SQL里面,有时候会用到exists或者not exists。

select * from yb t1 where not exists(select 1 from yb t2 where trunc(t1.yubaodate,'dd')=trunc(t2.yubaodate,'dd') and t1.yubaotype=t2.yubaotype and t1.id<t2.id)
order by id desc;


var t1 = ybRepository.GetAll();
var t2 = ybRepository.GetAll();
var list = from s in t1
where !t2.Any(ss => ss.YUBAODATE.Date == s.YUBAODATE.Date
&& ss.YuBaoType == s.YuBaoType
&& ss.ID > s.ID)
select s;

万幸,fluently nhibernate支持这种写法。


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