
/* 创建者:菜刀居士的博客

 * 创建日期:2014年07月06号


namespace Net.CRM.OrganizationService


    using System;

    using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;

    using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;

/// <summary>

    /// 基本模式---OrganizationService

    /// </summary>

    public class OrganizationServiceDemo


        /// <summary>

        /// 查询

        /// </summary>

        public Entity Retrieve(IOrganizationService service, Entity en)


            return service.Retrieve(en.LogicalName, en.Id, new ColumnSet("new_int", "new_string"));


/// <summary>

        /// 删除

        /// </summary>

        public void Delete(IOrganizationService service, Entity en)


            service.Delete(en.LogicalName, en.Id);


/// <summary>

        /// 批量删除

        /// </summary>

        public void Delete(IOrganizationService service,EntityCollection ec)


            if (ec != null && ec.Entities.Count > 0)


               foreach(Entity en in ec.Entities)


                   service.Delete(en.LogicalName, en.Id);




/// <summary>

        /// 更新int类型的字段

        /// </summary>

        public void UpdateInt(IOrganizationService service, Entity en)


            Entity updateEn = new Entity() { LogicalName = en.LogicalName,Id = en.Id };

            updateEn["new_int"] = 10;



/// <summary>

        /// 更新string类型的字段

        /// </summary>

        public void UpdateInt(IOrganizationService service, Entity en)


            Entity updateEn = new Entity() { LogicalName = en.LogicalName, Id = en.Id };

            updateEn["new_string"] = "abc";



/// <summary>

        /// 更新float类型的字段

        /// </summary>

        public void UpdateFloat(IOrganizationService service, Entity en)


            Entity updateEn = new Entity() { LogicalName = en.LogicalName, Id = en.Id };

            updateEn["new_float"] = 12.9;



/// <summary>

        /// 更新Money类型的字段

        /// </summary>

        public void UpdateMoney(IOrganizationService service, Entity en)


            Entity updateEn = new Entity() { LogicalName = en.LogicalName, Id = en.Id };

            updateEn["new_money"] = new Money(12);



/// <summary>

        /// 更新OptionSetValue类型的字段

        /// </summary>

        public void UpdateOptionSetValue(IOrganizationService service, Entity en)


            Entity updateEn = new Entity() { LogicalName = en.LogicalName, Id = en.Id };

            updateEn["new_optionsetvalue"] = new OptionSetValue(10);



/// <summary>

        /// 更新EntityReference类型的字段

        /// </summary>

        public void UpdateEntityReference(IOrganizationService service, Entity en)


            Entity updateEn = new Entity() { LogicalName = en.LogicalName, Id = en.Id };

            updateEn["new_account"] = new EntityReference() { LogicalName = "account",Id = Guid.NewGuid() };






/* 创建者:菜刀居士的博客

 * 创建日期:2014年07月06号


namespace Net.CRM.OrganizationService


    using System;

    using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;

    using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;

/// <summary>

    /// 高速开发---OrganizationService

    /// </summary>

    public class OrganizationServiceQuickDemo


        /// <summary>

        /// 查询

        /// </summary>

        public Entity Retrieve(IOrganizationService service, Entity en)


            return service.Retrieve(en,"new_int", "new_string");


/// <summary>

        /// 删除

        /// </summary>

        public void Delete(IOrganizationService service, Entity en)




/// <summary>

        /// 批量删除

        /// </summary>

        public void Delete(IOrganizationService service, EntityCollection ec)




/// <summary>

        /// 更新int类型的字段

        /// </summary>

        public void UpdateInt(IOrganizationService service, Entity en)


            service.Update(en, "new_int", 10);


/// <summary>

        /// 更新string类型的字段

        /// </summary>

        public void UpdateInt(IOrganizationService service, Entity en)


            service.Update(en, "new_string", "abc");


/// <summary>

        /// 更新float类型的字段

        /// </summary>

        public void UpdateFloat(IOrganizationService service, Entity en)


            service.Update(en, "new_float", 12.9); 


/// <summary>

        /// 更新Money类型的字段

        /// </summary>

        public void UpdateMoney(IOrganizationService service, Entity en)


            service.Update(en, "new_money", new Money(12)); 


/// <summary>

        /// 更新OptionSetValue类型的字段

        /// </summary>

        public void UpdateOptionSetValue(IOrganizationService service, Entity en)


            service.Update(en, "new_optionsetvalue", new OptionSetValue(10));


/// <summary>

        /// 更新EntityReference类型的字段

        /// </summary>

        public void UpdateEntityReference(IOrganizationService service, Entity en)


            service.Update(en, "new_account", new EntityReference() { LogicalName = "account", Id = Guid.NewGuid() });



/// <summary>

    /// 扩展方法

    /// </summary>

    public static class EntityFunction


        public static Entity Retrieve(this IOrganizationService service, Entity en,params string[] attrs)


            return service.Retrieve(en.LogicalName, en.Id, new ColumnSet(attrs));


public static void Delete(this IOrganizationService service, Entity en)


            service.Delete(en.LogicalName, en.Id);


public static void Delete(this IOrganizationService service, EntityCollection ec)


            if (ec != null && ec.Entities.Count > 0)


                foreach (Entity en in ec.Entities)


                    service.Delete(en.LogicalName, en.Id);




public static void Update<T>(this IOrganizationService service, Entity en, string name, T value)


            Entity updateEn = new Entity() { LogicalName = en.LogicalName,Id = en.Id };

            updateEn[name] = value;









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