import java.util.Scanner;

import java.util.Random;

public class Hello {

     public static int judge(int j, int k)


              int m;

              if(j==k) m=0;

              else if(j==0&&k==2||j==1&&k==0||j==2&&k==1) m=1;

              else m=2;

              return m;       


   public static void main(String[] args) {



        System.out.println("Please Input Your Choose:");

        int a=0,b=0;

        Scanner input = new Scanner(;





            int Choose = input.nextInt();

            int number = new Random().nextInt(3);


if (judge(Choose,number)==0)

{System.out.println("平手,please continue competition");


             else if(judge(Choose,number)==1)

{ System.out.println("You win this time,please continue competition");


             else if(judge(Choose,number)==2)

{ System.out.println("You are defeabed this time,please continue competition");





               System.out.println("You Win Last");

         else if(b==2)

             System.out.println("Computer Win Last");




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