go 11以后启用了go mod功能,用于管理依赖包。

当执行go mod init生成go.mod文件之后,golang在运行编译项目的时候,都会检查依赖并下载依赖包。

在启动了go mod之后,通过go mod下载的依赖包,不在放在GOPATH/src中,而是放到GOPATH/pkg/mod中。


  • echo $GO111MODULE


  • mkdir /root/goProjects/gProject1
  • cd /root/goProjects/gProject1
  • vi main.go
  • cat main.go
package main

import (
"log" "github.com/toolkits/smtp"
) func main() {
//s := smtp.New("smtp.exmail.qq.com:25", "notify@a.com", "password")
s := smtp.NewSMTP("smtp.exmail.qq.com:25", "notify@a.com", "password",false,false,false)
log.Println(s.SendMail("notify@a.com", "ulric@b.com;rain@c.com", "这是subject", "这是body,<font color=red>red</font>"))
  • go mod init gProject1

go: creating new go.mod: module gProject1

-cat go.mod

module gProject1

go 1.12
  • go run main.go
build command-line-arguments: cannot load github.com/toolkits/smtp: cannot find module providing package github.com/toolkits/smtp

原因是因为git版本较低,go get 无法通过git下载github.com/toolkits/smtp到指定路径。

你可以手动执行一下go get github.com/toolkits/smtp,发现会报一个类似这样的错误:

# go get github.com/toolkits/smtp
go get github.com/toolkits/smtp: git ls-remote -q https://github.com/toolkits/smtp in /root/go/pkg/mod/cache/vcs/7028097e3b6cce3023c34b7ceae3657ef3f2bbb25dec9b4362813d1fadd80297: exit status 129:
usage: git ls-remote [--heads] [--tags] [-u <exec> | --upload-pack <exec>] <repository> <refs>...

就是git版本太低了,无法支撑go get运行git时的参数调用。


  • macos:

    brew upgrade git

  • centos6/7

Remove old git

sudo yum remove git*


sudo yum -y install  https://centos6.iuscommunity.org/ius-release.rpm


sudo yum -y install  https://centos7.iuscommunity.org/ius-release.rpm

sudo yum -y install git2u-all

再次执行go run main.go:

go: finding github.com/toolkits/smtp latest
go: downloading github.com/toolkits/smtp v0.0.0-20190110072832-af41f29c3d89
go: extracting github.com/toolkits/smtp v0.0.0-20190110072832-af41f29c3d89
2019/07/27 16:15:52 535 Error: ��ʹ����Ȩ���¼�������뿴: http://service.mail.qq.com/cgi-bin/help?subtype=1&&id=28&&no=1001256


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