
 use strict;
use warnings; $_ = 'oireqo````'; unless($_ =~ /^a/m){print "no match to a\n"} #no match to a if(!($_ =~ /^a/m)){print "no match to a\n"} #no match to a unless($_ =~ /^o/m){print "no match to a"}else{print "match!\n"} my $number = ; while($number<)
$number++;print "$number\n";
} #2
#12 until($number<)
$number--;print "$number\n"
} #11
#1 print "match!\n"if($_ =~ /^o/m); #match! my @arr=(,,,,,,);print foreach(@arr);print"\n"; #1234567 #my @arr_1=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7);print"$k" foreach my $k($#arr_1);print"\n";
#Global symbol "$k" requires explicit package name (did you forget to declare "my $k"?) at t.pl line 62.
#syntax error at t.pl line 62, near "$k("
#Execution of t.pl aborted due to compilation errors. {
my $k = "good";
#print "$k\n"; #Global symbol "$k" requires explicit package name (did you forget to declare "my $k"?) at t.pl line 70.
#Execution of t.pl aborted due to compilation errors. my @fruit = ('apple','banana','peach','apple','apple');my %match;$match{$_}++ foreach(@fruit);print "$match{$_}\n"foreach(keys %match); #1
#3 my $five_1= ;my $six_1 = $five_1++;print "$six_1\t$five_1\n";
my $five_2= ;my $six_2 = ++$five_2;print "$six_2\t$five_2\n"; #5 6
#6 6 my %seen;foreach(@fruit) {print "i 've get $_!\n" if $seen{$_}++;} #i 've get apple!
#i 've get apple! for($_ = "abcdefg";s/(.)//;){print "$1\n";if($ eq "f"){last;}} #a
my %seen; READ:while(<>)
next READ if /\W/;$seen{$_}++;
} foreach (keys %seen){print "last:$_ is $seen{$_}\n";last if /dewm/;}
foreach (keys %seen){print "next:$_ is $seen{$_}\n";next if /dewm/;}
#foreach (keys %seen){print "redo:$_ is $seen{$_}\n";redo if /dewm/;} # cat 1.txt
# shsjsk 123
# dewm
# shsjsk 123
# shsjsk 123
# shsjsk 123
# cat 1.txt |perl t.pl
#last:shsjsk is 4
#next:shsjsk is 4
#next:123 is 4
#next:dewm is 1
#redo:dewm is 1
#…… my $zero = ;my $one = ;
if (($zero != )&&($one%$zero==)){print "get!\n"} # my %zoo;$zoo{'fish'}='cat',$zoo{'mouse'} ='dog';$zoo{'dog'}="";
my $animal=$zoo{'dog'}||'nobody';print "$animal\n";
my $animal_1=$zoo{'panda'}||'nobody';print "$animal_1\n";
my $animal_2=defined $zoo{'dog'}? '1':'nobody';print "$animal_2\n";
my $animal_3=$zoo{'dog'}//'nobody';print "$animal_3\n"; #nobody
# printf "%s\n",$animal_3//'nobody'; # my $m =;($m>)||print "$m\n"; # $m> or die "wrong judgement"; #wrong judgement at t.pl line 152, <> line 5.


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