VGCREATE(8)                                                        VGCREATE(8)
       vgcreate - create a volume group/创建卷组
       vgcreate  [--addtag  Tag] [--alloc AllocationPolicy] [-A|--autobackup {y|n}] [-c|--clustered {y|n}] [-d|--debug] [-h|--help] [-l|--maxlogicalvolumes MaxLogicalVol-
       umes]  [-M|--metadatatypetype]  [-p|--maxphysicalvolumes  MaxPhysicalVolumes]  [-s|--physicalextentsize  PhysicalExtentSize[kKmMgGtT]]  [-t|--test]  [-v|--verbose]
       [--version] VolumeGroupName PhysicalVolumePath [PhysicalVolumePath...]
    vgcreate[--addtag 标记] [--Alloc 分配策略] [-a--自动备份y|n][-c--群集y|n][-d|--调试] [-h|--help] [-l|--maxlogicalvolumes 最大逻辑值 ][-M|--元数据类型]  [-p|--maxphysicalvolumes
    最大物理体积]  [-s|--physicalextentsize  物理张力大小 [kKmMgGtT]][-t--测试][-v--详细][-version]卷组名称 物理溶栓 [PhysicalVolumePath...]
       vgcreate creates a new volume group called VolumeGroupName using the block special device PhysicalVolumePath previously configured for LVM with pvcreate(8).
       See lvm for common options./常见选项见LVM。
       -c, --clustered {y|n}
              If clustered locking is enabled, this defaults to y indicating that this Volume Group is shared with other nodes in the cluster.
              If the new Volume Group contains only local disks that are not visible on the other nodes, you must specify --clustered n.  If the cluster infrastructure is
              unavailable on a particular node at a particular time, you may still be able to use such Volume Groups.
    -c, --簇状 {y|n}           
           如果启用群集锁定,则默认值为Y,表示此卷组与群集中的其他节点共享。如果新卷组仅包含在其他节点上不可见的本地磁盘,则必须指定--clustered n。
       -l, --maxlogicalvolumes MaxLogicalVolumes/最大逻辑值
              Sets the maximum number of logical volumes allowed in this volume group.  The setting can be changed with vgchange.  For volume groups with metadata in lvm1
              format,  the  limit  and  default  value  is 255.  If the metadata uses lvm2 format, the default value is 0 which removes this restriction: there is then no
       -p, --maxphysicalvolumes MaxPhysicalVolumes/最大物理体积
              Sets the maximum number of physical volumes that can belong to this volume group.  The setting can be changed with vgchange.  For volume groups  with  meta-
              data  in lvm1 format, the limit and default value is 255.  If the metadata uses lvm2 format, the default value is 0 which removes this restriction: there is
              then no limit.  If you have a large number of physical volumes in a volume group with metadata in lvm2 format, for tool performance reasons, you should con-
              sider some use of --metadatacopies 0 as described in pvcreate(8).
     如果卷组中有大量物理卷,元数据为lvm2格式,出于工具性能的原因,您应该考虑使用--metadatacopies 0,如pvcreate(8)中所述。
       -s, --physicalextentsize PhysicalExtentSize[kKmMgGtT]/物理张力大小[kKmMgGtT]
              Sets the physical extent size on physical volumes of this volume group.  A size suffix (k for kilobytes up to t for terabytes) is optional, megabytes is the
              default if no suffix is present.  The default is 4 MB and it must be at least 1 KB and a power of 2.
              Once this value has been set, it is difficult to change it without recreating the volume group which would involve backing up and restoring data on any log-
              ical volumes.  However, if no extents need moving for the new value to apply, it can be altered using vgchange -s.
              If  the volume group metadata uses lvm1 format, extents can vary in size from 8KB to 16GB and there is a limit of 65534 extents in each logical volume.  The
              default of 4 MB leads to a maximum logical volume size of around 256GB.
              If the volume group metadata uses lvm2 format those restrictions do not apply, but having a large number of extents will slow down the  tools  but  have  no
              impact on I/O performance to the logical volume.  The smallest PE is 1KB.
              The 2.4 kernel has a limitation of 2TB per block device.
     设置此卷组的物理卷上的物理盘区大小。大小后缀(k表示千字节,t表示兆字节)是可选的,如果没有后缀,则默认为兆字节。默认值为4 MB,并且必须至少为1 KB和2的幂。
     如果卷组元数据使用lvm1格式,则扩展数据块的大小可以从8KB到16GB不等,并且每个逻辑卷中的扩展数据块限制为65534个。默认值为4 MB会导致最大逻辑卷大小约为256GB。
       To create a volume group named test_vg using physical volumes /dev/hdk1, and /dev/hdl1 with default physical extent size of 4MB:
            vgcreate test_vg /dev/sdk1 /dev/sdl1
   vg create test_vg/dev/sdk1/dev/sdl1   
       lvm(8), pvdisplay(8), pvcreate(8), vgdisplay(8), vgextend(8), vgreduce(8), lvcreate(8), lvdisplay(8), lvextend(8), lvreduce(8)
Sistina Software UK  LVM TOOLS 2.02.46-RHEL5 (2009-06-18)          VGCREATE(8)/Sistina Software UK LVM工具2.02.46-Rhel5(2009-06-18)vgCreate(8)


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