
  1. 载入界面
  2. 显示界面



public class MyActivity extends Activity {

    private static final String TAG = "WelcomeActiivty";
private ProgressBar mLoadingBar; //载入进度条
private TextView mVersionName; //载入界面显示版本信息
private AsyncTask mLoadingTask; //后台载入异步任务
private ArrayList<WeatherInfo> weatherInfoList; //用来保存天气信息 //天气信息接口
private static final String frontUrl = "http://www.weather.com.cn/data/cityinfo/";
private static final String suffix = ".html";
//http://www.weather.com.cn/data/cityinfo/101010100.html //所有城市的列表
private int[] mCityCodeList = {101010100, 101010300, 101010400, 101010500, 101010600,
101010700, 101010800, 101010900, 101011000, 101011100, 101011200, 101011300,
101011400, 101011500, 101011600, 101011700, 101011800, 101011900, 101012000,
101012100, 101012200, 101010200, 101030100, 101030300, 101030400, 101030500,
101030600, 101031400, 101030800, 101030900, 101031000, 101031100, 101031200,
101030200, 101030700, 101020100, 101020300, 101020500, 101020600, 101021300,
101020800, 101020900, 101021000, 101021100, 101021200, 101020200, 101020700,
101090101, 101090301, 101090402, 101090501, 101091101, 101090701, 101090801,
101090901, 101091001, 101090201, 101090601, 101180101, 101180301, 101180401,
101180501, 101180601, 101180701, 101180801, 101180901, 101181001, 101181101,
101181201, 101181301, 101181401, 101181501, 101181601, 101181701, 101181801,
101180201, 101220101, 101220301, 101220401, 101220501, 101220601, 101220701,
101220801, 101220901, 101221001, 101221101, 101221201, 101221301, 101221401,
101221501, 101221601, 101221701, 101220201, 101210101, 101211101, 101210201,
101210301, 101210901, 101210501, 101210601, 101210701, 101210801, 101211001,
101210401, 101040100, 101040300, 101040400, 101040500, 101040600, 101040700,
101040800, 101040900, 101041000, 101041100, 101041200, 101041300, 101041400,
101041500, 101041600, 101041700, 101041800, 101041900, 101042000, 101042100,
101042200, 101042300, 101042400, 101042500, 101042600, 101042700, 101042800,
101042900, 101043000, 101043100, 101043200, 101043300, 101043400, 101043600,
101043700, 101040200, 101230101, 101230501, 101230601, 101230701, 101230509,
101230901, 101230201, 101230301, 101230401, 101230801, 101160101, 101160301,
101160401, 101160501, 101160601, 101161401, 101160801, 101160901, 101161001,
101161101, 101161201, 101161301, 101160201, 101160701, 101280101, 101280301,
101280401, 101280501, 101280601, 101280701, 101280800, 101280901, 101281001,
101281101, 101281201, 101281301, 101281401, 101281501, 101281601, 101281701,
101281801, 101281901, 101282001, 101282101, 101280201, 101300101, 101300301,
101300401, 101300501, 101300601, 101301401, 101300801, 101300901, 101301001,
101301101, 101301201, 101301301, 101300201, 101300701, 101260101, 101260301,
101260401, 101260906, 101260601, 101260701, 101260801, 101260201, 101260501,
101290101, 101290301, 101290601, 101290701, 101290801, 101290901, 101291001,
101291101, 101291201, 101291301, 101291401, 101291501, 101291601, 101290201,
101290401, 101290501, 101080101, 101080301, 101080401, 101080501, 101081201,
101080701, 101080801, 101080901, 101081000, 101081101, 101080201, 101080601,
101240101, 101240301, 101240401, 101240501, 101241101, 101240701, 101240801,
101240901, 101241001, 101240201, 101240601, 101200101, 101200501, 101200801,
101200901, 101201001, 101201101, 101201201, 101201301, 101201401, 101201501,
101201601, 101201701, 101200201, 101200301, 101200401, 101200601, 101200701,
101270101, 101270301, 101270401, 101270501, 101270601, 101270701, 101270801,
101270901, 101271001, 101271101, 101271201, 101271301, 101271401, 101271501,
101271601, 101271701, 101271801, 101271901, 101272001, 101272101, 101270201,
101170101, 101170501, 101170401, 101170201, 101170301, 101150101, 101150301,
101150801, 101150501, 101150601, 101150701, 101150201, 101150401, 101120101,
101120601, 101120901, 101121001, 101121101, 101121201, 101121301, 101121401,
101121501, 101121601, 101121701, 101120201, 101120301, 101120401, 101120501,
101120701, 101120801, 101110101, 101110300, 101110401, 101111001, 101110601,
101110701, 101110801, 101110901, 101110200, 101110501, 101100101, 101100701,
101100801, 101100901, 101101001, 101100501, 101100201, 101100301, 101100401,
101100601, 101101100, 101130101, 101130301, 101130401, 101130501, 101130601,
101130701, 101130801, 101130901, 101131001, 101131101, 101131201, 101131301,
101131401, 101131501, 101131601, 101130201, 101140101, 101140301, 101140701,
101140501, 101140601, 101140201, 101140401, 101340101, 101340201, 101340401,
