
Throughout C++'s life, its development and evolution has been informally governed by a set of rules that its evolution should follow:[9]

  • It must be driven by actual problems and its features should be useful immediately in real world programs. 由现实问题驱动而产生的语言
  • Every feature should be implementable (with a reasonably obvious way to do so). 每种特性都是可以实现的
  • Programmers should be free to pick their own programming style, and that style should be fully supported by C++. 程序员应该自由的使用自己的方式来编程
  • Allowing a useful feature is more important than preventing every possible misuse of C++. 允许使用一个特性比滥用特性更重要
  • It should provide facilities for organising programs into well-defined separate parts, and provide facilities for combining separately developed parts. 可以很好的组织和分发任务进行团队编程
  • No implicit violations of the type system (but allow explicit violations; that is, those explicitly requested by the programmer). 没有隐含的违反系统的类型
  • User-created types need to have the same support and performance as built-in types. 用户创建的类型可以与内建类型有同样等级的支持和性能
  • Unused features should not negatively impact created executables (e.g. in lower performance). 未使用的功能不应对创建的可执行文件产生负面影响
  • There should be no language beneath C++ (except assembly language). There should be no language beneath C++已经是终极语言了,而不是还有语言去扩展它
  • C++ should work alongside other existing programming languages, rather than fostering its own separate and incompatible programming environment. C++应该与其他现有的编程语言一起工作,而不是建立自己独立且不兼容的编程环境
  • If the programmer's intent is unknown, allow the programmer to specify it by providing manual control. 如果程序员的意图未知,则允许程序员通过提供手动控制来指定程序员的意图。

我认为总结为两句话:1. C++来自于现实世界的实际需求,是实践派而不是理论派 2. 允许程序员自由的使用自己的方式编程,而且允许内建各种类型,总之就是很自由、很强大。


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