%s 用str()方法处理对象

%r 用rper()方法处理对象,打印时能够重现它所代表的对象(rper() unambiguously recreate the object it represents)


>>> print("Today is %s" % a)
Today is sunday >>> print("Today is %r" % a)
Today is 'sunday'


>>> content = "What wrong with you, %s" % "Tom"

>>> print("Today is sunday, %s" % content)
Today is sunday, What wrong with you, Tom >>> print("Today is sunday, %r" % content)
Today is sunday, 'What wrong with you, Tom'


>>> import datetime
>>> d = datetime.date.today() >>> print("%s" % d)
2015-04-01 >>> print("%r" % d)
datetime.date(2015, 4, 1)





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