










铜面的多边形面积】计算公式用 Shoelace公式 【鞋带公式】,此公式可以计算任意凸凹多边形,刚好是满足计算需求的,但对于PCB 铜皮(Surface)来说,铜皮点节点存在弧节点,直接用此公式计算当然不行啦,需要改造一下才行的。接一来用两种方法(丢失精度与精度)实现计算【铜面的多边形面积】

1.Shoelace公式 【鞋带公式】定义

公式图片来源引用 https://www.cnblogs.com/Khan-Sadas/p/10135717.html



3. 方法一.【丢失精度】计算铜面积

将铜皮节点含有弧节点,全部转为折线节点, 转换后的弧长长度控制在0.1mm左右,当然弧长的长度值越小精度就越高,这样一来程序计算量就上去了,经测试弧长控制0.1mm比较合适。铜面积计算 精度不会丢失太多。



1.分解第1部份  折线多边形鞋带公式求解

          2.分解第2部份  圆弧多边形扇形面积求解  (如何判断,圆弧多边形是删除,还是增加呢,下面有说明)

上面带来一个新的问题? 图形面积合并计算,如何判断,哪些弧形多边形是【加】还是【减】呢




            //获取gtl 线路层(计算前转为Surface铜皮属性)
gLayer workLayerInfo = g.getFEATURES("gtl");
var areaLayer = calc2.s_area(workLayerInfo.Slist);
//2. 【精度】计算铜面积
var areaLayer2 = calc2.s_area2(workLayerInfo.Slist);
var copperLenght = calc2.s_Length(workLayerInfo.Slist);


