case函数 (适合区间,>,<判断)
   case when 判断表达式 then
        when 判断表达式 then
  select deptno,count(*) total,
   sum(case when sal>=2000 then 1
       end) great,
   sum(case when sal<2000 then 1
       end) least
  from emp
  where deptno is not null
  group by deptno;
 create table j20(
  id number(7),
  name varchar(20),
  sex char(1), --'M'或'F'
  deptno number(7));
 select deptno,
        sum(decode(sex,'M',1,0)) as male,
        sum(decode(sex,'F',1,0)) as female
 from j20
 group by deptno;
 select deptno,
        sum(case when sex='M' then 1
            else 0 end) as male,
        sum(case when sex='F' then 1
            else 0 end) as female
 from j20
 group by deptno;
 select deptno,
    sum(case when sal<1000 then 1
             else 0
        end) "1000以内",
    sum(case when sal>=1000 and sal<2000 then 1
             else 0
        end) "1000-2000",
    sum(case when sal>=2000 then 1
             else 0
        end) "2000以上"
 from emp
 group by deptno;
 select empno,ename,job,sal,
                   sal*1.05) "加薪之后"
 from emp;


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