
It's common to use the soft-deletepattern which is used to not delete an entity from database but only mark it as 'deleted'. So, if an entity is soft-deleted, it should not be accidently retrieved into the application. To provide that, we would add a SQL where condition like 'IsDeleted = false' in every query we select entities. This is a tedious but more importantly a forgettable task. So, there should be an automatic way of it.

ASP.NET Boilerplate provides data filters those can be used to automatically filter queries based on some rules. There are some pre-defined filters, but also you can create your own filters.

我们将添加一个SQL WHERE条件如“isDeleted =false在每个查询我们选择实体。这是一个乏味的但更重要的是一个被遗忘的任务。所以,应该有一个自动的方法。


Pre-Defined Filters(预定义的过滤器)


Soft-delete filter is used to automatically filter (extract from results) deleted entities while querying database. If an entity should be soft-deleted, it must implement ISoftDelete interface which defines only IsDeleted property. Example:


public class Person : Entity, ISoftDelete
public virtual string Name { get; set; } public virtual bool IsDeleted { get; set; }

A Person entity is not actually deleted from database, instead IsDeleted property is set to true when need to delete it. This is done automatically by ASP.NET Boilerplate when you use IRepository.Delete method (you can manually set IsDeleted to true, but Delete method is more natural and preffered way).

person的实体不是从数据库中删除,而是isDeleted属性设置为true时,需要删除它。这是ASP.NET Boilerplate的当你使用IRepository自动完成。删除方法(你可以手动设置isDeleted为真,但删除方法更加自然和择优的方式)。

After implementing ISoftDelete, when you get list of People from database, deleted people are not retrieved. Here, an example class that uses a person repository to get all people:


public class MyService
private readonly IRepository<Person> _personRepository; public MyService(IRepository<Person> personRepository)
_personRepository = personRepository;
} public List<Person> GetPeople()
return _personRepository.GetAllList();

GetPeople method only gets Person entities which has IsDeleted = false (not deleted). All repository methods and also navigation properties properly works. We could add some other Where conditions, joins.. etc. It will automatically add IsDeleted = false condition properly to the generated SQL query.

GetPeople方法只会查询 IsDeleted = false的数据。所有存储库方法和导航属性都正常工作。我们可以添加一些其他条件,加入…它会自动添加isDeleted =假条件正确生成的SQL查询。

When Enabled?

ISoftDelete filter is always enabled unless you explicitly disable it.

A side note: If you implement IDeletionAudited (which extends ISoftDelete) then deletion time and deleter user id are also automatically set by ASP.NET Boilerplate.



If you are building multi-tenant applications and store all tenant data in single database, you definitely do not want a tenant accidently see other's data. You can implement IMustHaveTenant in that case. Example:


public class Product : Entity, IMustHaveTenant
public int TenantId { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; }

IMustHaveTenant defines TenantId to distinguish different tenant entities. ASP.NET Boilerplate uses IAbpSession to get current TenantId by default and automatically filter query for the current tenant.

imusthavetenant定义tenantid区分不同租户的实体。ASP.NET iabpsession样板使用默认的自动过滤查询当前租户获取当前tenantid。

When Enabled?

IMustHaveTenant is enabled by default.

If current user is not logged in to the system or current user is a host user (Host user is an upper level user that can manage tenants and tenant data), ASP.NET Boilerplate automatically disables IMustHaveTenant filter. Thus, all data of all tenant's can be retrieved to the application. Notice that this is not about security, you should always authorize sensitive data.



If an entity class shared by tenants and the host (that means an entity object may be owned by a tenant or the host), you can use IMayHaveTenant filter. IMayHaveTenant interface defines TenantId but it's nullable.


public class Role : Entity, IMayHaveTenant
public int? TenantId { get; set; } public string RoleName { get; set; }

A null value means this is a host entity, a non-null value means this entity owned by a tenant which's Id is the TenantId. ASP.NET Boilerplate uses IAbpSession to get current TenantId by default. IMayHaveTenant filter is not common as much as IMustHaveTenant. But you may need it for common entitiy types used by host and tenants.

空值意味着这是一个主机,一个非空的值意味着这个实体的租客的身份拥有的是tenantid。ASP.NET iabpsession样板使用默认获取当前tenantid。imayhavetenant滤波器不常见的尽imusthavetenant。但是你可能需要它的主人和租户使用常见的实体类型。

When Enabled?

IMayHaveTenant is always enabled unless you explicitly disable it.

Disable Filters

You can disable a filter per unit of work by calling DisableFilter method as shown below:


var people1 = _personRepository.GetAllList();

using (_unitOfWorkManager.Current.DisableFilter(AbpDataFilters.SoftDelete))
var people2 = _personRepository.GetAllList();
} var people3 = _personRepository.GetAllList();

DisableFilter method gets one or more filter names as strings. AbpDataFilters.SoftDelete is a constant string that contains name of the standard soft delete filter of ASP.NET Boilerplate.


people2 will also include deleted people while people1 and people3 will be only non-deleted people. With using statement, you can disable a filter in a scope. If you don't use using stamement, filter will be disabled until end of the current unit of work or you enable it again explicitly.


