昨晚有教一个网友在ASP.NET MVC里,创建Web API和在MVC视图中应用此API。

可以在ASP.NET MVC中,创建程序的model:

namespace Insus.NET.Models
public class Weather
private int _Month; public int Month
get { return _Month; }
set { _Month = value; }
} private string _Season; public string Season
return _Season;
set { _Season = value; }

Source Code

model创建好了,可以开始创Web API:

如果你的环境是第一次创建Web API的,它会打开一个文本,是教诉你怎样配置Global.asax.cs的:



namespace Insus.NET.Apis
public class WeatherAPIController : ApiController
public Weather ApiMethod(Weather w)
var a = new List<int>() { , , };
if (a.Contains(w.Month))
w.Season = "春季"; var b = new int[] { , , };
if (b.Contains(w.Month))
w.Season = "夏季"; IEnumerable<int> c = new List<int>() { , , };
if (c.Contains(w.Month))
w.Season = "秋季"; var d = "10,11,12".Split(new char[] { ',' }).Select(i => Int32.Parse(i)).ToArray();
if (d.Contains(w.Month))
w.Season = "冬季"; return w;

Source Code

以上内容全是Web API的建设。前端介面,就可以使用它们了。
现在ASP.NET MVC网站上,添加一个视图,并添加一些html:


 $(function () {
$("#btnConvert").click(function () {
var obj = {};
obj.Month = $("#txtMonth").val(); $.ajax({
type: "POST",
url: "/api/WeatherAPI/ApiMethod",
data: JSON.stringify(obj),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function (response) {
$('.label').html("你输入的月份:" + response.Month + "; 转换季度是:" + response.Season + "。");
failure: function (response) {
error: function (response) {

Source Code



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