :

static void DisplayTestStruct02()
TestStruct02 test_struct_02; test_struct_02.m_strString = "Hello World"; DisplayTestStruct02(test_struct_02);

5.7 This time, the length of the string assignable to
“m_strString” is not limited to any fixed length (viz the TestStruct01

5.8 Under the covers, the “test_struct_02” itself will
be pushed onto the stack just like the previous case with the TestStruct01
structure and the call to the DisplayTestStruct01() API. The “m_pszString”
member, however, is a pointer to a NULL-terminated C-style string. It will not
be an inline member of this structure. What will happen is that the
Interop Marshaler will allocate a memory buffer that will be used to store the
unmanaged string which is based on the value in “test_struct_02.m_strString”. It
is a pointer to this buffer that will be passed as the unmanaged
“test_struct_02.m_pszString” that we saw in DisplayTestStruct02() of point 5.4.
Then when the API returns, the interop marshaler will free this

5.9 The memory allocation is done via the
CoTaskMemAlloc() API. The interop marshaler may call this API directly or it may
use the static Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem() method which will eventually call
CoTaskMemAlloc(). The memory freeing is done CoTaskMemFree(). The interop
marshaler may call it directly or use the Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem() static method
which will eventually call CoTaskMemFree().

5.10 As an alternative to using “UnmanagedType.LPStr”,
we can also use “UnmanagedType.LPWStr”. In this case, the C# string would be
marshaled across as a wide-character string (i.e. Unicode). The C# declaration
for the TestStruct02 structure would be :

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public struct TestStruct02
public string m_strString;

The C++ declaration for TestStruct02 would be

#pragma pack (1)

struct TestStruct02
LPCWSTR m_pszString;

The C++ API DisplayTestStruct02() would be :

void __stdcall DisplayTestStruct02(/*[in]*/ TestStruct02 test_struct_02)
printf("test_struct_02.m_pszString : [%S].\r\n", test_struct_02.m_pszString);

The C# DisplayTestStruct02() method that calls the
DisplayTestStruct02() API is the same.

6. Representing a String as a

6.1 A string member of a managed structure, when to be
marshaled across as a BSTR, must be declared with the following
MarshalAsAttribute :


This indicates that the string member is to be marshaled
across as a COM BSTR.

6.2 The following is an example structure :

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public struct TestStruct03
public string m_strString;

6.3 The corresponding C++ equivalent of such a structure
is :

#pragma pack (1)

struct TestStruct03
BSTR m_bstr;

6.4 An example C++-based unmanaged API that takes such a
structure as an “in” value parameter is listed below :

void __stdcall DisplayTestStruct03(/*[in]*/ TestStruct03 test_struct_03)
printf("test_struct_03.m_bstr : [%S].\r\n", test_struct_03.m_bstr);

This API simply prints out the “m_bstr” member of the
input “test_struct_03” struct.

6.5 The following is how such an API is declared in C#

[DllImport("TestDLL01.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern void DisplayTestStruct03([In] TestStruct03 test_struct_03);

6.6 And a sample C# method of using the TestStruct03
structure with a call to the DisplayTestStruct03() API :

static void DisplayTestStruct03()
TestStruct03 test_struct_03; test_struct_03.m_strString = "Hello World"; DisplayTestStruct03(test_struct_03);

6.7 Just like the “m_strString” member of the
“TestStruct02” structure, the length of the string assignable to the
“m_strString” member of the “TestStruct03” structure is not limited to any fixed

6.8 Under the covers, the unmanaged version of
“test_struct_03” will be pused onto the stack just like the previous 2 examples.
The Interop Marshaler will internally allocate a BSTR (via
SysAllocString()) that will be used to store the unmanaged string which is
based on the value in “test_struct_03.m_strString”. It is this BSTR that will be
passed as the unmanaged “test_struct_03.m_bstr” that we saw in
DisplayTestStruct03() of point 6.4. Then when the API returns, the interop
marshaler will free this BSTR (via SysFreeString()).

