2013:人机交互领域那些令人兴奋的新技术" title="CHI 2013:人机交互领域那些令人兴奋的新技术">


作者:微软亚洲研究院 副研究员 Koji

SIGCHI计算系统中的人因学会议(ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in
Computing Systems)”,是人机交互(Human-Computer
Interaction)领域内首屈一指的国际盛会。今年,大约有3500名科研人员齐聚美丽的城市巴黎,共同分享了人机交互领域最新的研究成果。参会期间,我见到了不少非常酷的研究项目演示和以及充满奇思妙想的研究人员,在接下来的文章中,我将分别从计算机(Computer)、人(Human)和交互(Interaction)三个角度,与大家分享我在CHI 2013会议上的见闻及感受。





2013:人机交互领域那些令人兴奋的新技术" title="CHI 2013:人机交互领域那些令人兴奋的新技术">





2013:人机交互领域那些令人兴奋的新技术" title="CHI 2013:人机交互领域那些令人兴奋的新技术">



3. 柔性显示屏技术


2013:人机交互领域那些令人兴奋的新技术" title="CHI 2013:人机交互领域那些令人兴奋的新技术">



4. 置换现实头盔


2013:人机交互领域那些令人兴奋的新技术" title="CHI 2013:人机交互领域那些令人兴奋的新技术">









Hachisu现正与微软亚洲研究院人机交互组的Kwangtak Kim合作。

Furumi和来自庆应义塾大学的Kevin Fan。Genki Furumi目前正与Darren








CHI is the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems, and it is the premier international
conference on human-computer interaction (HCI). This year,
approximately 3,500 attendees gathered at a beautiful city of
Paris. I saw many cool research projects and people. I just wanted
to share my experience at CHI with you.

Computer: Exciting New Interactive
Systems and Technologies

This year, I saw a lot of
very cool interactive systems and techniques, which are always
intriguing to me. I cannot introduce all of them, but I would like
to talk specifically about display technologies. Researchers at MIT
and Microsoft presented a 3D interactive desktop environment called
SpaceTop. SpaceTop uses a transparent display, and the user places
a keyboard and her hands behind the display. The user can then
manipulate digital objects on the display by performing hand
gestures. Pretty futuristic work on desktop computing.

One of the most impressive
work I saw was IllumiRoom, developed by researchers at MSR Redmond.
By using a Kinect sensor and projector, the system extends your TV
screen to the entire room. The projected images around the TV
screen offers additional surrounding contexts, and creates an
immersive environment. It sounds like a simple idea, but really

Another of my favorite
displays I saw at CHI this year was flexible displays. MorePhone
presented by researchers at Queen’s University, Canada, uses
programmatically-controllable foldable displays to inform the user
of the statue of the phone. For example, instead of showing an icon
of incoming emails which the user cannot see without turning on the
phone, MorePhone folds up part of a display. Foldable displays have
been explored as an input modality (e.g., you can do zoom-in/out by
bending the display), but the novelty of this work is to explore
the capability of foldable as an output modality.

Displaying is not just about
screens. Information can be displayed in a more wearable and
immersive manner. Researchers from Keio University, Japan presented
their recent work on Substitutional Reality. Substitutional Reality
is a mixed reality system recently discovered by Dr. Naotaka Fujii
at RIKEN. Under the assumption that the user is wearing an HMD
(head-mounted display) all the time and the system records the
vision of the user. When the scene is substantially overlapped with
the recorded past, Substitutional Reality switches between the
reality and past without letting the user know. If the switching is
so smooth, the user would not be aware of whether she is seeing the
reality or recorded image. This creates an immersive mixed reality
environment. Kevin Fan and his collaborators examined how auditory
and haptic feedback could affect the perception of Substitutional
Reality. Dr. Kouta Minamizawa, who is one of the collaborators, was
awarded funding for this research from MSRA through the CORE
project program. I was very glad that they are already successful,
and am looking forward to seeing even more exciting outcomes in the

Human: Old Faces, New

As CHI is the largest
international conference in the field of HCI, I can always see many
of my friends; surely, my folks from other MSR labs, but also my
old friends of University of Toronto alumni, my research
collaborators in Japan and Korea.

But among them, it was the
best to see our intern alumni. Joan Savage from Indiana
University-Purdue University Indianapolis was at the conference. We
had a full-paper publication (HyperSlides) and she also enjoyed our
presentation at CHI. Yefeng Liu from Waseda University was there
too. He was an intern of Darren Edge and me, and I presented our
collaborative project, SidePoint project. Jessica Cauchard from
University of Bristol, who worked with Xiang Cao at our HCI group,
also attended a conference.

HyperSlides video:

SidePoint video:

It is always great to see
these old faces, but meeting new faces another great fun. This year
was very special in this sense because I met two students who will
be our old faces. Let me introduce them.

Taku Hachisu is a Ph.D.
student at Electro-Communication University, Japan, and presented
his work on a novel tabletop system which enables to sense the
approaching velocity of a hand or object that is touching the
display. The sampling rate of sensing the approaching velocity is
much faster than existing technologies, and his system can be used
to provide no-delay haptic feedback. Taku is now working with
Kwangtak Kim at MSRA HCI group.

Student volunteers is another
great way to participate in the conference. CHI is a huge
conference, and it would not be possible without their help.
Student volunteers have a great opportunity to get connected with
other fellow students. I also did a student volunteer in 2010, and
greatly enjoyed. This year, there were two students volunteers I
acquainted: Genki Furumi from University of Tokyo and Kevin Fan
from Keio University. And Genki Furumi is currently working with
Darren Edge and me at MSRA HCI group.

Interaction: Get Connected outside
the Conference

CHI is not just about a
conference. There are always interesting opportunities to get
connected with people outside the conference. This year, there were
many co-located events, and some of them were themed as

Chinese HCI researchers
organized a conference called “Chinese CHI” in Paris just one day
before CHI.

Around 100 Chinese
researchers all over the world attended this event, including
Shumin Zhai, Ed Chi, and Xiaojun Bi from Google, and Xiangshi Ren
from Kochi Institute of Technology, Japan. Xiang Cao from MSRA, one
of the organizers, described this event as follows:

“Not only did we see old
friends that we meet at CHI every year, but this event also created
opportunities for many other Chinese researchers to come and share
their research, and also enjoy the CHI conference

If we say that Chinese go
with formality by having a conference, Japanese would go with fun
by having a party. Japanese HCI researchers, including me, had CHI
Japan Night. My friends and I started to organize this event since
last year. This event is intended to be social ice-breaking,
particularly for students. Japanese students are often very shy to
talk to professors and senior researchers although interacting with
them is quite important. This CHI Japan Night maintains the
atmosphere of a casual cocktail party, and people are encouraged to
talk to those from different institutes. This year, we had
approximately 60 people, and enjoyed sharing interests and thoughts
with their new friends. I hope that young students had invaluable
interaction with professors, senior researchers and fellow

So, what’s

CHI has been getting larger
and larger. It is great to see that so many people are working in
the field of HCI and we are still attracting more researchers and
students. Particularly, we have seen strong presence from Asia at
recent CHI. CHI will be held at Toronto, Canada, next year, and
after this, it will be in Korea. I hope that we as researchers in
Asia can keep this trend, and even make it larger.



2013:人机交互领域那些令人兴奋的新技术" title="CHI 2013:人机交互领域那些令人兴奋的新技术">










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