You can inject IUnitOfWorkManager and use as in the example. Also, you can use CurrentUnitOfWork property as a shortcut if you class inherits some special base classes (like ApplicationService, AbpController, AbpApiController...).

About using Statement(关于使用说明)

If a filter is enabled when you call the DisableFilter method with a using statement, the filter is disabled, then automatically re-enabled after using statement. But if the filter was already disabled before the using statement, DisableFilter actually does nothing and the filter remains disabled even after the using statement.


About Multi Tenancy(关于多租户)

You can disable tenancy filters to query all tenant data. But remember that, this works only for single database approach. If you have seperated databases for each tenants, disabling filter does not help to query all data of all tenants, since they are in different databases, can be even in different servers. See multi tenancy document for more information.


Disable Filters Globally

If you need, you can disable pre-defined filters globally. For example, to disable soft delete filter globally, add this code to PreInitialize method of your module:

Configuration.UnitOfWork.OverrideFilter(AbpDataFilters.SoftDelete, false);

Enable Filters

You can enable a filter in a unit of work using EnableFilter method, as similar to (and opposite of) DisableFilter. EnableFilter also returns disposable to be used in a using statement to automatically re-disable the filter if needed.

Setting Filter Parameters

A filter can be parametric. IMustHaveTenant filter is an example of these types of filters since current tenant's Id is determined on runtime. For such filters, we can change filter value if needed. Example:


CurrentUnitOfWork.SetFilterParameter("PersonFilter", "personId", 42);

Another example: To set the tenantId value for the IMayHaveTenant filter:

CurrentUnitOfWork.SetFilterParameter(AbpDataFilters.MayHaveTenant, AbpDataFilters.Parameters.TenantId, 42);

SetFilterParameter method also returns an IDisposable. So, we can use it in a using statement to automatically restore the old value after using statement.


SetTenantId Method

While you can use SetFilterParameter method to change filter value for MayHaveTenant and MustHaveTenant filters, there is a better way to change tenant filter: SetTenantId(). SetTenantId changes parameter value for both filters, and also works for single database and database per tenant approaches. So, it's always suggested to use SetTenantId to change tenancy filter parameter values. See multi tenancy document for more information.


ORM Integrations

Data filtering for pre-defined filters works for NHibernateEntity Framework 6.x and Entity Framework Core. Currently, you can only define custom filters for Entity Framework 6.x.

Entity Framework

For Entity Framework integration, automatic data filtering is implemented using EntityFramework.DynamicFilters library.

To create a custom filter for Entity Framework and integrate to ASP.NET Boilerplate, first we should define an interface that will be implemented by entities which use this filter. Assume that we want to automatically filter entities by PersonId. Example interface:

创建一个自定义过滤器和实体框架整合到ASP.NET Boilerplate,首先要定义一个接口,将由实体使用该滤波器实现。假设我们想自动过滤实体的事。接口实例:

public interface IHasPerson
int PersonId { get; set; }

Then we can implement this interface for needed entities. Example entity:

public class Phone : Entity, IHasPerson
public virtual Person Person { get; set; }
public virtual int PersonId { get; set; } public virtual string Number { get; set; }

We use it's rules to define the filter. In our DbContext class, we override OnModelCreating and define filter as shown below:


protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
base.OnModelCreating(modelBuilder); modelBuilder.Filter("PersonFilter", (IHasPerson entity, int personId) => entity.PersonId == personId, 0);

"PersonFilter" is the unique name of the filter here. Second parameter defines filter interface and personId filter parameter (not needed if filter is not parametric), last parameter is the default value of the personId.


As the last thing, we must register this filter to ASP.NET Boilerplate's unit of work system in PreInitialize method of our module:

Configuration.UnitOfWork.RegisterFilter("PersonFilter", false);

First parameter is same unique name we defined before. Second parameter indicates whether this filter is enabled or disabled by default. After declaring such a parametric filter, we can use it by supplying it's value on runtime.


using (CurrentUnitOfWork.EnableFilter("PersonFilter"))
using(CurrentUnitOfWork.SetFilterParameter("PersonFilter", "personId", 42))
var phones = _phoneRepository.GetAllList();

We could get the personId from some source instead of statically coded. The example above was for parametric filters. A filter can have zero or more parameters. If it has no parameter, it's not needed to set the filter parameter value. Also, if it's enabled by default, no need to enable it manually (surely, we can disable it).


Documentation for EntityFramework.DynamicFilters

For more information on dynamic data filters, see documentation on it's github page:

We can create custom filters for security, active/passive entities and so on.

Other ORMs

For Entity Framework Core and NHibernate, data filtering is implemented in the repository level. That means it only filters when you query over repositories. If you directly use DbContext (for EF Core) or query via custom SQL, you should handle filtering yourself.


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