
how to migrate from the (deprecated) project.json format to the new .csproj format.

First, Microsoft greatly simplified the .csproj format. In minimal format, this is what it looks like:


<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

</PropertyGroup> </Project>

Second, the good things of project.json were ported over to the new .csproj format:

其次,project.json 的优点都移植到了新的csproj格式:

Multi-targeting很简单:只需指定目标框架(target frameworks),就可以了。
从项目中构建包也更容易(see full reference)。


Let’s look at how we can move from project.json (and the old .xproj) to the new and shiny. Before starting, make sure that the required toolsets are installed. On Windows, you currently need a Visual Studio 2017 install (we’re working on that). On Mac OS / Linux, the Mono tooling is required.

$ dotnet --info
.NET Command Line Tools (1.0.0-preview2-003121) Product Information:
Version: 1.0.0-preview2-003121
Commit SHA-1 hash: 1e9d529bc5 Runtime Environment:
OS Name: Mac OS X
OS Version: 10.10
OS Platform: Darwin
RID: osx.10.10-x64


$ dotnet migrate
No executable found matching command "dotnet-migrate"

Note: If you get an error “No executable found matching command dotnet-migrate”, edit the solution’s global.json file and change the SDK version to 1.1.0. The dotnet migratecommand requires .NET Core CLI RC3 or higher.

qiongyanzhudeMacBook-Pro:BeibeiBasic qiongyanzhu$ dotnet migrate

Project BeibeiWeb.FlowUITest migration succeeded (/Users/qiongyanzhu/RiderProjects/BeibeiBasic/BeibeiWeb.FlowUITest).

Project BeibeiWeb.FlowUI migration succeeded (/Users/qiongyanzhu/RiderProjects/BeibeiBasic/BeibeiWeb.FlowUI).

Project BeibeiCore.Services migration succeeded (/Users/qiongyanzhu/RiderProjects/BeibeiBasic/BeibeiCore.Services).

Project BeibeiCore.Utility migration succeeded (/Users/qiongyanzhu/RiderProjects/BeibeiBasic/BeibeiCore.Utility).

Project BeibeiCore.EF.Test migration succeeded (/Users/qiongyanzhu/RiderProjects/BeibeiBasic/BeibeiCore.EF.Test).

Project BeibeiCore.EF migration succeeded (/Users/qiongyanzhu/RiderProjects/BeibeiBasic/BeibeiCore.EF).

Project BeibeiCore.Domain.P2P migration succeeded (/Users/qiongyanzhu/RiderProjects/BeibeiBasic/BeibeiCore.Domain.P2P).

Project BeibeiCore.Component.IData migration succeeded (/Users/qiongyanzhu/RiderProjects/BeibeiBasic/BeibeiCore.Component.IData).

Project BeibeiCore.ADO.Flow migration succeeded (/Users/qiongyanzhu/RiderProjects/BeibeiBasic/BeibeiCore.ADO.Flow).

Project BeibeiBasic.Web migration succeeded (/Users/qiongyanzhu/RiderProjects/BeibeiBasic/BeibeiBasic.Web).

Project BeibeiBasic.Services migration succeeded (/Users/qiongyanzhu/RiderProjects/BeibeiBasic/BeibeiBasic.Services).

Project BeibeiBasic.Models migration succeeded (/Users/qiongyanzhu/RiderProjects/BeibeiBasic/BeibeiBasic.Models).
Total Projects: 12
Succeeded Projects: 12
Failed Projects: 0 The project migration has finished. Please visit https://aka.ms/coremigration to report any issues you've encountered or ask for help.
Files backed up to /Users/qiongyanzhu/RiderProjects/BeibeiBasic/backup/
qiongyanzhudeMacBook-Pro:BeibeiBasic qiongyanzhu$

Once finished, existing project.json and .xproj will be converted to .csproj. Depending on the project type, Rider will automatically reload the solution after migration completes (worst case, you may have to close and re-open Rider).

Further details on migrating projects from project.json to .csproj can be found on Microsoft’s documentation site:


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