原文:批量修改Ms SqlServer 的default(默认值)

t3.name as 表名,t1.name as 字段名,t2.text as 默认值 ,t4.name
from syscolumns t1,syscomments t2,sysobjects t3 ,sysobjects t4
where t1.cdefault=t2.id and t3.xtype='u' and t3.id=t1.id
and t4.xtype='d' and t4.id=t2.id; ---2、生成删除所有默认值的语句: select "ALTER TABLE " + t3.name + " DROP CONSTRAINT " +t4.name +";"
from syscolumns t1,syscomments t2,sysobjects t3 ,sysobjects t4
where t1.cdefault=t2.id and t3.xtype='u' and t3.id=t1.id
and t4.xtype='d' and t4.id=t2.id ; ---3、生成批量添加所有默认值的语句:
select "alter table " + t3.name + " add default (1) for " +t1.name +";"
from syscolumns t1,syscomments t2,sysobjects t3 ,sysobjects t4
where t1.cdefault=t2.id and t3.xtype='u' and t3.id=t1.id
and t4.xtype='d' and t4.id=t2.id ;


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