When we use <strong>visual studio</strong> open source file or any other file, we may encounter below problem:


<strong>File Load</strong>

<strong>Some bytes have been replaced with the Unicode substitution character while loading file XXX.cs with Chinese Simplified (GB2312) encoding. Saving the file will not preserve the original file contents.</strong>


I search out on the web, most of the answer is like below:

Use notepad++(or any other text editer) and edited every file in the project in the end of every file there is NullNullNullNull line remove it and click ctrl+S do this to all files


But if there are lots of files, it is difficult and tuff to do.  What's is the reason for this problem?

博客已搬家至: http://www.kai-zhou.com,  其他博客已停止更新,欢迎访问:Fix Some bytes have been replaced with the Unicode substitution character while loading file XXX.cs  查看文章的最新版本,获得解决办法.


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