JMP      Jump unconditionally

Syntax   JMP  label

Operation   PC + 2 × offset −> PC


  The 10-bit signed offset contained in the instruction LSBs is added to the program counter.

Status Bits

  Status bits are not affected.


  This one-word instruction replaces the BRANCH instruction in the range of −511 to +512 words relative to the current program counter.

JNE   Jump if not equal

JNZ   Jump if not zero

Syntax   JNE  label; JNZ label

Operation   If Z = 0: PC + 2 × offset −> PC
        If Z = 1: execute following instruction

  The status register zero bit (Z) is tested. If it is reset, the 10-bit signed offset contained in the instruction LSBs is added to the program counter. If Z is set, the next instruction following the jump is executed.

Status Bits   Status bits are not affected.

Example  Jump to address TONI if R7 and R8 have different contents.

JNE TONI   ; if different: jump
......    ; if equal, continue


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