js 简单的滑动教程(二)

作者:Lellansin 转载请标明出处,谢谢
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// 图片总数
var total = 3;
var count = total-1; function sliderLeft(){
// 拼出当前以及左右图片的id
var left = "list_"+((count+total*100-1)%total);
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// 设置坐标
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var timer = setInterval(function(){
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pic_center.style.left = i + "px";
pic_right.style.left = i+160 + "px";
// 计数
function sliderRight(){
// 拼出id
var left = "list_"+((count+total*100-1)%total);
var center = "list_"+((count+total*100)%total);
var right = "list_"+((count+total*100+1)%total);
// 获取对象
var pic_left = document.getElementById(left);
var pic_center = document.getElementById(center);
var pic_right = document.getElementById(right);
pic_left.style.left = -160 + "px";
pic_center.style.left = 0 + "px";
pic_right.style.left = 160 + "px";
var i=160;
var timer = setInterval(function(){
// 滑动
pic_left.style.left = i - 320 + "px";
pic_center.style.left = i - 160 + "px";
pic_right.style.left = i + "px";
// 计数



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