        /// <summary>
/// 【丢失精度】计算铜面积
/// </summary>
/// <param name="gS_list"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public double s_area(List<gS> gS_list)
double SurfaceArea = ;
foreach (var gS_item in gS_list)
foreach (var Polyline in gS_item.sur_group)
var sur_list = s_2gSur_Point(Polyline.sur_list);
if (Polyline.is_hole)
SurfaceArea -= s_area(sur_list);
SurfaceArea += s_area(sur_list);
return SurfaceArea;
/// <summary>
/// 【丢失精度】计算铜面积
/// </summary>
/// <param name="gSur_Point_list"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public double s_area(List<gSur_Point> gSur_Point_list)
int Point_Count = gSur_Point_list.Count() - ;
if (Point_Count < ) return ;
double PolylineArea = ;
double ArcArea = ;
for (int i = ; i <= Point_Count; i++)
PolylineArea += gSur_Point_list[i - ].p.x * gSur_Point_list[i].p.y - gSur_Point_list[i - ].p.y * gSur_Point_list[i].p.x;
PolylineArea = Math.Abs(PolylineArea * 0.5);
return PolylineArea;
/// <summary>
/// 【精度】计算铜面积
/// </summary>
/// <param name="gSur_Point_list"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public double s_area2(List<gSur_Point> gSur_Point_list)
int Point_Count = gSur_Point_list.Count() - ;
if (Point_Count < ) return ;
double PolylineArea = ;
double ArcArea = ;
bool isCCW = s_isCCW(gSur_Point_list);
for (int i = ; i <= Point_Count; i++)
if (gSur_Point_list[i].type_point > )
double a_area = a_Area(gSur_Point_list[i - ].p, gSur_Point_list[i].p, gSur_Point_list[i + ].p, gSur_Point_list[i].type_point == );
if (isCCW)
if (gSur_Point_list[i].type_point == )
ArcArea += a_area;
ArcArea -= a_area;
if (gSur_Point_list[i].type_point == )
ArcArea -= a_area;
ArcArea += a_area;
PolylineArea += gSur_Point_list[i - ].p.x * gSur_Point_list[i].p.y - gSur_Point_list[i - ].p.y * gSur_Point_list[i].p.x;
PolylineArea = Math.Abs(PolylineArea * 0.5);
PolylineArea += ArcArea;
//var isCW = s_isCW(gSur_Point_list);
//PolylineArea += (isCCW ? -ArcArea : ArcArea);
return PolylineArea;
/// <summary>
/// 求弧Arc 扇形面积
/// </summary>
/// <param name="a"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public double a_Area(gPoint ps, gPoint pc, gPoint pe, bool ccw, bool islg180deg = false)
double r_ = p2p_di(pc, ps);
return pi * r_ * r_ * a_Angle(ps, pc, pe, ccw, islg180deg) / ;
/// <summary>
/// 求弧Arc圆心角 3点 //后续改进 用叉积 与3P求角度求解 验证哪个效率高
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ps"></param>
/// <param name="pc"></param>
/// <param name="pe"></param>
/// <param name="ccw"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public double a_Angle(gPoint ps, gPoint pc, gPoint pe, bool ccw, bool islg180deg = false)
double angle_s, angle_e, angle_sum;
if (ccw)
angle_s = p_ang(pc, pe);
angle_e = p_ang(pc, ps);
angle_s = p_ang(pc, ps);
angle_e = p_ang(pc, pe);
if (angle_s == ) { angle_s = ; }
if (angle_e >= angle_s)
angle_sum = - (angle_e - angle_s); //360 - Math.Abs(angle_s - angle_e);
angle_sum = angle_s - angle_e;//Math.Abs(angle_s - angle_e);
if (islg180deg && angle_sum > )
angle_sum = - angle_sum;
return angle_sum;
/// <summary>
/// 检测 Surface是否逆时针
/// </summary>
/// <param name="gSur_Point_list"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool s_isCCW(List<gSur_Point> gSur_Point_list)
double d = ;
int n = gSur_Point_list.Count() - ;
for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
if (gSur_Point_list[i].type_point > ) continue;
int NextI = i + + (gSur_Point_list[i+ ].type_point > ? : );
d += -0.5 * (gSur_Point_list[NextI].p.y + gSur_Point_list[i].p.y) * (gSur_Point_list[NextI].p.x - gSur_Point_list[i].p.x);
return d > ;
/// <summary>
/// 将gSur_Point中含弧的节点转为线
/// </summary>
/// <param name="gSur_Point_list"></param>
/// <param name="val_">此数值表示:分段数值</param>
/// <param name="type_">代表值数值类型 【0】弧长 【1】角度 【2】弦长 </param>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<gSur_Point> s_2gSur_Point(List<gSur_Point> gSur_Point_list, double val_ = 1d, int type_ = )
List<gSur_Point> resultList = new List<gSur_Point>();
if (gSur_Point_list.Count > )
bool is_flag = false;
for (int j = ; j < gSur_Point_list.Count; j++)
if (is_flag)
is_flag = false;
if (gSur_Point_list[j].type_point > )
var aData = new gA(gSur_Point_list[j - ].p, gSur_Point_list[j].p, gSur_Point_list[j + ].p, , gSur_Point_list[j].type_point == ? true : false);
var PlistData = a_2Plist(aData, val_, type_, true);
resultList.AddRange(PlistData.Select(tt => new gSur_Point(tt.p, )).ToList());
is_flag = true;
return resultList;
/// <summary>
/// 弧Arc 转点P组集
/// </summary>
/// <param name="a"></param>
/// <param name="val_">此数值表示:分段数值</param>
/// <param name="type_">代表值数值类型 【0】弧长 【1】角度 【2】弦长 </param>
/// <param name="is_avg">是否平均分布 </param>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<gPP> a_2Plist(gA a, double val_ = 0.1d, int type_ = , bool is_avg = false)
List<gPP> list_point = new List<gPP>();
gPP tempP;
tempP.p = a.ps;
tempP.symbols = a.symbols;
tempP.width = a.width;
list_point.Add(tempP); double avg_count;
double angle_val = ;
double rad_ = p2p_di(a.pc, a.pe);
double sum_alge = a_Angle(a);
if (type_ == ) // 【1】角度
angle_val = val_;
avg_count = (int)(Math.Floor(sum_alge / angle_val)); // 总角度/单角度
else if (type_ == ) //【2】弦长
angle_val = Math.Asin(val_ / (rad_ * )) * / pi;
avg_count = (int)(Math.Ceiling(sum_alge / angle_val) + eps) - ; // 总角度/单弦长
else // 【0】弧长
angle_val = val_ * / (pi * rad_);
avg_count = (int)(Math.Ceiling(sum_alge / angle_val) + eps) - ; // 总角度/单角度
//avg_count = (int)(Math.Ceiling(a_Lenght(a) / val_)) - 1; // 或 总弧长/单弧长
if (is_avg)
angle_val = sum_alge / avg_count;
if (avg_count > )
gPP centerP = tempP;
centerP.p = a.pc;
double angle_s = p_ang(a.pc, a.ps);
if (a.ccw) { angle_val = - angle_val; }
for (int i = ; i < avg_count; i++)
tempP = p_val_ang(centerP, rad_, angle_s - angle_val * i);
// if (!(zero(a.ps.x - a.pe.x) && zero(a.ps.y - a.pe.y)))
// {
// tempP.p = a.pe;
// list_point.Add(tempP);
// }
tempP.p = a.pe;
return list_point;
/// <summary>
/// 返回两点之间欧氏距离
/// </summary>
/// <param name="p1"></param>
/// <param name="p2"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public double p2p_di(gPoint p1, gPoint p2)
return Math.Sqrt((p1.x - p2.x) * (p1.x - p2.x) + (p1.y - p2.y) * (p1.y - p2.y));
/// <summary>
/// 求弧Arc圆心角 //后续改进 用叉积 与3P求角度求解 验证哪个效率高
/// </summary>
/// <param name="a"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public double a_Angle(gA a)
double angle_s, angle_e, angle_sum;
if (a.ccw)
angle_s = p_ang(a.pc, a.pe);
angle_e = p_ang(a.pc, a.ps);
angle_s = p_ang(a.pc, a.ps);
angle_e = p_ang(a.pc, a.pe);
if (angle_s == ) { angle_s = ; }
if (angle_e >= angle_s)
angle_sum = - Math.Abs(angle_s - angle_e);
angle_sum = Math.Abs(angle_s - angle_e);
return angle_sum;
/// <summary>
/// 求方位角
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ps"></param>
/// <param name="pe"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public double p_ang(gPoint ps, gPoint pe)
double a_ang = Math.Atan((pe.y - ps.y) / (pe.x - ps.x)) / Math.PI * ;
//象限角 转方位角 计算所属象限 并求得方位角
if (pe.x >= ps.x && pe.y >= ps.y) //↗ 第一象限
return a_ang;
else if (!(pe.x >= ps.x) && pe.y >= ps.y) // ↖ 第二象限
return a_ang + ;
else if (!(pe.x >= ps.x) && !(pe.y >= ps.y)) //↙ 第三象限
return a_ang + ;
else if (pe.x >= ps.x && !(pe.y >= ps.y)) // ↘ 第四象限
return a_ang + ;
return a_ang;
/// <summary>
/// 求增量坐标
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ps">起点</param>
/// <param name="val">增量值</param>
/// <param name="ang_direction">角度</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public gPP p_val_ang(gPP ps, double val, double ang_direction)
gPP pe = ps;
pe.p.x = ps.p.x + val * Math.Cos(ang_direction * Math.PI / );
pe.p.y = ps.p.y + val * Math.Sin(ang_direction * Math.PI / );
return pe;


