Guide to Giving Effective Feedback

前文卓越管理的秘密(Behind Closed Doors)最后一部分提到了总结的13条卓越管理的实践技巧并列出了所有实践技巧名称的索引,这篇文章主要写卓越管理的实践技巧的第(4)条:如何才能给予有效的反馈:




指导方针 Guidelines

• 1)具体化。没有人能够对暗示或是模糊的反馈作出反应。
Be specific. No one can act on hints or vague feedback. Telling a person “This report is exceptional” may impart a glow but doesn’t help the person understand what was exceptional. “The table of contents made it very easy for me to find what I was looking for in this report” is more likely to result in more exceptional reports in the future.

• 2)以最快的速度提供反馈响应。
Provide feedback as close to the event as possible. Waiting until a year-end review is not helpful. Even waiting until a quarter-end is not helpful.

• 3)不要对具体的人员有固见。要描述具体的行为或者结果。
Don’t label the person; describe the behavior or result. So instead of saying “Your work is sloppy,” say “I noticed the last set of release notes, contained typing and spelling errors.”

• 4)不要责备他人。去描述具体的细节是什么。
Don’t blame the person; describe specifics. Instead of “You never test your code,” say “When you checked these last three changes in, you didn’t test the changes.”

• 5)确保反馈信息和你的描述一致并正确。
Check to make sure the feedback recipient agrees that your description (observable behavior or results) is correct. When the feedback recipient doesn’t agree with your data, he or she will check out of the conversation and certainly won’t change behavior.


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