
添加引用 System.DirectoryServices
导入命名空间 using System.DirectoryServices;

srvip = "";
   dn = "DC=l,DC=com";
user = @"administrator";
 pwd = "123";
 DirectoryEntry de;
de= new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + srvip + "/" + dn, user, pwd);
DirectorySearcher sr = new DirectorySearcher(de, "(userPrincipalName=" + logname+")"); //要括起来

string path = sr.FindOne().Properties["distinguishedName"][0].ToString();

CN 用户名
OU 组织
DC 域控制器

userPrincipalName 登录名

string srvip = textBox2.Text;// "";
            string dn = textBox3.Text;// "DC=DEMO,DC=com";
            string user = textBox4.Text;// @"administrator";
            string pwd = textBox5.Text;// "123456";
            DirectoryEntry de;
            de = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + srvip + "/" + dn, user, pwd);
            DirectorySearcher sr = new DirectorySearcher(de, "(CN="+textBox1.Text+")"); //要括起来
            ResultPropertyCollection pp=sr.FindOne().Properties;             foreach (string ppp in pp.PropertyNames)  
                for (int i = 0; i < pp[ppp].Count; i++)
                    listBox1.Items.Add("---------------->" + pp[ppp][i].ToString());
            }         }
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posted @ 2007-03-16 10:01 ahuo 阅读(1160) 评论(6) 编辑 收藏

#1楼 2007-06-14 17:54 ahuo

samAccountName 也是登录名

#2楼 2007-07-02 11:20 ahuo

DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://");

DirectorySearcher mySearcher = new DirectorySearcher(entry);

mySearcher.Filter = ("(objectClass=user)");

foreach (SearchResult resEnt in mySearcher.FindAll()) 



#3楼 2007-07-02 11:35 ahuo


1. objectClass=organizationalUnit 查询条件是所有的组织单元(OU)

2. objectClass=group 查询条件是所有的组(GROUP)

3. objectClass=user 查询条件是所有的用户(USER)

#4楼 2007-07-02 12:14 ahuo

DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://,OU=ou2,OU=ou1,DC=lk201,DC=com"); 
DirectorySearcher mySearcher = new DirectorySearcher(entry); 
mySearcher.PropertiesToLoad.AddRange(new string[] { "name", "Path", "displayname", "samaccountname" }); 
// mySearcher.Filter = ("(&(objectClass=user)(CN=aa))"); 
mySearcher.Filter = ("(objectClass=user)"); 
foreach (SearchResult resEnt in mySearcher.FindAll()) 

listBox1.Items.Add(resEnt.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["samAccountName"][0].ToString() + "\t" + resEnt.GetDirectoryEntry().Path.ToString() + "\n");



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