Follow this tutorial to create a simple application used to store contacts and other related objects as you learn about the fundamentals of the eXpressApp Framework. Reviewing the XAF Architecture topic about the basic concepts used throughout this tutorial is highly recommended.


Tutorial Structure


The tutorial consists of the following sections.

  • Business Model Design

    This section is split into two parts, which describe the use of two different Object-relational mapping (ORM)


  • 商业模式设计


tools: Entity Framework (EF) and eXpress Persistent Objects (XPO)


  • . You will start by choosing the one ORM you will use in your project and the subsequent steps will reflect your choice. In this section, you will implement classes that will form the business model (which defines the database tables) of your application. As a result of completing this section, you will end up with two automatically generated interfaces based on the same business model - a WinForms application and a website. In addition, these applications will contain a set of features that form the base application functionality.

  • Main_Demo_BMD
  • 您将首先选择一个您将在项目中使用的ORM,随后的步骤将反映您的选择。在本节中,您将实现一些类,这些类将形成应用程序的业务模型(定义数据库表)。完成本部分后,您将得到两个基于相同业务模型的自动生成的接口—一个WinForms应用程序和一个网站。此外,这些应用程序将包含一组构成基本应用程序功能的特性。
  • Main_Demo_BMD

  • Extend Functionality

    In this section, you will add custom features to the application built in the previous section.

  • 扩展功能
  • UI Customization

    This section will teach you how to easily customize the automatically generated UI of an application.

  • 用户界面定制
  • Extra Modules

    In this section, you will add extra features supplied with XAF (file attachment, data analysis, report generation, etc.).

  • 额外的模块
  • Security System

    Use this section to learn how to make the application secure by adding the XAF Security System to it.

  • 安全系统

Each section consists of a number of lessons. Each lesson provides the steps required for implementing the functionality mentioned in the lesson title. These steps include the exact instructions , and may also include code snippets (in C# and VB) and images.

The final application created as a result of this tutorial is included in the XAF installation. The Entity Framework version of the Main Demo is located in the %PUBLIC%\Documents\DevExpress Demos 19.2\Components\eXpressApp Framework\EFDemoCodeFirst folder, and eXpress Persistent Objects version is located in the %PUBLIC%\Documents\DevExpress Demos 19.2\Components\eXpressApp Framework\MainDemo folder by default. This application is intended to demonstrate a wide variety of features for implementing tasks in XAF applications..

本教程创建的最后一个应用程序包含在XAF安装中。实体框架版本的主要演示位于%公共% \ \ DevExpress演示文档19.2 \ \ eXpressApp框架组件\ EFDemoCodeFirst文件夹,和表达持久对象版本位于%公共% \ \ DevExpress演示文档19.2 \ \ eXpressApp框架\ MainDemo文件夹默认组件。此应用程序旨在演示用于在XAF应用程序中实现任务的各种功能。

#Connection String


Begin by ensuring that you have a Microsoft SQL Server database management system (DBMS) installed. If you use a different DBMS, you will need to provide the proper connection strings.

首先确保安装了Microsoft SQL Server数据库管理系统(DBMS)。如果使用不同的DBMS,则需要提供适当的连接字符串。

Use the Solution Wizard to create a solution. The wizard attempts to detect your installed SQL server and changes the connection string accordingly. Supported servers are Microsoft SQL Server (including the Express and LocalDB editions). To use another database system (PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, Firebird, etc.), change the ConnectionString argument in the App.config and Web.config files of the WinForms/ASP.NET application projects. Refer to the Connect an XAF Application to a Database Provider topic for details about connecting to different database systems. A database will be created on the server under the name of the solution you created. If you wish to change any of these details, you will need to make the necessary changes to the connection string by using the application configuration file (App.config or Web.config) or using the Application Designer. Refer to the Connect an XAF Application to a Database Provider topic for additional information on connection strings.

使用“解决方案向导”创建解决方案。向导尝试检测安装的SQL server并相应地更改连接字符串。受支持的服务器是Microsoft SQL Server(包括Express和LocalDB版本)。要使用另一个数据库系统(PostgreSQL、MySQL、Oracle、SQLite、Firebird等),请更改App.config和Web中的ConnectionString参数。配置文件的WinForms/ASP。网络应用程序项目。有关连接不同数据库系统的详细信息,请参阅将XAF应用程序连接到数据库提供者主题。将在服务器上以您创建的解决方案的名称创建一个数据库。如果您希望更改这些细节中的任何一个,您将需要使用应用程序配置文件(App.config或Web.config)或使用应用程序设计器对连接字符串进行必要的更改。有关连接字符串的附加信息,请参阅将XAF应用程序连接到数据库提供程序主题。

If you ever need to recreate your database, just drop it from the database server or remove the file, and it will be recreated automatically the next time the application runs.


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