
A configurable product looks like a single product with drop-down lists of options for each variation. Each option is actually a separate simple product with a unique SKU, which makes it possible to track inventory for each product variation. You could achieve a similar effect by using a simple product with custom options, but without the ability to track inventory for each variation. Products with multiple options are sometimes referred to as composite product.

Although a configurable product uses more SKUs, and may initially take a little longer to set up, it can save you time in the long run. If you plan to grow your business, the configurable product type might be a better choice for a product with multiple options.

Configurable Product

Creating a Configurable Product

The following instructions take you through the process of creating a configurable product with the basic fields. Each required field is marked in the Admin with a red asterisk (*). After you complete the required settings and save the product, you can add images and complete the remaining product information, as needed.

Step 1: Create Attributes for Drop-Down Options

Create an attribute for each drop-down list of options that you want to include in the configurable product. If the attribute already exists and has the correct properties, you can add it to the attribute set in the next step. To learn more, see: Creating Attributes.

Required Attribute Properties





    Catalog Input Type for Store Owner


    Apply to

    Configurable Product or All Product Types

    Use to Create Configurable Product


Step 2:Create the Attribute Set

  1. On the Admin menu, select Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attribute Sets. Then, click the Add New Set button.
  2. Assign a Name to the attribute set.
  3. In the Based On list, select an existing attribute set, such as “Default,” to use as a template. Then, click the Save Attribute Set button.
  4. Starting from the list of Unassigned Attributes, drag and drop each attribute you want to include in the product to the center column. You can arrange them in any order.
  5. To group the attributes in their own section of the Product Information panel, do the following:
  a. In the Groups section, click the Add New button.

If prompted by your browser, select “Temporarily Allow Scripted Windows” to continue. Then, click the Add New button again.

  b. When prompted, enter a Name for the new group. Then, click the OK button.

The new group appears at the bottom of the Groups column.

  c. Drag and drop each attribute that you created for the drop-down options to group where you want them to appear.
Attribute Set
  6. Click the Save Attribute Set button.
  7. When prompted to update your cache, click the link in the message and refresh the invalid cache.
Step 3:Create the Configurable Product

  1. On the Admin menu, select Catalog > Manage Products. Then, click the Add Product button.
  2. In the Create Product Settings section, do the following:
  a. Select the Attribute Set that you created for the product.
  b. Set Product Type to “Configurable Product,” and click the Continue button.
Create Product Settings
  3. In the Select Configurable Attributes section, select the checkbox of each attribute that you want to include in the product. Then, click the Continue button.
Select Attributes
  4. Complete the Product Information as you would for a simple product, with the exception of the following fields:
  • On the Prices tab, the Price is a required field, but is used as a default price. The price of each individual associated product can be adjusted accordingly.
  • On the Inventory tab, Manage Stock is set to “No” by default, because inventory is managed by each associated product.
  5. When complete, click the Save and Continue Edit button.
Step 4:Add the Associated Products

  1. In the panel on the left, select the last option, Associated Products.
  2. Then, use one of the following methods to add the associated products.
Step 5:Make Any Necessary Price Adjustments

Use the Super Products Attributes Configuration section to make price adjustments to a specific associated product. The adjustment can be entered as a fixed value or percentage, and is made in relation to the price of the configurable product.

Super Products Attributes Configuration
Step 6:Configure the Shopping Cart Thumbnails

  1. On the Admin menu, select System > Configuration. Then in the panel on the left, under Sales, select Checkout.
  2. Click to expand the Shopping Cart section. Then, set Configurable Product Image to one of the following:
  • Product Thumbnail Itself
  • Parent Product Thumbnail
  3. Click the Save Config button to save the setting.


    • A configurable product allows the shopper to select options from drop-down lists. Each option is actually a separate, simple product.

      The drop-down list values are based on attributes that must be set up in advance with required settings. The attribute Scope must be set to “Global,” and Use to Create Configurable Product must be “True.” The drop-down attributes must be included in an attribute set, which is then used as a template for the configurable product.

      The simple products associated with a configurable product cannot include custom variants or options, and must be based on the same attribute set that is used to create the configurable product. The associated products can be generated automatically from inside with configurable product record.

      The thumbnail image in the shopping cart can be set to display the image from the configurable product record, or from the associated product.


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