

import requests
import hashlib
import time current_time = time.time()
app_id ='8kasoimnasodn8687asdfkmasdf'
app_id_time = "%s|%s" % (app_id,current_time,) m = hashlib.md5()
authkey = m.hexdigest() authkey_time ="%s|%s" % (authkey,current_time,)
print(authkey_time) host_data = {
} response=requests.post(
) print(response.text) # requests.get(url='')
# requests.get(url='',params={'k1':'v1','k2':'v2'})
# requests.post(
# url='',
# params={'k1':'v1','k2':'v2'}, # GET形式传值
# data={'username':'1123','pwd': '666'}, # POST形式传值
# headers={'a':'123'} # 请求头数据
# )


from django.shortcuts import render,HttpResponse
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt,csrf_protect
import hashlib
import time #自定义的字符串
auth_list = [] @csrf_exempt
def asset(request):
auth_key_time = request.META.get('HTTP_AUTHKEY')
auth_key_client,client_ctime = auth_key_time.split('|')
server_current_time = time.time()
if server_current_time - 5 > float(client_ctime):
return HttpResponse('时间太久远了')
if auth_key_time in auth_list:
return HttpResponse('你来晚了')
key_time = '%s|%s' %(ck,client_ctime)
m = hashlib.md5()
authkey = m.hexdigest() if authkey != auth_key_client:
return HttpResponse('授权失败')
auth_list.append(auth_key_time) if request.method == 'POST':
import json
host_info = json.loads(str(request.body,encoding='utf-8'))
return HttpResponse('授权成功') def test(request):
# print(request.POST,type(request.POST))
# from django.http.request import QueryDict
response = render(request,'index.html')
return response


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf8 -*- ####### 编写方式一 ########## from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
import requests
import time def task(url):
response = requests.get(url)
print(url,response) pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(5) url_list = [
] for url in url_list:
pool.submit(task,url) pool.shutdown(wait=True) ####### 编写方式一 ################################ from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import requests
import time def task(url):
:param url:
response = requests.get(url)
return response def done(future,*args,**kwargs):
response = future.result()
print(response.status_code,response.content) pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(5) url_list = [
] for url in url_list:
v = pool.submit(task,url)
# 每一个线程函数走完,再走下面的另一个回调函数
v.add_done_callback(done) pool.shutdown(wait=True)


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf8 -*- # IO多路复用: 监听多个socket对象,感知变化,利用其特性可以并发出异步IO模块
# 异步IO: 异步是非阻塞 非阻塞 + IO多路复用
# setblocking(False) import select
import socket class HttpRequest:
def __init__(self,sk,host,callback):
self.socket = sk
self.host = host
self.callback = callback def fileno(self):
return self.socket.fileno() class HttpResponse:
def __init__(self,recv_data):
self.recv_data = recv_data
self.header_dict = {}
self.body = None self.initialize() def initialize(self):
headers, body = self.recv_data.split(b'\r\n\r\n', 1)
self.body = body
header_list = headers.split(b'\r\n')
for h in header_list:
h_str = str(h, encoding='utf-8')
v = h_str.split(':', 1)
if len(v) == 2:
self.header_dict[v[0]] = v[1] class AsyncRequest:
def __init__(self):
self.conn = []
self.connection = [] # 用于检测是否已经连接成功 def add_request(self,host,callback):
sk = socket.socket() # 创建 socket 对象
sk.setblocking(False) # 设置socket为非阻塞
sk.connect((host,80,)) # 连接 主机 except BlockingIOError as e: # 设置socket为非阻塞后,会报错,要抓住异常
pass request = HttpRequest(sk,host,callback) # 创建一个socket对象 要返回self.socket.fileno()
self.conn.append(request) # 把对象加到列表里
self.connection.append(request) # 把对象加到列表里 def run(self): while True:
rlist,wlist,elist = select.select(self.conn,self.connection,self.conn,0.05) # 创建select对象
for w in wlist:
# 只要能循环到,表示socket和服务器端已经连接成功
tpl = 'GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:%s\r\n\r\n' % w.host
w.socket.send(bytes(tpl,encoding='utf8')) # 给发服务器送消息
self.connection.remove(w) # 发送完消息后,删除对象
for r in rlist:
# r,是HttpRequest
recv_data = bytes()
while True:
chunck = r.socket.recv(8096) # 接收服务器返回消息
recv_data += chunck
except Exception as e:
break response = HttpResponse(recv_data) # 返回的消息包装成字典(请求头和请求体)
r.callback(response) # 执行回调函数
r.socket.close() # 关闭连接
self.conn.remove(r) #删除对象
if len(self.conn) == 0:
break def f1(response): # 回调函数拿到返回的请求头和请求体
print('保存到文件', response.header_dict) def f2(response):
print('保存到数据库', response.header_dict) url_list = [
{'host': 'www.baidu.com', 'callback': f1},
{'host': 'cn.bing.com', 'callback': f2},
{'host': 'www.cnblogs.com', 'callback': f2},
] req = AsyncRequest() # 创建一个对象 for item in url_list:
req.add_request(item['host'],item['callback']) # 运行类的add_request方法,把 主机名 和 回调函数 传进去 req.run() # 运行类的run方法



  1. A.Kaw矩阵代数初步学习笔记 1. Introduction
  2. Continue To DO!
  3. Java读取、创建xml(通过dom方式)
  4. PHP+jQuery 注册模块的改进之二:激活链接的URL设置与有效期
  5. windows10 环境下theano安装
  6. 动一动手指,玩转 Kindle Paperwhite 2 (2015.7.13)
  7. build-your-first-mobile-app(第一个 PhoneGap cordova Coldfusion App)
  8. Linux 下Mysql自动备份脚本
  9. java ajax初始化
  10. Jrebel 6.2.1破解
  11. word-break: break-word; 文本溢出
  12. PHP结合Ueditor并修改图片上传路径
  13. VS系列控制台闪退解决
  14. Spring Cloud入门教程-Hystrix断路器实现容错和降级
  15. Python- redis缓存 可达到瞬间并发量10W+
  16. waitpid 函数详解
  17. AI之旅(6):神经网络之前向传播
  18. 《Essential C++》读书笔记 之 基于对象编程风格
  19. pytest的fixture和conftest
  20. Linux shell脚本中shift


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  2. java中的位预算
  3. 468 Validate IP Address 验证IP地址
  4. 202 Happy Number 快乐数
  5. 定时清除 /var/log/massage 下的信息脚本文件
  6. [BZOJ1878][SDOI2009]HH的项链 莫队
  7. Map接口框架图
  8. Node.js——网站访问一般流程
  9. vue热重载
  10. FlowNet: Learning Optical Flow with Convolutional Networks