Turning on some optimizations in Quartus II may help increase it. Here are some you may want to try:

a.) Change the optimization technique to Speed
• Click Assignments -> Settings
• Select Analysis & Synthesis Settings
• For Optimization Technique, select Speed

b.) Turn on one-hot state machine processing
• Click Assignments -> Settings
• Select Analysis & Synthesis Settings 
• For State Machine Processing, select One-Hot

c.) Turn off Multiplexer Restructuring
• Click Assignments -> Settings
• Select Analysis & Synthesis Settings
• For Restructure Multiplexers, select Off

d.) Turn on Physical Synthesis in the Fitter
• Click Assignments -> Settings
• Expand Fitter Settings by clicking the + symbol next to it. 
• Select Physical Synthesis Optimizations
• Check Perform physical synthesis for combinational logic
• Check Perform register duplication
• Check Perform register retiming
• Select Normal for Physical synthesis effort


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