









更多地来想,如果需要做多项式的乘法,那么顺序表示就比链式表示的优势要大了。多项式乘法的算法核心可以大致说明为:LC(i+j-1) += LA(i)*LB(j)。这里涉及到寻找i+j-1位置的LC的值并进行修改的操作,如果使用顺序表示更方便找到该位置。












上面有提到的是,如果要实现多项式的乘法,若使用顺序表示的线性表,则可以直接遍历LA和LB,每一个合法位置执行LC(i+j-1) += LA(i)*LB(j)就可以了;而假如要使用链式表示的线性表来实现,如果继续按照顺序表示的方式来遍历LA和LB,这样处理LC的位置在不停地变动,查找该位置时间开销很大,所以可以选择遍历i+j-1的值,对于一个固定的i+j-1,通过遍历i求出j的值来计算LC(i+j-1)的值。



  1 #include <iostream>
2 #include <cstdio>
4 using namespace std;
6 struct node
7 {
8 int Num;
9 node *next;
10 };
12 class MyList
13 {
14 private:
15 int Len;
16 node *pHead;
18 public:
19 void InitList()//构造一个空的线性表
20 {
21 Len = 0;
22 pHead = NULL;
23 }
24 void ClearList()//重置为空表
25 {
26 node *Tmp;
27 while(pHead)
28 {
29 Tmp = pHead;
30 pHead = pHead -> next;
31 delete Tmp;
32 }
33 Len = 0;
34 }
35 bool ListEmpty()//判断L是否为空表
36 {
37 return pHead == NULL;
38 }
39 int ListLength()//返回L中数据元素个数
40 {
41 return Len;
42 }
43 bool GetElem(int Pos, int &e)//返回第Pos个元素,出错返回true
44 {
45 if(Pos < 1 || Pos > Len)
46 {
47 printf("Wrong position!\n");
48 return true;
49 }
50 node *Cur = pHead;
51 int Index = 0;
52 while(++Index < Pos && Cur)
53 Cur = Cur -> next;
54 e = Cur -> Num;
55 return false;
56 }
57 //LocateElem(L, e, compare())//返回L中第一个与e满足关系compare()的元素的位序,不存在返回0
58 bool PriorElem(int e, int &Pre_e)//若e是L中的元素,返回e的前躯,失败时返回true
59 {
60 if(pHead -> Num == e)
61 {
62 printf("Cannot find the precursor!\n");
63 return true;
64 }
65 node *Cur = pHead, *Prev;
66 while(Cur)
67 {
68 if(Cur -> Num == e)
69 break;
70 Prev = Cur;
71 Cur = Cur -> next;
72 }
73 if(!Cur)
74 {
75 printf("Cannot find the element!\n");
76 return true;
77 }
78 Pre_e = Prev -> Num;
79 return false;
80 }
81 bool NextElem(int e, int &Next_e)//若e是L中的元素,返回e的后继,错误时返回true
82 {
83 node *Cur = pHead;
84 while(Cur)
85 {
86 if(Cur -> Num == e)
87 break;
88 Cur = Cur -> next;
89 }
90 if(!Cur)
91 {
92 printf("Cannot find the element!\n");
93 return true;
94 }
95 Cur = Cur -> next;
96 if(!Cur)
97 {
98 printf("Cannot find the successor!\n");
99 return true;
100 }
101 Next_e = Cur -> Num;
102 return false;
103 }
104 bool ListInsert(int Pos, int e)//在Pos位置插入元素e,失败时返回true
105 {
106 if(Pos < 1 || Pos > Len + 1)
107 {
108 printf("Wrong position!\n");
109 return true;
110 }
111 node *InsElem = new node;
112 if(Pos == 1)
113 {
114 InsElem -> next = pHead;
115 pHead = InsElem;
116 InsElem -> Num = e;
117 }
118 else
119 {
120 node *Cur = pHead;
121 int Index = 0;
122 while(++Index + 1 < Pos && Cur)
123 Cur = Cur -> next;
124 InsElem -> next = Cur -> next;
125 Cur -> next = InsElem;
126 InsElem -> Num = e;
127 }
128 Len++;
129 return false;
130 }
131 bool ListDelete(int Pos, int &e)//删除Pos位置的元素,用e返回,错误时返回true
132 {
133 if(Pos < 1 || Pos > Len)
134 {
135 printf("Wrong position!\n");
136 return true;
137 }
138 node *DelElem = pHead;
139 if(Pos == 1)
140 {
141 pHead = DelElem -> next;
142 e = DelElem -> Num;
143 delete DelElem;
144 }
145 else
146 {
147 node *Prev;
148 int Index = 0;
