作者: 负雪明烛
id: fuxuemingzhu
个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/

题目地址: https://leetcode.com/problems/orderly-queue/description/


A string S of lowercase letters is given. Then, we may make any number of moves.

In each move, we choose one of the first K letters (starting from the left), remove it, and place it at the end of the string.

Return the lexicographically smallest string we could have after any number of moves.

Example 1:

Input: S = "cba", K = 1
Output: "acb"
In the first move, we move the 1st character ("c") to the end, obtaining the string "bac".
In the second move, we move the 1st character ("b") to the end, obtaining the final result "acb".

Example 2:

Input: S = "baaca", K = 3
Output: "aaabc"
In the first move, we move the 1st character ("b") to the end, obtaining the string "aacab".
In the second move, we move the 3rd character ("c") to the end, obtaining the final result "aaabc".


  1. 1 <= K <= S.length <= 1000
  2. S consists of lowercase letters only.





  1. K == 1的时候,没有什么好说的,每次只能把每个开头的字母放到最后去,进行S.length次操作之后求字母序最小的字符串。这个操作是把字符串进行了旋转。

     12345 -> 23451 -> 34512 -> 45123 -> 51234
  2. K > 1的时候,我们可以:
    1). 把字符串进行旋转(相当于K == 1
    2). 把字符串除了第一个字符的其余部分进行旋转

     012345 -> 023451 -> 034512 -> 045123 -> 051234


当k > 1的时候,这个过程相当于冒泡排序,所以,我们可以直接排序得到结果。

时间复杂度是O(N ^ 2),空间复杂度是O(N)。

class Solution(object):
def orderlyQueue(self, S, K):
:type S: str
:type K: int
:rtype: str
if K == 1:
res = S
for i in range(len(S)):
res = min(res, S[i:] + S[:i])
res = "".join(sorted(list(S)))
return res




2018 年 10 月 4 日 —— 一个很不容易察觉的小错误,需要总结一下坑了!


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