7. Special Handling for Structures Passed by

7.1 If a structure (containing a string field member) is
to be passed to an unmanaged API as a pointer, special processing (similar to
manual marshaling) needs to be done.

7.2 Let’s say we need to pass a pointer to TestStruct01
as a parameter to an API :

void __stdcall DisplayTestStruct01_ViaPointer(/*[in]*/ TestStruct01* ptest_struct_01)
printf("ptest_struct_01 -> m_szString : [%s].\r\n", ptest_struct_01 -> m_szString);

7.3 The above API will need to be declared in C# as

[DllImport(@"TestDLL01.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern void DisplayTestStruct01_ViaPointer([In] IntPtr ptest_struct_01);

7.4 This time, the structure will need to be passed as
an IntPtr. Now, because there is no MarshalAsAttributes attached to this IntPtr
parameter, the interop marshaler does not know how to perform automatic
marshaling. Hence all marshaling will need to be performed manually. The
following will need to be done :

  • A managed TestStruct01 structure will need to be
    allocated and its string field assigned as usual.
  • The size of TestStruct01 in unmanaged memory will need
    to be calculated.
  • A block of unmanaged memory the size of the unmanaged
    version of TestStruct01 will have to be allocated.
  • The field values of the managed TestStruct01 will have
    to be transferred (i.e. marshaled) to the unmanaged memory block which now
    serves as the unmanaged representation of
  • After this, the unmanaged API is be invoked
    with a pointer to the unmanaged TestStruct01.
  • After the API call, the unmanaged structure
    will need to be freed. This is where careful attention must be taken. There
    are 2 steps to be taken in sequence.
  • First, the field values of the structure which are
    references to memory (e.g. a LPSTR or a BSTR) must have their referenced memory
  • Next, the unmanaged structure itself must be
  • Because the parameter was passed as an
    “in” parameter, it was passed as a read-only parameter. The unmanaged API is not
    allowed to modify its memory. The managed application is the rightful
    owner of the memory of the unmanaged representation of the TestStruct01
    structure and so the deallocation of the memory for the unmanaged TestStruct01
    must be done within the managed application code.

7.5 The C# code below demonstrates this in detail

static void DisplayTestStruct01_ViaPointer()
// Create TestStruct01 and assign value to its field as usual.
TestStruct01 test_struct_01 = new TestStruct01(); test_struct_01.m_strString = "Hello World"; // Determine the size of the TestStruct01 for marshaling.
int iSizeOfTestStruct01 = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(TestStruct01));
// Allocate in unmanaged memory a block of memory the size
// of an unmanaged TestStruct01 structure.
IntPtr ptest_struct_01 = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(iSizeOfTestStruct01);
// Transfer the contents of the managed TestStruct01
// (i.e. test_struct_01) to the unmanaged memory
// which now serves as the unmanaged representation
// of test_struct_01.
Marshal.StructureToPtr(test_struct_01, ptest_struct_01, false);
// Call the API using a pointer to the unmanaged test_struct_01.
// We must remember to destroy the test_struct_01 structure.
// Doing this will free any fields which are references
// to memory.
Marshal.DestroyStructure(ptest_struct_01, typeof(TestStruct01));
// Finally, the block of memory allocated for the
// unmanaged test_struct_01 must itself be freed.
ptest_struct_01 = IntPtr.Zero;

7.6 The following are the pertinent points concerning
the code above :

  • The Marshal.SizeOf() method is used to calculate the
    byte size of the unmanaged TestStruct01 structure. This is done with the help of
    the StructLayoutAttribute and the MarshalAsAttributes decorated on the
  • The Marshal.AllocHGlobal() method is used to perform the
    actual memory allocation for the unmanaged structure. Note that
    Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem() may also be used.
  • Next comes the important step of transferring the
    contents of the managed TestStruct01 to the unmanaged memory which now serves as
    the unmanaged representation of test_struct_01. This is done by using
  • The above step is crucial because recall that we want to
    pass TestStruct01 to the unmanaged API to have its field contents displayed.
    Hence the unmanaged structure must contain values equivalent to those of the
    managed structure.
  • The API DisplayTestStruct01_ViaPointer() is then called
    with the pointer to the unmanage structure passed as
  • After the API is called, nothing further needs to be
    done to the managed TestStruct01 structure. It has done its
  • However the unmanaged structure still remains in memory
    and we must remember to destroy it. In this destruction process, we must
    also free any fields which are references to memory. This is done using
  • Now the unmanaged TestStruct01 structure contains
    an inline embedded character array which is not a reference to memory.
    Calling Marshal.DestroyStructure() will not destroy this inline array. The call
    is harmless nevertheless.
  • Next we must free the unmanaged TestStruct01 structure
    itself. This is done by calling Marshal.FreeHGlobal on the

