• For best results package the program from the same OS as the target.

    • EG if the target is Windows then package the program from a Windows computer with a python interpreter.
  • Install Windows python interpreter on Linux.
  • Use it to convert python programs to Windows executables.

Install wine tool on Kali Linux:

dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update &&
apt-get install wine32

Install Python 3.7.4 using wine.

Install PyInstaller on Kali Linux.

wine python.exe -m pip install /root/Downloads/PyInstaller-3.5.tar.gz

To package the keylogger program, we need to install the pynput module first.

wine python.exe -m pip --default-time= install pynput

Convert the python program to windows executable.

wine ~/.wine/drive_c/'Program Files (x86)'/Python37-/Scripts/pyinstaller.exe --onefile --noconsole

Test the zkeylogger.exe file on the Windows 10 PC. It works perfectly.


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