1. Using HttpWorkerRequest for getting headers

First, the HttpWorkerRequest class is used internally by ASP.NET, and provides a lower-level way of accessing ASP.NET internals. In this code, we see that you can use the HttpContext to call GetService and get the current worker. Then, you can use the same code that the intrinsic objects use, but with no overhead.


using System;
using System.Web;
public class Handler1 : IHttpHandler
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
IServiceProvider provider = (IServiceProvider)context;
HttpWorkerRequest worker = (HttpWorkerRequest)provider.GetService(typeof(HttpWorkerRequest));
// Get the Referer with HttpWorkerRequest.
string referer = worker.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderReferer);
// Get the Accept-Encoding with HttpWorkerReqest
string acceptEncoding = worker.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderAcceptEncoding);
// Display the values.
HttpResponse response = context.Response;
response.Write("Referer: ");
response.Write(referer != null);
response.Write(" Accept-Encoding: ");
} public bool IsReusable
return false;

Description of the HttpHandler.

This is a generic handler you can run in the code-behind file of a HTTP handler. You can use the contents of the ProcessRequest method anywhere in ASP.NET, through. The first lines with IServiceProvider simply use an interface to get the HttpWorkerRequest.
这是一个通用的处理程序,可以在HTTP处理程序的代码隐藏文件中运行。您可以在ASP.NET中的任何位置使用ProcessRequest方法里的内容。 IServiceProvider的第一行只是使用一个接口来获取HttpWorkerRequest。

Using the worker instance.

The example shows how you can get the referer of the page and also the Accept-Encoding headers. You can do this with the Request object, but it is slower and more prone to errors. Finally, the example prints the text of the headers it accessed.

2. Using HttpWorkerRequest for setting headers

Here we see how you can set HTTP headers with the HttpWorkerRequest. This allows you to bypass the ASP.NET AddHeader method, which has a fair amount of overhead. We specify that the handler should be cached for 2 hours here. The SendKnownResponseHeader method is not exactly the same as AddHeader, but sometimes you can use it instead.
在这里,我们看到如何使用HttpWorkerRequest来设置HTTP头。这使您可以绕过有着很大开销的ASP.NET AddHeader方法。我们指定处理程序应该在这里缓存2个小时。 SendKnownResponseHeader方法与AddHeader不完全相同,但有时您可以使用它。


public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
IServiceProvider provider = (IServiceProvider)context;
HttpWorkerRequest worker = (HttpWorkerRequest)provider.GetService(typeof(HttpWorkerRequest));
// Set Cache-Control with HttpWorkerRequest.
worker.SendKnownResponseHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderCacheControl, "private, max-age=7200");

3. Gotchas with HttpWorkerRequest

The HttpWorkerRequest is not commonly used in simple or small ASP.NET projects, and it is much harder to use. For example, its settings can interact in different ways with your Web.config. Setting the Content-Length is very tricky to get right. Due to the complexity of the class, these are things you will have to hack through.

4. Performance of HttpWorkerRequest
4、HttpWorkerRequest的性能(使用HttpWorkerRequest与ASP.NET AddHeader方法比较)

Here we see a simple benchmark that compares setting two HTTP headers on a response. The first method uses the Response object, and the second method uses the HttpWorkerRequest object. Internally, the first version will call into the same methods as the second version. In other words, the result is obvious from the internal layout of the runtime.

=== HTTP header method versions benchmarked ===
=== 基于HTTP标头方法的版本 ===

public static void Set1(HttpContext context, string contentEncoding, string cacheControl)
context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Encoding", contentEncoding);
context.Response.AddHeader("Cache-Control", cacheControl);
} public static void Set2(HttpContext context, string contentEncoding, string cacheControl)
IServiceProvider provider = (IServiceProvider)context;
HttpWorkerRequest worker = (HttpWorkerRequest)provider.GetService(typeof(HttpWorkerRequest));
worker.SendKnownResponseHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentEncoding, contentEncoding);
worker.SendKnownResponseHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderCacheControl, cacheControl);

=== Calling code (1 million iterations) ===
=== 调用代码 (100万次迭代) ===

Set1(context, "gzip", "private, max-age=7200");
Response.ClearHeaders(); Set2(context, "gzip", "private, max-age=7200");

=== Benchmark results ===
=== 基准测试结果 ===

Set1 Response:          895 ms
     Note:              Uses AddHeader
Set2 HttpWorkerRequest: 488 ms
     Note:              Uses SendKnownResponseHeader

5. Intrinsic objects in ASP.NET

You can accomplish almost everything that HttpWorkerRequest lets you do with the Context, Request and Response instrinsic objects. However, when you use Request and Response, they execute complicated and slow logic. Eventually, these objects then use HttpWorkerRequest themselves.

Example of using referer.
When you call the UrlReferer property on Request, the property does several string comparisons and then creates a new Uri object. This causes a heap allocation. If you check the UrlReferer on every request, this overhead can add up.

AppendHeader method.
When you open the AppendHeader method in ASP.NET, you will find a lot of complex logic and error checking. Often you do not need all this overhead. Internally, the method also calls into the HttpWorkerRequest.

6. Resources

You have very likely seen the MSDN topic about this class, but it bears repeating. It states that usually "your code will not deal with HttpWorkerRequest directly." However, it adds that this may be necessary to implement if you are implementing your own hosting environment. [HttpWorkerRequest Class - MSDN]
你很可能已经看到了有关这个类的MSDN主题,但它重复。它指出通常“你的代码不会直接处理HttpWorkerRequest”。然而,它补充说,如果你正在实现你自己的宿主环境,这可能是必要的。 [HttpWorkerRequest类 -  MSDN]

An excellent blog resource.

The most helpful resource on using this class directly is by Daniel Cazzulino. He shows how you can use GetKnownRequestHeader for very specific requirements relating to networks. [ASP.NET low-level fun - Daniel Cazzulino's Blog - weblogs.asp.net]
关于直接使用这个类的最有用的资源是Daniel Cazzulino。他展示了如何使用GetKnownRequestHeader来处理与网络相关的特定需求。 [低级趣味的ASP.NET  -  Daniel Cazzulino的博客 -  weblogs.asp.net]

7. Real-world results with HttpWorkerRequest
The author modified his code to use HttpWorkerRequest in 4 places. The result is that each request is processed about 20 microseconds faster. These timings are real-world and use the accurate Stopwatch class on the requests.

8. Summary
Here we saw how you can use the 'secret' HttpWorkerRequest to develop web applications that are faster and have clearer code in some respects. This is considered a lower-level interface to ASP.NET, and it should be used with care and testing. For scalability and performance, the HttpWorkerRequest is superior. Using it reduces allocations and avoids lots of code execution.



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