7.7 Note my remark that after the call to
DisplayTestStruct01_ViaPointer(), nothing further needs to be done to the
managed TestStruct01 structure. This is because the spirit and intent of
the DisplayTestStruct01_ViaPointer() API is to take a pointer to the unmanaged
TestStruct01 structure as an “in” parameter.

This means that we do not expect any changes to be done
to the structure, i.e. changes that will need to be reflected in the managed
version of the same structure. Later, when we study the passing of the structure
as an “out” or an “in and out” parameter, extra work will need to be done to
ensure that changes made to the unmanaged structure are transferred to the
managed version. More on this in part 2 and 3.

7.8 The very useful function used in the code in point
7.5 is Marshal.DestroyStructure(). This method will thoroughly free fields which
are references to memory (e.g. a string).

In order to use Marshal.DestroyStructure() effectively,
the structure must be properly decorated with MarshalAsAttributes for fields
which are reference types. In the above example, Marshal.DestroyStructure() is
used to destroy a pointer to an unmanaged TestStruct01 structure.

7.9 Now the unmanaged TestStruct01 contains an embedded
character array. It will not be touched by Marshal.DestroyStructure().
However, genuine reference type fields, e.g. those declared to be
marshaled as a pointer to a NULL-terminated character array (as is the case for
TestStruct02) :

public string m_strString;

or a BSTR (as is the case for TestStruct03) :

public string m_strString;

will be handled correctly by

7.10 In fact, the code in 7.5 can be modified to handle
TestStruct02 and TestStruct03. If we were working with TestStruct02 (the
string field of which is marshaled as a pointer to a NULL-terminated
C-style string) when the m_strString field is marshaled across to its unmanaged
counterpart, the interop marshaler will allocate memory for the NULL-terminated
character array string and then transfer the string value in the m_strString
field to this array via Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemAnsi(). This is done during a
call to Marshal.StructureToPtr().

Then, when Marshal.DestroyStructure() is called,
Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem() (which eventually calls ::CoTaskMemFree()) is called to
free the memory occuppied by the NULL-terminated character array

7.11 If it was TestStruct03 that was passed as a pointer
to the unmanaged API, then ::SysAllocStringLen() will be used to allocated the
BSTR field when Marshal.StructureToPtr() is called. And ::SysFreeString() will
be used to free the BSTR when Marshal.DestroyStructure() is called.

7.12 I have created the following set of code constructs
for the reader to test with TestStruct02 and TestStruct03 :

void __stdcall DisplayTestStruct01_ViaPointer(/*[in]*/ TestStruct01* ptest_struct_01)
printf("ptest_struct_01 -> m_szString : [%s].\r\n", ptest_struct_01 -> m_szString);
} void __stdcall DisplayTestStruct02_ViaPointer(/*[in]*/ TestStruct02* ptest_struct_02)
printf("ptest_struct_02 -> m_pszString : [%s].\r\n", ptest_struct_02 -> m_pszString);
} void __stdcall DisplayTestStruct03_ViaPointer(/*[in]*/ TestStruct03* ptest_struct_03)
printf("ptest_struct_03 -> m_bstr : [%S].\r\n", ptest_struct_03 -> m_bstr);

Listed above are the C++ definitions for the 3
display APIs each of which takes a pointer to one of the versions of the test

Listed below are various C# code constructs :

