
The accommodation reflex [反射] (or accommodation-convergence [会聚] reflex) is a reflex action of the eye, in response to focusing [聚焦] on a near object [物体], then looking at a distant object (and vice versa, 反之), comprising [包括] coordinated [协调的] changes in vergence, lens [镜头、晶状体] shape (accommodation) and pupil [瞳孔] size. The word vergence has two meanings: 1. the inward or outward turning of one or both eyes that occurs when focusing on an object; 2. a measure of the convergence or divergence [发散] of a pair of light rays. Apparently both con- and di- are prefixes [前缀]. When I said apparently, I meant "according to the way a situation appears, although I cannot be sure".


词源: "to be in company with". company除了公司外,还有group of people, friends的意思。我认为这才是核心意思。friends开公司未必是好主意,但开公司总得几个人吧?一个人开的叫小店。电影里常有的We've got company. 不是我们开公司了(got a company才是),是“有人来陪伴我们了”。来人和武侠小说里的“朋友”一样,未必是好人,译为“有人来了”得了。

SAN JOSE, Calif. – May 10, 2018 – Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) announced today it has completed the acquisition of Accompany [公司名,纯属为背单词用], a privately held company based in Los Altos, Calif. The company provides an AI-driven relationship intelligence [信息、情报] platform for finding new prospects (potential [潜在的] buyers or clients), navigating [航行] the selling process, and strengthening relationships. Accompany's AI technology and talent [人才] will help Cisco accelerate priority [优先级高的] areas across its collaboration portfolio [协作安排]. Cisco acquired Accompany for $270 million in cash and assumed [承担] equity awards [股权奖励]. Accompany Founder and CEO Amy Chang has been named senior vice president [高级副总裁] in charge of Cisco's Collaboration Technology Group (CTG).The Accompany team joins the CTG under Chang's leadership.


=achieve; accomplishment=achievement. accomplished: well educated/trained, skilled. skilled是被skill过,skillful很有skill (full of skill)


cord (thick string or thin rope)和chord (和弦)都来自拉丁文的'string'。h不发音很常见,如hour. 总之accord和“弦”有关,进而和音乐、合奏有关,引申为“一致或相配合”,然后谈不拢是没有“条约”的。discord: 不和。

according to: 为了和...和谐、一致 => 根据

The guitar has six strings. it is a type of chordophone [啥样的乐器?the sound is produced by way of a string, stretched between two fixed points, vibrating [震动] when plucked [弹拨]]. phone也是个重要的词根。


account从词源和count(数数)有关,和computer也有点关系。calculate则和'stone used in counting'有关。先看两个汉语的例子:
1. 回头再和你算账!
2. “老王,还你的1毛钱” “哎呀还啥还” “亲兄弟明算账” “好,我回去把帐清了”

The moral(寓意): 帐很重要,会计都是老板的人。on account of (因为)this, 和会计吵架前要take account of this, take this into account,纳入考虑因素。. 对账单/明细/流水“描述”了账户的balance (debits and credits,借贷、收支)。还可以“描述”别的事情。by/from all accounts: according to what a lot of people say


there's no accounting for taste: (我)就好这一口,不解释:人各有所好

There are many reasons to close a bank account. You might be moving to another country, or you might have found better interest rates at another bank, or you might've aged [长大、变老] out of the bank account your parents got you when you were a kid. Maybe you just don't like your bank.

If multiple individuals [多个人] are using your computer, you can personalize [个性化] your settings and keep your files private [私有] by creating a password-protected user account. Other users can also protect their account with a password to ensure that no one will touch their files. However, if they forget to log out, their profile will still run certain services and processes that can consume background resources. So, you might wonder, "How do I log off another user in Windows 10?" and "What are the top 6 options to delete a user account in Windows 10?"


to build/pile/store up

[LDOCE] heap: a large *untidy* pile of things; stack: a *neat* pile of things. IT业里这两个词用得挺准确的。stack一层层摞frame,heap里难免有洞。


In a set of measurements [在一组测量中], accuracy is closeness of the measurements to a specific value, while precision is the closeness of the measurements to each other. Low accuracy causes a difference between a result and a "true" value. Given a set of data points from repeated measurements of the same quantity, the set can be said to be accurate if their average is close to the true value of the quantity being measured, while the set can be said to be precise if the values are close to each other.