        /// <summary>
/// 求Surface 总周长
/// </summary>
/// <param name="gS_list"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public double s_Length(List<gS> gS_list)
int Surface_Count = gS_list.Count();
double SurfaceArea = ;
foreach (var gS_item in gS_list)
foreach (var Polyline in gS_item.sur_group)
SurfaceArea += s_Length(Polyline.sur_list);
return SurfaceArea;
/// <summary>
/// 求Surface 总周长
/// </summary>
/// <param name="gSur_Point_list"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public double s_Length(List<gSur_Point> gSur_Point_list)
double sum_lenght = ;
bool is_flag = false;
bool ccw = false;
for (int i = ; i < gSur_Point_list.Count; i++)
if (is_flag)
is_flag = false;
if (gSur_Point_list[i].type_point > )
if (gSur_Point_list[i].type_point == )
ccw = true;
ccw = false;
sum_lenght += a_Length(gSur_Point_list[i - ].p, gSur_Point_list[i].p, gSur_Point_list[i + ].p, ccw);
is_flag = true;
sum_lenght += l_Length(gSur_Point_list[i - ].p, gSur_Point_list[i].p);
return sum_lenght;
/// <summary>
/// 求弧Arc长度 3点
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ps"></param>
/// <param name="pc"></param>
/// <param name="pe"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public double a_Length(gPoint ps, gPoint pc, gPoint pe, bool ccw = false)
return pi / * p2p_di(pc, ps) * a_Angle(ps, pc, pe, ccw);
/// <summary>
/// 求线Line长度 2点
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ps"></param>
/// <param name="pe"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public double l_Length(gPoint ps, gPoint pe)
return Math.Sqrt((ps.x - pe.x) * (ps.x - pe.x) + (ps.y - pe.y) * (ps.y - pe.y));


