Hacking is gaining unauthorized access to anything.


Setting up a lab and installing needed applications and operating systesm. Basics about computers and linux systems.

Network Pentesting

Test the security of networks and computers cnnected to them.

Gaining Access

Gaining access to any computer device using client side or server side attacks.

Post Exploitation

How to control hacked computers and use them to hack into other computers.

Web Application Pentesting

Find vulnerabilites in web applications and use them to compromise the system.

Security & Mitigation

At the end of each section you will learn how to prevent and secure yourself from the discussed attacks.


  • Ensure hone/organisation is secure.
  • Secure own systems(hone/work)
  • Job opportunites.
  • Increase awareness.

It's like learning a martial art, it can be used for good or bad things.


  1. wcf DataTable作为返回类型
  2. C# socket UDPの异步链接
  3. Ubuntu下安装Django
  4. js中的this指针(三)
  5. spring mvc 的Controller类默认Scope是单例(singleton)的
  6. PHP中的赋值运算符
  7. HDU 5996:dingyeye loves stone(阶梯博弈)
  8. 003. 连接access数据库代码
  9. linux设置默认路由细节问题
  10. 用PYTHON输入输出字符串
  11. Unix命令行学习
  12. ASP.NET 5 (vNext)
  13. tp框架的详细介绍,tp框架基础
  14. struts2.0的工作原理?
  15. C#同步方法转异步
  16. JS将图片转换成Base64码
  17. RQNOJ 1 明明的随机数
  18. HihoCoder - 1478 水陆距离
  19. DFS&&BFS
  20. My97datepicker使用方法


  1. 一时技痒,撸了个动态线程池,源码放Github了
  2. PHP丨PHP基础知识之流程控制for循环「理论篇」
  3. HTTP Request Smuggling 请求走私
  4. JAVA 字节流 与 字符流 的区别
  5. 黎活明8天快速掌握android视频教程--14_把文件存放在SDCard
  6. java 加密与解密艺术二
  7. java基础-8种基本类型
  8. 语言模型 N-gram 与其平滑方法推导
  9. Linux下Jmeter+nmon+nmon analyser实现性能监控及结果分析
  10. C#实现快速查找(递归,非递归)