Object = "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.2#0"; "COMDLG32.OCX"
Object = "{831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.0#0"; "MSCOMCTL.OCX"
Begin VB.Form Form1
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
Caption = "?????"
ClientHeight = 7215
ClientLeft = 45
ClientTop = 435
ClientWidth = 12180
LinkTopic = "Form1"
MaxButton = 0 'False
ScaleHeight = 7215
ScaleWidth = 12180
StartUpPosition = 3 'Windows Default
Begin VB.TextBox Text1
Height = 1095
Left = 600
MultiLine = -1 'True
TabIndex = 4
Top = 720
Width = 5535
Begin MSComctlLib.ListView ListView1
Height = 5055
Left = 120
TabIndex = 3
Top = 240
Width = 11655
_ExtentX = 20558
_ExtentY = 8916
LabelWrap = -1 'True
HideSelection = -1 'True
_Version = 393217
ForeColor = -2147483640
BackColor = -2147483643
BorderStyle = 1
Appearance = 1
NumItems = 0
Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog CommonDialog1
Left = 3480
Top = 5520
_ExtentX = 847
_ExtentY = 847
_Version = 393216
Begin VB.CommandButton Command2
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "All"
Height = 615
Left = 8040
Style = 1 'Graphical
TabIndex = 1
Top = 5640
Width = 1935
Begin VB.CommandButton Command1
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "get menus from file(*.frm)"
Height = 735
Left = 5040
Style = 1 'Graphical
TabIndex = 0
Top = 5640
Width = 2175
Begin VB.Label Label1
AutoSize = -1 'True
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "MADE BY ANJIAN"
BeginProperty Font
Name = "Tahoma"
Size = 14.25
Charset = 134
Weight = 700
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00E0E0E0&
Height = 285
Left = 120
TabIndex = 2
Top = 5700
Width = 2310
Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Const sFolder = "D:\projectVB6\Test"
Dim str As String
Dim strAll As String Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo 1
Dim sCaption As String
sCaption = ""
str = ""
Dim i As Integer
Dim pos As Integer
Dim count As Integer
Dim spacelen As Integer
Dim freenum As Integer
freenum = FileSystem.FreeFile
With CommonDialog1
.Filter = "*.frm|*.frm"
.FileName = ""
If Trim(.FileName) = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
Open .FileName For Input As freenum
Do While Not EOF(freenum)
i = i + 1
Line Input #freenum, str
pos = InStr(1, str, "Begin VB.Menu", vbTextCompare) '?????
If pos > 0 Then
count = count + 1
spacelen = ((pos - 1) \ 3 - 1) * 4
ListView1.ListItems.Add , "name" & count, Space(spacelen) & Trim(Right(str, Len(str) - pos - 12))
ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems.Add , "caption" & count, ""
ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems.Add , "index" & count, ""
ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems.Add , "Checked" & count, "False"
ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems.Add , "Enabled" & count, "True"
ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems.Add , "Visible" & count, "True"
End If pos = InStr(1, str, "Caption", vbTextCompare) '????
If pos > 0 Then
If count > 0 Then
ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems("caption" & count).Text = Space(spacelen) & Replace(Trim(Right(str, Len(str) - pos - 16)), """", "")
sCaption = ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems("caption" & count).Text
sCaption = Replace(sCaption, "&", "")
If Trim(sCaption) <> "-" Then
Text1.Text = Text1 & sCaption & vbCrLf
End If End If
End If
GoTo lbEnd pos = InStr(1, str, "Index", vbTextCompare) '??
If pos > 0 Then
If count > 0 Then
ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems("index" & count).Text = Space(spacelen) & Trim(Right(str, Len(str) - pos - 16))
End If
End If
pos = InStr(1, str, "Checked", vbTextCompare) '??
If pos > 0 Then
If count > 0 Then
ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems("Checked" & count).Text = Replace(Trim(Right(str, Len(str) - pos - 21)), "'", "")
End If
End If
pos = InStr(1, str, "Enabled", vbTextCompare) '??
If pos > 0 Then
If count > 0 Then
ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems("Enabled" & count).Text = Replace(Trim(Right(str, Len(str) - pos - 21)), "'", "")
End If
End If pos = InStr(1, str, "Visible", vbTextCompare) '??
If pos > 0 Then
If count > 0 Then
ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems("Visible" & count).Text = Replace(Trim(Right(str, Len(str) - pos - 21)), "'", "")
'fliter visible false
If Trim(Replace(Trim(Right(str, Len(str) - pos - 21)), "'", "")) = "False" Then
'ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems("caption" & count).Text = ""
End If
End If
End If lbEnd: If InStr(1, str, "Attribute VB_Name", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
Close freenum
End With Exit Sub
1: End Sub Private Sub getMenu(ByVal sFileName As String)
On Error GoTo 1
Dim sCaption As String
Dim sCap As String
sCap = ""
sCaption = ""
str = ""
' strAll = strAll & sFileName & vbCrLf
Dim i As Integer
Dim pos As Integer
Dim count As Integer
Dim spacelen As Integer
Dim freenum As Integer
freenum = FileSystem.FreeFile
Open sFileName For Input As freenum
Do While Not EOF(freenum)
i = i + 1
Line Input #freenum, str
pos = InStr(1, str, "Begin VB.Menu", vbTextCompare) '?????
If pos > 0 Then
count = count + 1
spacelen = ((pos - 1) \ 3 - 1) * 4
ListView1.ListItems.Add , "name" & count, Space(spacelen) & Trim(Right(str, Len(str) - pos - 12))
ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems.Add , "caption" & count, ""
ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems.Add , "index" & count, ""
ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems.Add , "Checked" & count, "False"
ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems.Add , "Enabled" & count, "True"
ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems.Add , "Visible" & count, "True"
End If pos = InStr(1, str, "Caption", vbTextCompare) '????
