参考:Linux w Command Tutorial for Beginners (5 Examples)

Linux who Command Tutorial for Beginners (8 Examples)

Difference between who and whoami commands


Show who is logged on and what they are doing.


w user_name 显示具体某人的信息

-h:Don't print the header.

-s(小写):Use the short format.  Don't print the login time, JCPU or PCPU times.

-f:Toggle printing the from (remote hostname) field


show who is logged on

-b:time of last system boot

-d:print dead processes

-p(小写):print active processes spawned by init

-q:all login names and number of users logged on

-r:print current runlevel

参数 说明
-a 打印能打印的全部
-d 打印死掉的进程
-m am i,mom likes
-q 打印当前登录用户数及用户名
-u 打印当前登录用户登录信息
-r 打印运行等级





who am i


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