
1G内存,1个核,CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)的云主机,一块50G HDD的云主机。

1. 安装


tar -xzvf tigergraph-developer-latest.tar.gz

cd tigergraph-2.1.-developer/

sudo ./




[tigergraph@VM_0_8_centos ~]$ gadmin status
Welcome to TigerGraph Developer Edition, for non-commercial use only.
=== zk ===
[SUMMARY][ZK] process is up
[SUMMARY][ZK] /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/zk is ready
=== kafka ===
[SUMMARY][KAFKA] process is down
[SUMMARY][KAFKA] queue is ready
=== gse ===
[SUMMARY][GSE] process is up
[SUMMARY][GSE] id service has NOT been initialized (not_ready)
=== dict ===
[SUMMARY][DICT] process is up
[SUMMARY][DICT] dict server is ready
=== ts3 ===
[SUMMARY][TS3] process is up
[SUMMARY][TS3] ts3 is ready
=== graph ===
[SUMMARY][GRAPH] graph has NOT been initialized
=== nginx ===
[SUMMARY][NGINX] process is up
[SUMMARY][NGINX] nginx is ready
=== restpp ===
[SUMMARY][RESTPP] process is up
[SUMMARY][RESTPP] restpp is ready
=== gpe ===
[SUMMARY][GPE] process is up
[SUMMARY][GPE] graph has NOT been initialized (not_ready)
=== gsql ===
[SUMMARY][GSQL] process is up
[SUMMARY][GSQL] gsql is ready
=== Visualization ===
[SUMMARY][VIS] process is up (VIS server PID: )
[SUMMARY][VIS] gui server is up
[tigergraph@VM_0_8_centos ~]$ gsql --version
GSQL version: 2.1
GSQL commit number: ad1bc1a231591a0fb26c76aa7e5d22e2311e7771
GSQL commit date: -- :: -
Copyright (c) - TigerGraph(R), Inc. All rights reserved.
This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws.

Basic installation is now finished!

Learning To Use TigerGraph






  1. Global Mapper Lidar点云分类
  2. mysql系统数据库
  3. jquery中使用event.target的几点
  4. having和where的区别
  5. [Java Web] 1、Web开发初识——一大堆历史和技术名词
  6. 第51课 C++对象模型分析(下)
  7. SDUT2241计算组合数C(n,m)(组合数)
  8. Bootstrap_Javascript_固定定位
  9. Coreseek/sphinx全文检索的了解
  10. 如何开发由Create-React-App 引导的应用(二)
  11. SpringBoot入门:Hello World
  12. There are 0 datanode(s) running and no node(s) are excluded in this operation.
  13. 导入第三方Jar包到Nexus私服
  14. java后台读取/解析 excel表格
  15. Apollo配置中心介绍
  16. 互评Beta版本
  17. 「caffe编译bug」 undefined reference to `boost::match_results<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::__cxx11
  18. Tomcat热部署及错误排查
  19. 【Head First Servlets and JSP】笔记 27: web 应用安全
  20. 在win7系统设置SQL Server2014 express为远程数据


  1. Windows10 【系统周期表】【系统下载表】【大型软件表】
  2. Linux ACL对某一些文件有管理权限
  3. Portal for ArcGIS 资源承载数据类型
  4. 在Delphi中创建线程,请一定使用BeginThread()代替CreateThread()创建线程!(更好的管理异常)
  5. C#整数类型
  6. MongoDB数据查询
  7. QSocket 总体设计框架说明(观赏)
  8. 静态编译 Qt 5.6
  9. Windows 上静态编译 Libevent 2.0.10 并实现一个简单 HTTP 服务器(图文并茂,还有实例下载)
  10. 多进程界面开发-Qt试玩儿