比如想知道我手里的表准不准。假设已有了精确的4.9m高的地方和so大that可以忽略空气阻力的铁球,就可以算出true value为1秒。三块表,每块表测三次:
0.5, 1, 1.5,平均值为1,accurate,不precise
0.9, 1, 1.1, accurate 且 precise
1.5, 1.5, 1.5 不accurate,很precise

所以precise形容精密,即精确,accurate为准确,好比1这个true value是个靶子(aim),射得准不?认真瞄准用accurate,但形容人一丝不苟用precise.


use有利用(treat sb unfairly)的意思,此利用非彼利用也。abuse和accuse都不是好意思。可以抗辩: falsely, unjustly, wrongly
正经说法: accuse与excuse同根,都和cause(原因)有关。控告人的原因是啥?迟到的原因是啥?

An accusation is a statement [陈述] by one person asserting [声称、断言] that another person or entity [实体] has done something improper [不适当]. The person who makes the accusation is an accuser, while the subject against whom it is made is the accused.

An accusation can be made in private or in public, to the accused person alone, or to other people with or without the knowledge of the accused person. An accuser can make an accusation with or without evidence [证据].

A criminal [犯罪的] accusation is a formal accusation made by the state [国家] against an individual or enterprise [企业]. In addition to the normal elements of an accusation, a criminal accusation specifies that the wrongdoing on the part of the accused constitutes [构成] a violation [违反] of the law.



From searching "The history of customs from the beginning to the present": Customs already existed in the third millennium (千年) before Christ (基督) in the ancient advanced civilizations of ancient Egypt and the Orient [东方]. The tax revenues [收益] served to cover the financial [财政] needs of the state. The word customs comes from the Greek word 'teloneum' (tax).

Since the completion of the European Single Market on 1 January 1993, trade in the Single Market in the European Union (EU) is no longer subject to customs controls. However, customs still performs its traditional tasks along the entire external border with so-called third countries, ports and airports.

清关: clear customs; 通关: take sth through customs.

With more than 60,000 employees [雇员], U.S. Customs and Border Protection, CBP, is one of the world's largest law enforcement [执法] organizations.

Rachel never buys a dress off the rack (made in large numbers and sent to shops).

With Spreadshirt, you can create custom [定制] clothes using your own personal photos and designs. Embrace your creative side and personalize custom clothing such as T-shirts, jackets and caps. [Spreadsheet: 电子表格]

Browse [浏览] 483 customized muscle cars stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore [探索] more stock photos and images.


An ace is a playing card [扑克牌], die [骰tou子] or domino with a single pip [点]. In the standard French deck, an ace has a single suit symbol (a heart, diamond, spade, or club) located in the middle of the card, sometimes large and decorated [装饰], especially in the case of the ace of spades. This embellishment [美化装饰] on the ace of spades started when King James VI of Scotland and I of England required an insignia [识别符号] of the printing house to be printed on the ace of spades. As the ace is often the highest playing card, its meaning has since changed to mean 'high-quality, excellence'.


ache和pain可能没啥差别,头疼和头好痛都对。从词典来看,有backache, bellyache, earache, headache, heartache, moustache/mustache (刮胡子时疼), panache (老公心疼……钱包), stomachache和toothache。有 [LDOCE]:
1. Her feet were aching from standing so long.
2. The pain in my jaw had come back.
3. He had a nasty pain in his leg.
4. If you suffer from back pain, consult your doctor before attempting this exercise.
5. The patient complained of severe chest pains.
6. She felt a sharp pain in her stomach.
7. I had a sore throat and aching limbs.
8. The astringent [收敛剂, 止血药] can cause irritation [painful, sore feeling] to sensitive skin.
9. You can use "aches and pains" to refer in a general way to any minor pains that you feel in your body.

[牛津] ache: continuous dull pain (持续而隐约的)疼痛。止痛药: painkiller。也许pain更painful些,毕竟achy长得像itchy, scratchy: 史羊羊。pain <= Old French <= Greek (payment, punishment). 近义词: agony, anguish, discomfort, distress, hurt, irritation, soreness, torment.
sore: hurting when touched or used; tender and painful; aching (指身体局部) 一触或一用就痛的。


a. If you say that you are hurting, you mean that you are experiencing emotional pain.
I am lonely and I am hurting.
b. The sun's hurting my eyes.
c. The day was bitterly cold.
d. The house felt cold and empty.
e. My tea's gone cold.
f. I'm cold.
g. I have pain radiating from my navel [肚脐] to my lower right abdomen [右下腹].


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