
pytest 运行完用例之后会生成一个 .pytest_cache 的缓存文件夹,用于记录用例的ids和上一次失败的用例。

方便我们在运行用例的时候加上--lf 和 --ff 参数,快速运行上一次失败的用例。

--lf, --last-failed 只重新运行上次运行失败的用例(或如果没有失败的话会全部跑)

--ff, --failed-first 运行所有测试,但首先运行上次运行失败的测试(这可能会重新测试,从而导致重复的fixture setup/teardown)


pytest -h 查看命令行参数,关于 cache 参数的使用方式

> pytest -h

--lf, --last-failed   rerun only the tests that failed at the last
run (or all if none failed)
--ff, --failed-first run all tests, but run the last failures first.
This may re-order tests and thus lead to repeated fixture setup/teardown.
--nf, --new-first run tests from new files first, then the rest of the tests sorted by file mtime
show cache contents, don't perform collection or tests. Optional argument: glob(default: '*').
--cache-clear remove all cache contents at start of test run.


  • --lf 也可以使用 --last-failed 仅运行上一次失败的用例
  • --ff 也可以使用 --failed-first 运行全部的用例,但是上一次失败的用例先运行
  • --nf 也可以使用 --new-first 根据文件插件的时间,新的测试用例会先运行
  • --cache-show=[CACHESHOW] 显示.pytest_cache文件内容,不会收集用例也不会测试用例,选项参数: glob (默认: '*')
  • --cache-clear 测试之前先清空.pytest_cache文件



def test_01():
a = "hello"
b = "hello"
assert a == b def test_02():
a = "hello"
b = "hello world"
assert a == b def test_03():
a = "hello"
b = "hello world"
assert a in b def test_04():
a = "hello"
b = "hello world"
assert a not in b

命令行输入 运行完成后,会有2个用例失败,2个用例成功

collecting ...
case/test_1.py ✓ 25% ██▌ case/test_1.py ⨯✓ 75% ███████▌ case/test_1.py ⨯ 100% ██████████

运行完成后,会在当前的目录生成一个 .pytest_cache 的缓存文件夹,层级结构如下

lastfailed 文件记录上一次运行失败的用例

"test_x.py::test_02": true,
"test_x.py::test_04": true

nodeids 文件记录所有用例的节点


于是可以通过 pytest --cache-show 命令查看cache目录

(pytest_env) ➜  apiAutomatic pytest --cache-show
Test session starts (platform: darwin, Python 3.7.6, pytest 6.2.1, pytest-sugar 0.9.4)
rootdir: /Users/jkc/PycharmProjects/apiAutomatic, configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: assume-2.4.2, sugar-0.9.4, rerunfailures-9.1.1, base-url-1.4.2, html-3.1.1, metadata-1.11.0, ordering-0.6, cov-2.10.1, repeat-0.9.1, xdist-2.2.0, forked-1.3.0, allure-pytest-2.8.29
cachedir: /Users/jkc/PycharmProjects/apiAutomatic/.pytest_cache
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cache values for '*' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
cache/lastfailed contains:
{'case/test_1.py::test_02': True, 'case/test_1.py::test_04': True}
cache/nodeids contains:
cache/stepwise contains:
Results (0.02s):


--cache-clear 用于在测试用例开始之前清空cache的内容



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