

   cd /source-dir

        find . -name .snapshot-prune-o-print0 | cpio -pmd0 /dest-dir

解释: This command copies the contents of /source-dir to /dest-dir, but omits files and directories  named  .snapshot (and  anything in them).  The construct-prune -o -print0 
is quite common. The idea here is  that  the  expression  before  -prune  matches  things  which  are  to be pruned.  However, the -prune action itself returns true, so the following -o  ensures that the right hand side is evaluated only for those directories
which didn't get pruned (the  contents  of the pruned directories are not even visited, so their contents are irrelevant).  The expression on the right  hand side of the -o is in parentheses only for clarity.  It emphasises that the -print0 action takes place
only for  things  that  didn't have -prune applied to them.  Because the default `and' condition between tests binds more tightly than -o, this is the default anyway, but the parentheses help to show what is going on.



-prune -o ... -print0
“... -print0”


find . -name Persistence -prune -o  ! -name '*log*'  ! -size +100M -print0   | cpio -pmd0 /root/do_bak/ltedecoder


注意: 你一定注意到了find 后面是“.”,代表当前文件夹,即此命令必须是pwd是你要拷则的文件夹里面,如你把sour-dir的文件进行拷则,则须要先cd $sour-dir。


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