
* 红包分配算法
* example
* $coupon = new Coupon(200, 5);
* $res = $coupon->handle();
* print_r($res);
* @author Flc <2018-04-06 20:09:53>
* @see http://flc.ren | http://flc.io | https://github.com/flc1125
class Coupon
* 红包金额
* @var float
protected $amount; /**
* 红包个数
* @var int
protected $num; /**
* 领取的红包最小金额
* @var float
protected $coupon_min; /**
* 红包分配结果
* @var array
protected $items = []; /**
* 初始化
* @param float $amount 红包金额(单位:元)最多保留2位小数
* @param int $num 红包个数
* @param float $coupon_min 每个至少领取的红包金额
public function __construct($amount, $num = 1, $coupon_min = 0.01)
$this->amount = $amount;
$this->num = $num;
$this->coupon_min = $coupon_min;
} /**
* 处理返回
* @return array
public function handle()
// A. 验证
if ($this->amount < $validAmount = $this->coupon_min * $this->num) {
throw new Exception('红包总金额必须≥'.$validAmount.'元');
} // B. 分配红包
$this->apportion(); return [
'items' => $this->items,
} /**
* 分配红包
protected function apportion()
$num = $this->num; // 剩余可分配的红包个数
$amount = $this->amount; //剩余可领取的红包金额 while ($num >= 1) {
// 剩余一个的时候,直接取剩余红包
if ($num == 1) {
$coupon_amount = $this->decimal_number($amount);
} else {
$avg_amount = $this->decimal_number($amount / $num); // 剩余的红包的平均金额 $coupon_amount = $this->decimal_number(
$this->calcCouponAmount($avg_amount, $amount, $num)
$this->items[] = $coupon_amount; // 追加分配 $amount -= $coupon_amount;
} shuffle($this->items); //随机打乱
} /**
* 计算分配的红包金额
* @param float $avg_amount 每次计算的平均金额
* @param float $amount 剩余可领取金额
* @param int $num 剩余可领取的红包个数
* @return float
protected function calcCouponAmount($avg_amount, $amount, $num)
// 如果平均金额小于等于最低金额,则直接返回最低金额
if ($avg_amount <= $this->coupon_min) {
return $this->coupon_min;
} // 浮动计算
$coupon_amount = $this->decimal_number($avg_amount * (1 + $this->apportionRandRatio())); // 如果低于最低金额或超过可领取的最大金额,则重新获取
if ($coupon_amount < $this->coupon_min
|| $coupon_amount > $this->calcCouponAmountMax($amount, $num)
) {
return $this->calcCouponAmount($avg_amount, $amount, $num);
} return $coupon_amount;
} /**
* 计算分配的红包金额-可领取的最大金额
* @param float $amount
* @param int $num
protected function calcCouponAmountMax($amount, $num)
return $this->coupon_min + $amount - $num * $this->coupon_min;
} /**
* 红包金额浮动比例
protected function apportionRandRatio()
// 60%机率获取剩余平均值的大幅度红包(可能正数、可能负数)
if (rand(1, 100) <= 60) {
return rand(-70, 70) / 100; // 上下幅度70%
} return rand(-30, 30) / 100; // 其他情况,上下浮动30%;
} /**
* 格式化金额,保留2位
* @param float $amount
* @return float
protected function decimal_number($amount)
return sprintf('%01.2f', round($amount, 2));
} } // 例子
$price_total = 0;
$total = $surplus_total = 30;
$max_num = $surplus_num = 8;
echo "总共{$total}元,随机生成{$max_num}个红包".'</br>'; for($i=0;$i<$max_num;$i++){
$coupon = new Coupon($surplus_total, $surplus_num, 0.01);
$res = $coupon->handle();
$money = $res['items'][0];
$price_total += $money;
$surplus_total = bcsub($surplus_total, $money, 2);  //解决高精度问题
echo '第'.($i+1).'个随机红包:'.$money.'还剩下'.($surplus_total).'元'.'<br>';



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