
13位时间戳改为yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss 格式 

  //将时间戳改为yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss
function formatDateTime(unix) {
var now = new Date(parseInt(unix) * 1);
now = now.toLocaleString().replace(/年|月/g, "-").replace(/日/g, " ");
if(now.indexOf("下午") > 0) {
if (now.length == 18) {
var temp1 = now.substring(0, now.indexOf("下午")); //2014/7/6
var temp2 = now.substring(now.indexOf("下午") + 2, now.length); // 5:17:43
var temp3 = temp2.substring(0, 1); // 5
var temp4 = parseInt(temp3); // 5
temp4 = 12 + temp4; // 17
var temp5 = temp4 + temp2.substring(1, temp2.length); // 17:17:43
now = temp1 + temp5; // 2014/7/6 17:17:43
now = now.replace("/", "-"); // 2014-7/6 17:17:43
now = now.replace("/", "-"); // 2014-7-6 17:17:43
}else {
var temp1 = now.substring(0, now.indexOf("下午")); //2014/7/6
var temp2 = now.substring(now.indexOf("下午") + 2, now.length); // 5:17:43
var temp3 = temp2.substring(0, 2); // 5
if (temp3 == 12){
temp3 -= 12;
var temp4 = parseInt(temp3); // 5
temp4 = 12 + temp4; // 17
var temp5 = temp4 + temp2.substring(2, temp2.length); // 17:17:43
now = temp1 + temp5; // 2014/7/6 17:17:43
now = now.replace("/", "-"); // 2014-7/6 17:17:43
now = now.replace("/", "-"); // 2014-7-6 17:17:43
}else {
var temp1 = now.substring(0,now.indexOf("上午")); //2014/7/6
var temp2 = now.substring(now.indexOf("上午")+2,now.length); // 5:17:43
var temp3 = temp2.substring(0,1); // 5
var index = 1;
var temp4 = parseInt(temp3); // 5
if(temp4 == 0 ) { // 00
temp4 = "0"+temp4;
}else if(temp4 == 1) { // 10 11 12
index = 2;
var tempIndex = temp2.substring(1,2);
if(tempIndex != ":") {
temp4 = temp4 + "" + tempIndex;
}else { // 01
temp4 = "0"+temp4;
}else { // 02 03 ... 09
temp4 = "0"+temp4;
var temp5 = temp4 + temp2.substring(index,temp2.length); // 07:17:43
now = temp1 + temp5; // 2014/7/6 07:17:43
now = now.replace("/","-"); // 2014-7/6 07:17:43
now = now.replace("/","-"); // 2014-7-6 07:17:43
return now;


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