149 while(++Index < Pos && DelElem)
150 {
151 Prev = DelElem;
152 DelElem = DelElem -> next;
153 }
154 Prev -> next = DelElem -> next;
155 e = DelElem -> Num;
156 delete DelElem;
157 }
158 Len--;
159 return false;
160 }
161 //ListTraverse(L, visit())//依次对L中的每个数据元素调用函数visit(),一旦visit()失败,则操作失败
162 void PrintList()
163 {
164 if(ListEmpty())
165 {
166 printf("The List is empty!\n");
167 return ;
168 }
169 node *Cur = pHead;
170 int Index = 0;
171 while(++Index < Len && Cur)
172 {
173 printf("%d ",Cur -> Num);
174 Cur = Cur -> next;
175 }
176 printf("%d\n",Cur -> Num);
177 }
178 bool ElemPrio(node a, node b)
179 {
180 return a.Num < b.Num;
181 }
182 bool ChangeElem(int Pos, int El) //把Pos位置元素的值改为El,失败返回true
183 {
184 if(Pos < 1 || Pos > Len)
185 {
186 printf("Wrong position!\n");
187 return true;
188 }
189 node *Cur = pHead;
190 int Index = 0;
191 while(++Index < Pos && Cur)
192 Cur = Cur -> next;
193 Cur -> Num = El;
194 return false;
195 }
196 void MergeList(MyList Lb) //把Lb插入L中
197 {
198 int aElem, bElem, aIndex = 0;
199 while(aIndex < Len && (!Lb.ListEmpty()))
200 {
201 GetElem(++aIndex, aElem);
202 Lb.GetElem(1, bElem);
203 if(aElem > bElem)
204 {
205 Lb.ListDelete(1, bElem);
206 ListInsert(aIndex, bElem);
207 }
208 }
209 while(!Lb.ListEmpty())
210 {
211 Lb.ListDelete(1, bElem);
212 ListInsert(Len + 1, bElem);
213 }
214 }
215 void AddList(MyList Lb) //按项加法,把Lb往L中加
216 {
217 if(Lb.ListEmpty())
218 return ;
219 int bElem;
220 node *Cur = pHead;
221 while(Cur && (!Lb.ListEmpty()))
222 {
223 Lb.ListDelete(1, bElem);
224 Cur -> Num += bElem;
225 Cur = Cur -> next;
226 }
227 while(!Lb.ListEmpty())
228 {
229 Lb.ListDelete(1, bElem);
230 ListInsert(Len, bElem);
231 }
232 }
233 void PrintList_ForPolynomial()
234 {
235 if(ListEmpty())
236 {
237 printf("There is something wrong!\n");
238 return ;
239 }
240 node *Cur = pHead;
241 int Index = 0;
242 while(++Index < Len && Cur)
243 {
244 if(Index == 1)
245 printf("%d + ", Cur -> Num);
246 else if(Index == 2)
247 printf("%d * x + ", Cur -> Num);
248 else
249 printf("%d * x^%d + ", Cur -> Num, Index - 1);
250 Cur = Cur -> next;
251 }
252 if(Index == 1)
253 printf("%d\n", Cur -> Num);
254 else if(Index == 2)
255 printf("%d * x\n", Cur -> Num);
256 else
257 printf("%d * x^%d\n", Cur -> Num, Index - 1);
258 }
259 };
261 void Read(MyList &L)
262 {
263 int n, i, Elem;
264 L.InitList();
265 printf("Please input a number n.\n");
266 scanf("%d", &n);
267 printf("Please input n+1 numbers means a0+a1*x+a2*x^2+...+an*x^n.\n");
268 for(i = 1; i <= n + 1; i++)
269 {
270 scanf("%d", &Elem);
271 L.ListInsert(i, Elem);
272 }
273 }
275 int main()
276 {
277 MyList La, Lb;
278 Read(La);
279 Read(Lb);
280 printf("La(x) = ");
281 La.PrintList_ForPolynomial();
282 printf("Lb(x) = ");
283 Lb.PrintList_ForPolynomial();
284 La.AddList(Lb);
285 printf("La(x) + Lb(x) = ");
286 La.PrintList_ForPolynomial();
287 return 0;
288 }


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