    /// <summary>
/// Surface 坐标泛型集类1
/// </summary>
public class gSur_Point
public gSur_Point()
{ }
public gSur_Point(double x_val, double y_val, byte type_point_)
this.p.x = x_val;
this.p.y = y_val;
this.type_point = type_point_;
public gSur_Point(gPoint p, byte type_point_)
this.p = p;
this.type_point = type_point_;
public gPoint p;
/// <summary>
/// 0为折点 1为顺时针 2为逆时针
/// </summary>
public byte type_point { get; set; } = ;
/// <summary>
/// 值
/// </summary>
public double Value { get; set; } = ;
/// <summary>
/// Surface 坐标泛型集类2
/// </summary>
public class gSur_list
public List<gSur_Point> sur_list = new List<gSur_Point>();
/// <summary>
/// 是否为空洞
/// </summary>
public bool is_hole { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 是否逆时针
/// </summary>
public bool is_ccw { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Surface 坐标泛型集类3
/// </summary>
public class gS
public List<gSur_list> sur_group = new List<gSur_list>();
/// <summary>
/// 是否为负 polarity-- P N
/// </summary>
public bool negative { get; set; }
public string attribut { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 点 数据类型 (XY)
/// </summary>
public struct gPoint
public gPoint(gPoint p_)
this.x = p_.x;
this.y = p_.y;
public gPoint(double x_val, double y_val)
this.x = x_val;
this.y = y_val;
public double x;
public double y;
public static gPoint operator +(gPoint p1, gPoint p2)
p1.x += p2.x;
p1.y += p2.y;
return p1;
public static gPoint operator -(gPoint p1, gPoint p2)
p1.x -= p2.x;
p1.y -= p2.y;
return p1;
/// <summary>
/// ARC 数据类型
/// </summary>
public struct gA
public gA(double ps_x, double ps_y, double pc_x, double pc_y, double pe_x, double pe_y, double width_, bool ccw_)
this.ps = new gPoint(ps_x, ps_y);
this.pc = new gPoint(pc_x, pc_y);
this.pe = new gPoint(pe_x, pe_y);
this.negative = false;
this.ccw = ccw_;
this.symbols = "r" + width_.ToString();
this.attribut = string.Empty;
this.width = width_;
public gA(gPoint ps_, gPoint pc_, gPoint pe_, double width_, bool ccw_ = false)
this.ps = ps_;
this.pc = pc_;
this.pe = pe_;
this.negative = false;
this.ccw = ccw_;
this.symbols = "r" + width_.ToString();
this.attribut = string.Empty;
this.width = width_;
public gPoint ps;
public gPoint pe;
public gPoint pc;
public bool negative;//polarity-- positive negative
public bool ccw; //direction-- cw ccw
public string symbols;
public string attribut;
public double width;
public static gA operator +(gA arc1, gPoint move_p)
arc1.ps += move_p;
arc1.pe += move_p;
arc1.pc += move_p;
return arc1;
public static gA operator +(gA arc1, gPP move_p)
arc1.ps += move_p.p;
arc1.pe += move_p.p;
arc1.pc += move_p.p;
return arc1;
public static gA operator +(gA arc1, gP move_p)
arc1.ps += move_p.p;
arc1.pe += move_p.p;
arc1.pc += move_p.p;
return arc1;
public static gA operator -(gA arc1, gPoint move_p)
arc1.ps -= move_p;
arc1.pe -= move_p;
arc1.pc -= move_p;
return arc1;
public static gA operator -(gA arc1, gPP move_p)
arc1.ps -= move_p.p;
arc1.pe -= move_p.p;
arc1.pc -= move_p.p;
return arc1;
public static gA operator -(gA arc1, gP move_p)
arc1.ps -= move_p.p;
arc1.pe -= move_p.p;
arc1.pc -= move_p.p;
return arc1;


【残铜率】公式=【铜皮面积】除以 【Profile面积】

正常来说profile形状为矩形(开料决定的),计算矩形面积非常容易,但如果是profile尺寸为异形,求profile的面积和铜面积计算方法也是一样的, 异形的profile数据结构和铜【Surface】数据结构类似的。下图以异形profile为例,计算残铜率结果和genesis保持一致

六  与genesis计算铜皮面积对比


下例:genesis计算铜面积存一定偏差,实际PAD尺寸为4X3mm 面积为:12平方毫米  而genesis计算得到面积为12.004平方毫米


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