Look-and-say sequence is a sequence of integers as the following:

D, D1, D111, D113, D11231, D112213111, ...

where D is in [0, 9] except 1. The (n+1)st number is a kind of description of the nth number. For example, the 2nd number means that there is one D in the 1st number, and hence it is D1; the 2nd number consists of one D (corresponding to D1) and one 1 (corresponding to 11), therefore the 3rd number is D111; or since the 4th number is D113, it consists of one D, two 1's, and one 3, so the next number must be D11231. This definition works for D = 1 as well. Now you are supposed to calculate the Nth number in a look-and-say sequence of a given digit D.

Input Specification:

Each input file contains one test case, which gives D (in [0, 9]) and a positive integer N (≤ 40), separated by a space.

Output Specification:

Print in a line the Nth number in a look-and-say sequence of D.

Sample Input:

1 8

Sample Output:


using namespace std;
int hashTB[] = {};
int main(){
string ss = "";
int D, N;
cin >> D >> N;
ss = ss + (char)('' + D);
for(int i = ; i < N - ; i++){
char pre = ss[];
int cnt = ;
string ss2 = "";
for(int j = ; j < ss.length(); j++){
if(ss[j] == pre){
ss2 += pre;
ss2 += (char)(cnt + '');
pre = ss[j];
cnt = ;
ss2 += pre;
ss2 += (char)(cnt + '');
ss = ss2;
cout << ss;
cin >> N;
return ;


1、题意:题意不好理解时可以根据标题来猜意思。这题的意思让你看并且读出一个序列, 如一个序列是18882111,则可以读为1个1,3个8,1个2,3个1,再将其写成位在前个数描述在后的序列:11,83,21,13。再对这个新序列进行描述。


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