If pos > 0 Then
If count > 0 Then
' ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems("caption" & count).Text = Space(spacelen) & Replace(Trim(Right(str, Len(str) - pos - 16)), """", "")
sCap = Space(spacelen) & Replace(Trim(Right(str, Len(str) - pos - 16)), """", "")
sCap = Replace(sCap, "&", "")
If Trim(sCap) <> "-" Then
'Text1.Text = Text1 & sCaption & vbCrLf
sCaption = sCaption & sCap & vbCrLf
End If End If
End If
GoTo lbEnd pos = InStr(1, str, "Index", vbTextCompare) '??
If pos > 0 Then
If count > 0 Then
ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems("index" & count).Text = Space(spacelen) & Trim(Right(str, Len(str) - pos - 16))
End If
End If
pos = InStr(1, str, "Checked", vbTextCompare) '??
If pos > 0 Then
If count > 0 Then
ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems("Checked" & count).Text = Replace(Trim(Right(str, Len(str) - pos - 21)), "'", "")
End If
End If
pos = InStr(1, str, "Enabled", vbTextCompare) '??
If pos > 0 Then
If count > 0 Then
ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems("Enabled" & count).Text = Replace(Trim(Right(str, Len(str) - pos - 21)), "'", "")
End If
End If pos = InStr(1, str, "Visible", vbTextCompare) '??
If pos > 0 Then
If count > 0 Then
ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems("Visible" & count).Text = Replace(Trim(Right(str, Len(str) - pos - 21)), "'", "")
'fliter visible false
If Trim(Replace(Trim(Right(str, Len(str) - pos - 21)), "'", "")) = "False" Then
'ListView1.ListItems.Item(count).ListSubItems("caption" & count).Text = ""
End If
End If
End If lbEnd: If InStr(1, str, "Attribute VB_Name", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
Close freenum ' strAll = "****************************************************************" & vbCrLf & Replace(sFileName, "D:\Git working\Hytek\SWMM7\", "") & vbCrLf & strAll If Trim(sCaption) <> "" Then
sCaption = "****************************************************************" & vbCrLf & Replace(sFileName, sFolder & "\", "") & vbCrLf & sCaption
End If
strAll = strAll & sCaption & vbCrLf Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim cnt As Integer, i As Integer
Dim fso As Object
Dim folder As Object
Dim subfolder As Object
Dim file As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") Set folder = fso.getfolder(sFolder) ' get all files in folder For Each file In folder.Files
If (Right(file, 4) = ".frm") Then
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
Next For Each file In folder.Files If (Right(file, 4) = ".frm") Then
'MsgBox file
getMenu (file)
i = i + 1
Caption = file & " done." & i & "/" & cnt
End If
Set file = fso.CreateTextFile("c:\MMMenu-All.txt", True)
file.Write strAll
Set fso = Nothing
Set folder = Nothing Text1.Text = strAll End Sub Private Sub Form_Load()
With ListView1
.View = lvwReport
.ColumnHeaders.Add , "name", "name"
.ColumnHeaders.Add , "caption", "caption"
.ColumnHeaders.Add , "index", "index"
.ColumnHeaders.Add , "Checked", "Checked"
.ColumnHeaders.Add , "Enabled", "Enabled"
.ColumnHeaders.Add , "Visible", "Visible"
End With
SaveSetting "VBMenus", "path", "filename", App.Path & "\" & App.EXEName
End Sub
Private Sub toword(ByVal rowcount As Integer, ByVal fieldscount As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
If rowcount > 0 Then
Dim wdapp As Word.Application
Dim wddoc As Word.Document
Dim atable As Word.Table
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Set wdapp = New Word.Application
Set wddoc = wdapp.Documents.Add
With wdapp
.Visible = True
Set atable = .ActiveDocument.Tables.Add(.Selection.Range, rowcount + 1, fieldscount)
For i = 1 To fieldscount
atable.Cell(1, i).Range.InsertAfter ListView1.ColumnHeaders(i)
Next i For i = 1 To rowcount
atable.Cell(i + 1, 1).Range.InsertAfter ListView1.ListItems(i).Text
atable.Cell(i + 1, 2).Range.InsertAfter ListView1.ListItems(i).ListSubItems(1).Text
atable.Cell(i + 1, 3).Range.InsertAfter ListView1.ListItems(i).ListSubItems(2).Text
atable.Cell(i + 1, 4).Range.InsertAfter ListView1.ListItems(i).ListSubItems(3).Text
atable.Cell(i + 1, 5).Range.InsertAfter ListView1.ListItems(i).ListSubItems(4).Text
atable.Cell(i + 1, 6).Range.InsertAfter ListView1.ListItems(i).ListSubItems(5).Text
Next i
End With
Set atable = Nothing
Set wdapp = Nothing
Set wddoc = Nothing
MsgBox "err", vbCritical
End If
End Sub



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  4. Android下利用SQLite数据库实现增删改查
  5. Enum(枚举)示例
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  8. opencv基础到进阶(1)
  9. C#大量数据导出到Excel(转)
  10. mongodb 在windows下面进行分片
  11. Android开发技巧——大图裁剪
  12. springBoot整合mybatis、jsp 或 HTML
  13. UWP Button添加圆角阴影(一)
  14. AngularJS报错:[$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: $templateRequestProvider
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  17. 【数组】Set Matrix Zeroes
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