A. Watchmen

time limit per test

3 seconds

memory limit per test

256 megabytes


standard input


standard output

Watchmen are in a danger and Doctor Manhattan together with his friend Daniel Dreiberg should warn them as soon as possible. There are n watchmen on a plane, the i-th watchman is located at point (xi, yi).

They need to arrange a plan, but there are some difficulties on their way. As you know, Doctor Manhattan considers the distance between watchmen i and j to be |xi - xj| + |yi - yj|. Daniel, as an ordinary person, calculates the distance using the formula .

The success of the operation relies on the number of pairs (i, j) (1 ≤ i < j ≤ n), such that the distance between watchman i and watchmen j calculated by Doctor Manhattan is equal to the distance between them calculated by Daniel. You were asked to compute the number of such pairs.


The first line of the input contains the single integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 200 000) — the number of watchmen.

Each of the following n lines contains two integers xi and yi (|xi|, |yi| ≤ 109).

Some positions may coincide.


Print the number of pairs of watchmen such that the distance between them calculated by Doctor Manhattan is equal to the distance calculated by Daniel.

1 1
7 5
1 5
0 0
0 1
0 2
-1 1
0 1
1 1

In the first sample, the distance between watchman 1 and watchman 2 is equal to |1 - 7| + |1 - 5| = 10 for Doctor Manhattan and  for Daniel. For pairs (1, 1), (1, 5) and (7, 5), (1, 5) Doctor Manhattan and Daniel will calculate the same distances.

思路:Manhattan and Daniel will calculate the same distances曼哈顿距离和两点间的距离相等,A(x1,y1) ,B(X2,Y2);







  1 #include<stdio.h>
2 #include<algorithm>
3 #include<iostream>
4 #include<stdlib.h>
5 #include<string.h>
6 #include<map>
7 #include<queue>
8 #include<math.h>
9 #include<set>
10 #include<stack>
11 #include<map>
12 int cmp(const void*p,const void*q);
13 using namespace std;
14 typedef long long LL;
15 typedef struct pp
16 {
17 LL x;
18 LL y;
19 } ss;
20 ss aa[200005*4];LL bb[200005*4];
21 ss ak[200005*4];ss bk[200005*4];
22 LL cc[4*200005];LL yy[200005*4];
23 LL vv[200005*4];
24 typedef pair<int,int> P;
25 int main(void)
26 {
27 LL i,j,k,p,q;
28 scanf("%I64d",&k);
29 { LL cnt=0;LL x,y;memset(vv,0,sizeof(vv));
30 map<P,LL>my;memset(yy,0,sizeof(yy));my.clear();
31 for(i=0;i<k;i++)
32 {
33 scanf("%I64d %I64d",&x,&y);
34 bb[cnt++]=x;
35 bb[cnt++]=y;
36 }
37 for(i=0;i<cnt;i++)
38 {
39 aa[i].x=bb[i];
40 aa[i].y=i;
41 }
42 qsort(aa,cnt,sizeof(ss),cmp);
43 cc[0]=0;LL ans=0;
44 for(i=1;i<cnt;i++)
45 {
46 if(aa[i].x!=aa[i-1].x)
47 ans++;
48 cc[aa[i].y]=ans;
49 }LL uu=0;
50 for(i=0;i<cnt;i++)
51 {
52 if(i%2==0)
53 {
54 ak[uu].x=cc[i];
55 }
56 else {ak[uu].y=cc[i];uu++;}
57 }LL rns=0;LL bbq=1;
58 for(i=0;i<uu;i++)
59 {P l;l.first=ak[i].x;l.second=ak[i].y;
60 if(my[l]==0)
61 {
62 my[l]=bbq++;
63 }
64 }for(i=0;i<uu;i++)
65 {P l;l.first=ak[i].x;l.second=ak[i].y;
66 vv[my[l]]++;
67 }
68 LL an=0;
69 for(i=1;i<bbq;i++)
70 {
71 if(vv[i]>=2)
72 {
73 an+=vv[i]*(vv[i]-1)/2;
74 }
75 }
76 for(i=0;i<uu;i++)
77 {
78 yy[ak[i].x]++;
79 }LL sum=0;
80 for(i=0;i<500005;i++)
81 {
82 if(yy[i]>=2)
83 {
84 sum+=yy[i]*(yy[i]-1)/2;
85 }
86 }memset(yy,0,sizeof(yy));
87 for(i=0;i<uu;i++)
88 {
89 yy[ak[i].y]++;
90 }
91 for(i=0;i<500005;i++)
92 {
93 if(yy[i]>=2)
94 {
95 sum+=yy[i]*(yy[i]-1)/2;
96 }
97 }
98 printf("%I64d\n",sum-an);
99 }
100 return 0;
101 }
103 int cmp(const void*p,const void*q)
104 {
105 ss*nn=(ss*)p;
106 ss*mm=(ss*)q;
107 return nn->x-mm->x;
108 }


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