[DllImport("TestDLL01.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern void DisplayTestStruct01_ViaPointer([In] IntPtr ptest_struct_01); [DllImport("TestDLL01.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern void DisplayTestStruct02_ViaPointer([In] IntPtr ptest_struct_02); [DllImport("TestDLL01.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern void DisplayTestStruct03_ViaPointer([In] IntPtr ptest_struct_03); static void InitializeStruct(ref TestStruct01 test_struct_01, string strInitial)
test_struct_01.m_strString = strInitial;
} static void InitializeStruct(ref TestStruct02 test_struct_02, string strInitial)
test_struct_02.m_strString = strInitial;
} static void InitializeStruct(ref TestStruct03 test_struct_03, string strInitial)
test_struct_03.m_strString = strInitial;
} delegate void Delegate_InitializeStruct(ref T t, string strInitial); delegate void Delegate_DisplayTestStruct0x_ViaPointer(IntPtr ptest_struct_0x); static void DisplayTestStruct0x_ViaPointer
Delegate_InitializeStruct pInitializer,
Delegate_DisplayTestStruct0x_ViaPointer pDisplayFunction
) where T : new()
// Create structure T and assign value to its field as usual.
T test_struct_0x = new T(); pInitializer(ref test_struct_0x, "Hello World"); // Determine the size of the T structure for marshaling.
int iSizeOfTestStruct0x = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));
// Allocate in unmanaged memory a block of memory the size
// of an unmanaged T structure.
IntPtr ptest_struct_0x = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(iSizeOfTestStruct0x);
// Transfer the contents of the managed T structure
// (i.e. test_struct_0x) to the unmanaged memory
// which now serves as the unmanaged representation
// of test_struct_0x.
Marshal.StructureToPtr(test_struct_0x, ptest_struct_0x, false);
// Call the API using a pointer to the unmanaged test_struct_0x.
// We must remember to destroy the test_struct_0x structure.
// Doing this will free any fields which are references
// to memory.
Marshal.DestroyStructure(ptest_struct_0x, typeof(T));
// Finally, the block of memory allocated for the
// unmanaged test_struct_0x must itself be freed.
ptest_struct_0x = IntPtr.Zero;
} static void Main(string[] args)
Delegate_InitializeStruct pInitializerFunction = InitializeStruct;
Delegate_DisplayTestStruct0x_ViaPointer pDisplayFunction = DisplayTestStruct01_ViaPointer; DisplayTestStruct0x_ViaPointer(pInitializerFunction, pDisplayFunction);

The above code provides the following :

  • C# declarations for the
    DisplayTestStruct01_ViaPointer(), DisplayTestStruct02_ViaPointer() and
    DisplayTestStruct03_ViaPointer() APIs.
  • 3 overloaded initializer functions (InitializeStruct()),
    one each for the structs TestStruct01, TestStruct02 and
  • Delegate Delegate_InitializeStruct<T>
    which is meant to generically point to one of the initializer
  • Delegate_DisplayTestStruct0x_ViaPointer which is
    meant to point to one of the versions of the DisplayTestStructXX_ViaPointer
  • DisplayTestStruct0x_ViaPointer<T>() which generically
    performs the equivalent of the DisplayTestStruct01_ViaPointer() function (listed
    in point 7.5) but for all the test structs.
  • The main() function shows how
    DisplayTestStruct0x_ViaPointer<T>() may be called for TestStruct01. By
    simple substitutions, we can call DisplayTestStruct0x_ViaPointer<T>() for
    TestStruct02 and TestStruct03.

7.13 For more details on passing a pointer to
a structure from managed to unmanaged code, please refer to

Passing a Pointer to a Structure from C# to C++ Part

Passing a Pointer to a Structure from C# to C++ Part

Passing a Pointer to a Structure from C# to C++ Part

8. In Conclusion.

8.1 In this part 1, we have explored how to express a
string member of a managed struct in unmanaged code. We have passed such a
structure as an “in” (by-value) parameter.

8.2 In part 2, we will look into how to pass such a
structure as an “out” (return) parameter.


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