101310101, 101310201, 101310202, 101310203, 101310204, 101310205, 101310206,
101310207, 101310208, 101310209, 101310210, 101310211, 101310212, 101310214,
101310215, 101310216, 101310217, 101310220, 101310221, 101310222, 101310102,
101250101, 101250301, 101250401, 101250501, 101250601, 101250700, 101250801,
101250901, 101251001, 101251101, 101251201, 101251301, 101251401, 101251501,
101250201, 101190101, 101190301, 101190401, 101190501, 101190601, 101191301,
101190801, 101190901, 101191001, 101191101, 101191201, 101190201, 101190701,
101050101, 101050301, 101050401, 101050501, 101050601, 101051301, 101050801,
101050901, 101051002, 101051101, 101051201, 101050201, 101050701, 101060101,
101060301, 101060401, 101060901, 101060601, 101060701, 101060801, 101060201,
101060501, 101070101, 101070301, 101070401, 101070501, 101070601, 101071401,
101070801, 101070901, 101071001, 101071101, 101071201, 101071301, 101070201,
101070701}; private int mAvailableLinks = mCityCodeList.length;//用来保存可用的查询结果,后面用来判断载入是否完成 @Override
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
setContentView(R.layout.welcome); weatherInfoList = new ArrayList<WeatherInfo>(); mLoadingBar = (ProgressBar) findViewById(R.id.loadingbar);
mLoadingBar.setMax(mCityCodeList.length);//进度条 mVersionName = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.versionname); mVersionName.setText(getString(R.string.app_name).toString() + " " + getLocalVersionName(this)); final RequestQueue mRequestQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this);
AsyncTask mLoadingDataTask = new AsyncTask() { @Override
protected void onProgressUpdate(Object[] values) {
int progress = mLoadingBar.getProgress();
mLoadingBar.setProgress(progress + 1);//更新进度条
if (mLoadingBar.getProgress() == mAvailableLinks) {
} @Override
protected Object doInBackground(Object[] objects) {
for (int i = 0; i < mCityCodeList.length; i++) {
String uri = frontUrl + String.valueOf(mCityCodeList[i]) + suffix;
JsonObjectRequest jsonObjectRequest = new JsonObjectRequest(uri, null,
new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {
public void onResponse(JSONObject jsonObject) {
try {
JSONObject weatherinfojson = jsonObject.getJSONObject("weatherinfo");
WeatherInfo newWeatherInfo = new WeatherInfo(
} catch (Exception e) {
new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError volleyError) {
Log.e("TAG", volleyError.getMessage(), volleyError);
return null;
mLoadingDataTask.execute(); } /**
* 获取本地软件版本名称
public static String getLocalVersionName(Context ctx) {
String localVersion = "";
try {
PackageInfo packageInfo = ctx.getApplicationContext()
.getPackageInfo(ctx.getPackageName(), 0);
localVersion = packageInfo.versionName;
} catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
return localVersion;
private void showWeatherInfo() {
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putSerializable(Utils.WEATHERINFO, (Serializable) weatherInfoList);
Intent intent = new Intent(MyActivity.this, MainActivity.class);
intent.putExtra(Utils.WEATHERINFO, bundle);
finish();//finish掉这个Activity,否则返回键可以回到载入界面 那就尴尬了!

Activity之前传递数据的方式 Bundle

public void putAll(Bundle bundle)

public boolean hasFileDescriptors()

public void putByte(String key, byte value)

public void putChar(String key, char value)

public void putShort(String key, short value)

public void putFloat(String key, float value)

public void putCharSequence(String key, CharSequence value)

public void putParcelable(String key, Parcelable value)

public void putSize(String key, Size value)

public void putSizeF(String key, SizeF value)

public void putParcelableArray(String key, Parcelable[] value)

public void putParcelableArrayList(String key, ArrayList< xx extends Parcelable> value)

public void putSparseParcelableArray(String key, SparseArray< xx extends Parcelable> value)

public void putIntegerArrayList(String key, ArrayList value)

public void putStringArrayList(String key, ArrayList value)

public void putCharSequenceArrayList(String key, ArrayList value)

public void putSerializable(String key, Serializable value)

public void putByteArray(String key, byte[] value)

public void putShortArray(String key, short[] value)

public void putCharArray(String key, char[] value)

public void putFloatArray(String key, float[] value)

public void putCharSequenceArray(String key, CharSequence[] value)

public void putBundle(String key, Bundle value)

public void putBinder(String key, IBinder value)





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