
Figure 1.  A bird’s eye view of the µTVM + AutoTVM infrastructure

Figure 2.  A standard µTVM setup, where the host communicates with the device via JTAG.

Figure 3.  The performance results of MicroTVM

Figure 4. Improved performance by ~2x,now much closer to CMSIS-NN.

Figure 5. The µTVM Device Memory Layout in RAM

Figure 6.  Diagram of CIFAR-10 CNN

Figure 7.  Diagram from CMSIS-NN paper showing a 2x2 matrix multiplication microkernel

Figure 8. int8-quantized CIFAR-10 CNN comparison on an Arm STM32F746NG (re-posted from above)

Figure 9. int8-quantized CIFAR-10 CNN comparison on µTVM’s emulated host device

Figure 10. The envisioned µTVM optimization and deployment pipeline


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