1 问题描述


2 解决方案

2.1 蛮力法

package com.liuzhen.chapter5;

import java.math.BigInteger;

public class BigNumber {
* 参数A:进行乘法运算的大整数A,用字符串形式表示
* 参数B:进行乘法运算的另一个大整数B,用字符串形式表示
* 函数功能:以字符串形式返回A*B的结果
public String getMultiBigNumber(String A,String B){
if(A.length() > B.length()){ //当B字符串长度小于A时,在B字符串前补0,使得两个字符串长度一致
char[] temp = new char[A.length()-B.length()];
for(int i = 0;i < A.length() - B.length();i++)
temp[i] = '0';
B = String.valueOf(temp) + B;
if(A.length() < B.length()){ //当A字符串长度小于B时,在A字符串前补0,使得两字符串长度一致
char[] temp = new char[B.length()-A.length()];
for(int i = 0;i < B.length() - A.length();i++)
temp[i] = '0';
A = String.valueOf(temp) + A;
} int len = A.length() + B.length(); char[] arrayA = A.toCharArray();
char[] arrayB = B.toCharArray();
for(int i = 0;i < arrayA.length;i++) //检查字符串A中是否有非数字的字符
if(arrayA[i] < '0' || arrayA[i] > '9')
return null;
for(int i = 0;i < arrayB.length;i++) //检查字符串B中是否有非数字的字符
if(arrayB[i] < '0' || arrayB[i] > '9')
return null; char[] result = new char[len]; //用于存放最终乘法运算结果,长度len表示A*B的最长长度
for(int i = 0;i < len;i++) //初始化字符数组result,各个元素均为'0'
result[i] = '0'; int countI = 0; //用于计算当前B中已经和A中每个字符进行完乘法运算的字符个数
for(int i = arrayB.length-1;i >= 0;i--){
int tempB = arrayB[i] - '0';
int countJ = 0; //用于计算当前A中正在进行乘法运算的字符个数
for(int j = arrayA.length - 1;j >= 0;j--,countJ++){
int tempA = arrayA[j] - '0';
int tempRe = (tempB * tempA) % 10; //用于计算当前位置的数
int tempResult = result[(len-1-countJ)-countI] - '0'; //当前位置已包含的结果
tempResult += tempRe;
result[(len-1-countJ)-countI] = (char) (tempResult%10 + 48); //当前位置数最终结果 int tempDi = tempB * tempA / 10 + tempResult / 10; //用于计算进位
for(int k = 1;tempDi > 0;k++){ //处理进位操作
int tempResultK = result[(len-1-countJ)-countI-k] - '0';
tempResultK += tempDi;
result[(len-1-countJ)-countI-k] = (char) (tempResultK%10 + 48);
tempDi = tempResultK / 10;
} return getNoneZeroString(result);
} //去掉字符串前面的0
public String getNoneZeroString(char[] result){
int count = 0;
for(int i = 0;i < result.length;i++){
if(result[i] == '0')
char[] A = new char[result.length-count];
for(int i = 0;i < result.length-count;i++)
A[i] = result[count+i];
return String.valueOf(A);
} public static void main(String[] args){
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
BigNumber test = new BigNumber();
String A = "123456789123232342432423441345342523452534235443253254";
String B = "987654322234242424332423414324532542354325235345435435";
System.out.println("大整数A*B的结果:"+test.getMultiBigNumber(A, B));
BigInteger bigInteger1 = new BigInteger("123456789123232342432423441345342523452534235443253254");
BigInteger bigInteger2 = new BigInteger("987654322234242424332423414324532542354325235345435435");
bigInteger2 = bigInteger2.multiply(bigInteger1);
long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("耗时:"+(t2-t1)+" 毫秒");


耗时:4 毫秒


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