*        I.MX6 U-boot imxotp MAC address 写入
* 说明:
* I.MX6DL默认是没有MAC地址的,从代码来看,是由自动生成MAC地址的,但是在
* U-boot阶段是可以通过imxotp进行MAC地址的写入的。
* 2016-6-24 深圳 南山平山村 曾剑锋
****************************************************************************/ 一、参考文档:
How to uBoot & Kernel – Compile, Flash, Update, Boot
http://www.imx6rex.com/software/how-to-uboot-compile-flash-update/ 二、操作:
. Program eFuses to set the MAC address. Be sure that you set the correct address – it cannot be changed back.
. 示例:
//!!BEAWARE: Once you blow a bit to 1, it can NOT be changed back to 0!!
//USE YOUR MAC ADDRESS!!!!, this is just en example // example MAC Address: 00:0d:15:00:bc:4a
> imxotp blow --force 0x000d
> imxotp blow --force 0x1500bc4a


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